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Assignment # 6

Zelene Harding

St. Thomas University

NUR 416 AP 5

Kathleen Price

February 17

The decision to change procedure or practice

According to healthcare code of conduct, a case manager is responsible to advocate for patient’s benefit (Armold, 2019). Even though the process is not easy, they strive to make probable decisions meant to secure patients satisfaction and safety for their clients. In my occupation within the health sector working as a health plan managerial role there are instance where one chooses the best option while forgoing healthcare protocol. For instance, while working I disregard a health insurance organization in respect elderly patient’s chronic condition. In this scenario, the presented patient was suffering from a preexisting condition that forced him to wait for three years in order to have a coverage ready. However, in regard to the patients condition a decision was made that countered the coverage guideline to be done within the first year.


The idea to adjust the policy and favor the patient condition was not easy since changing the set protocol need to be followed. As well, the steps to arrive at the decision revealed to be an evidence based. The steps involved making an identification for the applicable decision that was worth addressing chronically patient’s condition in the near future. Notably, relevant information was collected in order to accommodate the preexisting condition for the patient. Then, putting in place relevant options that could mitigate the health concern was identified. As well, this entailed holistic measures that could cater for the chronically patient condition. This was followed by a review for al presented options that could be best for the presented client. Finally, an alternative is chosen aimed at addressing geriatric patients with such conditions.


considered According to research, there is an increased number of chronically ill patients in the United States (Zang et al., 2020). However, this statistic is arriving after considering Center for Disease Control and Prevention as well as application healthcare centers data. It is clear that majority of chronically ill patients needs a serious attention within a short period of time. This evidence supports the idea to disregard the time the chronic patient would return for treatment but cutting the timeframe. More so, it was revealed that the patient will get satisfied from the services acquired from healthcare providers since they will have a minimal medical cost for the services rendered.


The presented medical change was effective to such patient with similar conditions. In this case, the patient received treatment timely and stopped experiencing pain. On the other hand, such a patient with similar issues will be timely handled