The purpose of this assignment is to observe and reflect on psychosocial nursing communication with a focus on end-of-life care as well as interprofessional communication and collaboration. 

Review the WIT movie reflection instructions and rubric prior to watching the movie and use the rubric as an outline to help with the assignment.

224  |  Nursing Open. 2018;5:224–


Countless number of encounters occur in healthcare organizations
every day. Encounter is a concept related to the words meeting, ap-
pointment or relationship but diverges as the encounter regularly
means more a personal contact between a few people that takes
place planned or unplanned, that come across and get in touch
with each other (Westin, 2008). Some healthcare encounters are
short and temporary while others are long- lasting and recurring.
Short and temporary healthcare encounters between patients and
caregivers require more things to be taken care of in a short pe-
riod of time (Holopainen, Nyström, & Kasén, 2014). Lack of time in
healthcare encounters can therefore be an obstacle to the develop-
ment of a caring relationship, as they require a high level of quality

communication between the patients and the professionals (Nåden
& Eriksson, 2002).

To ensure a good healthcare encounter, there must be sufficient
time for communication, enough resources and opportunities for
patients and professionals to create a meaningful relationship, re-
gardless of the duration of the encounter (Nygren Zotterman, Skär,
Olsson, & Söderberg, 2015). From the patient’s perspective, a mean-
ingful relationship is often described as individualized attention fo-
cusing on his or her needs (Attree, 2001) that allows him or her to be
involved in the decision- making process (Covington, 2005). A good
and meaningful relationship, from the patient’s perspective, is char-
acterized by gratitude and trust (Gustafsson, Gustafsson, & Snellman,
2013). This is in line with a person- centred perspective, which im-
plies working towards an integration of “being with,” the relational

Received: 23 October 2017  |  Accepted: 25 January 2018

DOI: 10.1002/nop2.132


Patients’ complaints regarding healthcare encounters and

Lisa Skär1  | Siv Söderberg2

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2018 The Authors. Nursing Open published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

1Department of Health, Blekinge Institute of
Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden
2Department of Nursing Sciences, Mid
Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden

Lisa Skär, Department of Health, Blekinge
Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden.
Email: [email protected]

Aim: To explore patient- reported complaints regarding communication and health-
care encounters and how these were responded to by healthcare

N402 “WIT” Assignment Instructions and Rubric

To further explore the concepts of death and dying and the intricate psychosocial relationship between the individual and the nurse you will watch the movie “Wit”.

After the movie you will write a reflection to summarize your reactions and relate these to psychosocial communication and attitudes of death and dying from your readings and share your personal viewpoint on the topic.

Please use the questions below as the headings for your reflection. This is informal so the use of “I statements” is acceptable.

Please include a title page and a reference page.

This should be no more than 2-3 pages (excludes title page and reference page).

General Description of the Movie: 1-2 paragraphs

a. the main characters, major theme of the movie, and setting

Role of Nurse/Communication: 3-4 paragraphs

a. What role or roles did the nurse play (at least 4 roles should be described)?

b. Are the roles consistent with being a professional nurse?

c. Was the communication by the nurse professional when dealing with the client; use supportive examples from the movie to illustrate this. Describe a min of 3 styles of therapeutic communication, describe interprofessional collaboration and communication styles (min 2).

d. Support the roles/communication you describe with the literature (at least 2 different sources from scholarly journals may include 1 citation from readings).

Reaction to the Movie: 2-3 paragraphs

a. Was the movie difficult to watch?

b. What emotions did the main character evoke or other characters in the film; such as, her father and others?

c. How did the character change over the course of the movie? Was it realistic?

Impact on Future Practice: 1 paragraph

a. How would the roles that you described impact your future practice?

Summary: 1-2 paragraphs

a. End with the main points that were covered and summarize any addition thoughts/reflections on death /dying/ and the nurse/client relationship.

References: APA format, this goes on a separate page followed by the references in alphabetical order. You should include a citation for the movie in APA.






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General Description


WIT Film Assessment

Student Name

Minnesota State University, Mankato

NURS 402 Psychosocial/Inter-professional Communication for RN’s

Dr. Ellen Vorbeck DNP, ANP-BC, APRN


WIT Film Assessment

The film WIT staring Emma Thompson follows a professor of English literature on her journey through terminal cancer. The main character Dr. Vivian Bearing enrolls in an experimental chemo therapy treatment which requires several inpatient hospitalizations during treatment. Her doctor and his students monitor her care during the treatments. One of the students actually knew Dr. Bearing as he took her class in college. In life Dr. Bearing had few close relationships so the hospital staff become her main support. The nurse who cares for her primarily is named Susie. The film follows the emotional journey of going through these rigorous treatments up to Dr. Bearings eventual death. (Nichols, 2001)

Role of the Nurse

Dr. Bearing and Susie form a bond during all the treatments. Susie plays many roles in Dr. Bearings life while she is hospitalized. The first very obvious role is as a nurse. Susie remains professional while educating Dr. Bearing about procedures, medications and tests. Susie assesses Dr. Bearing routinely for signs of improvement or decline both verbally and nonverbally. Verbally Susie would ask Dr. Bearing about symptoms. Non verbally she would assess how Dr. bearing looked and if she seemed to have discomfort. (Wanko, 2020) This was very apparent when Dr. Bearing arrived in the emergency department with neutropenia. Susie had to quickly assess her to be able to start treatments as fast as possible. (Nichols, 2001)

Nurse Susie became a confidante throughout the treatments. As Dr. Bearing and Susie interacted the relationship became deeper than nurse and patient. When Dr. Bearing was awake one night she was emotional and occluded her IV to get attention from Susie. Dr. Bearing spoke to Susie about the emotions she was having. As Dr. Bearing became more emotional Susie listened and supported her. Reassuring Dr. Bearing that it was alright to feel these things while remaining attentive to her needs such as getting a tissue and a popsicle for her. (Nichols, 2001)

Dr. Bearing was a doctor of philosophy but had very little medical knowledge going into these treatments. Susie became an educator for Dr. Bearing. She assisted Dr. Bearing in understanding many things but most important was a conversation about code status. Susie found an appropriate time to discuss this difficult topic. Then she stated the patient’s current condition as a reason to have the discussion. Susie explained what both full code and DNR options include. She then allowed the patient