need help to build a project schedule 

HQS-620 Project Management Methodologies Template

Directions: Research information about the project management methodologies listed below to complete the table. In addition, conduct your own research on other project management methodologies and include this in the table below. The assignment requires a minimum of two or three scholarly resources. A resource may be used more than once in the last column of the template.

Project Management Methodology




Example of when this methodology would be appropriate

Scholarly Resource

Lean/Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma is a managerial approach that combines the concepts of Lean and Six Sigma. In the conventional sense, Lean seeks to eliminate the eight types of waste, whereas Six Sigma helps to enhance the output process efficiency by detecting and correcting the sources of defects (errors) and reducing variability in organizational processes (Antony et al., 2018). Using the Lean Six Sigma methodology, the five stages strive to find the underlying cause of inefficiencies and may be used in any process that has a substantial quantity of data or quantifiable qualities accessible. Health-care organizations rely heavily on Lean Six Sigma approaches because they have the ability to decrease faults that might lead to medical mistakes.

For starters, applying Six Sigma extends a continual process improvement technique to all levels of the organization. I individual operations will keep improving over time once the system has been integrated into the company’s culture. This is due to the fact that the system closely monitors the processes, finding and addressing problems as they arise. Embracing a culture of recognizing and eliminating potential flaws before they arise, rather than trying to correct them after they have occurred, helps companies save money and time that would otherwise be spent on fixing the problem.

Six Sigma, by nature of being a quality improvement method rather than a cost reduction strategy, may not always result in cost reductions, which is a surprising finding. In rare instances, it might even result in an increase in production costs. This is due to the fact that the cost reductions realized as a result of eliminating returned items, costly reworks, and faulty products are only a consequence of the process improvement. With time, incremental quality improvement may result in additional overhead and capital expenditures being incurred, wiping out any savings that were initially realized.

Six Sigma, by nature of being a quality improvement method rather tha


Role of a Project Manager

Role of Project Manager



Role of a Project Management

Problem Outlined in the Case Study

A big, acute-care, educational hospital with over six hundred beds, one thousand doctors, and two thousand caregivers, therapists, technicians and support employees serving over 300,000 individuals from the neighboring urban region, the U.S at large and the globe is not addressing patients’ requirements effectively. The specialty practice appears to have problems with client services, emotional support and accessibility. The clients expressed their concerns, including inaccessibility to specialized treatments due to an inability to acquire admittance to the service. Attendance at scheduled appointments by clinicians and patients was also observed to be poor due to the specialists’ heavy workloads. Emotional assistance was also difficult to come by. Some nurses considered that providing emotional support was an infringement and an inconvenience to patients. Other nursing staff appeared to have a feeling of entitlement and limitless job security so they did not seem to bother how they served the patients. Furthermore, interpersonal interactions among staff members were dysfunctional. As a result, the facility launched a quality improvement effort to address the highlighted issues. The purpose of this paper is to outline the project’s goals as well as the project manager’s responsibilities in the change management process.

Projects Goal

Quality improvement interventions were implemented in order to increase the number of patients who had access to services. The project’s goal was to lower the number of dropped calls and low inaccessibility. As a result, the organization also sought to improve customer service, access to care and emotional support by nursing staff. Other aspects, such as improved interpersonal interactions and employee engagement, were necessary to achieve these goals.


Project managers play a critical role in the design and execution of quality improvement interventions. They collaborate with other partners to ascertain a company’s objectives and build a strategy aimed at achieving certain goals (Wen & Qiang, 2019). This requires open communication with the staff. Planning facilitates the establishment of the project’s scope, as well as the estimation of the project’s cost, timeframe, and risks. During the planning stage, the project manager determines and details the project’s goals, as well as the work required to meet specific project objectives.


Project managers employ a variety of project management methodologies to assemble the teams required to complete a project. This requires correctly recognizing and inv

Assessment Description Part 2

Steps Involved in Initiating and Designing a Project

Developing the charter made it possible to understand how nursing improvement is critical in the current environment during the process of creating the charter. Formulating a project for a health care setting requires that certain critical steps need to be followed. The initiation phase requires the nurse manager to identify the “what is “where the Gaps are missing. Using a workflow diagram can help identify the Gap in the project . This part also include the future state of the project which is where the proposed change will occur in the workflow diagram. Objectives and goals are also included in the stage. Risk, benefits and cost are also put into consideration in this stage. Similar to the nursing process, the second stage is the planning stage which is the stage of discussing about strategies, budgeting , data collection, setting up deadline, as well as assigning responsibilities to all those involved. This is summarize in the project Charter which defines how the project can process, assigning responsibilities. “It begins the process of defining the roles and responsibilities of those participants and outlines the objectives and goals of the project. The charter also identifies the main stakeholders and defines the authority of the project manager” The scope document is a formal documents that follows which set boundaries on what can and cannot be done . It also assigns responsibility of who does what. The fourth step is the execution stage where the manager shows leadership skills. The manager at this stage makes sure that everything is done on a timely manner as defined. The monitoring stage follows where there is evaluation to see which part of the project is working and which part needs improvement. Proper documentation is necessary to provide a summary of the deliveries , outcome and necessary need for change if current plan is not working . In the case study, there was an initial research process to determine how the nurse’s background knowledge was suitable for the topic. After gaining a proper understanding, a follow-up process involved determining project components to understand the connection to the entire project component. This technique validates adequate planning by the nurse. It was then possible to integrate new nursing ideas in the areas of care improvement, technology, and proper financial management since all these results are in correlation with existent healthcare needs. The design process integrated careful time allocation depending on the scheduled task

Use this website

The purpose of this assignment is to create a Gantt chart to outline the tasks and schedule for the case study you selected in the Class Resources. Recall that you created a project charter as the Topic 3 assignment. Review the feedback you received from your instructor for that assignment.

Part 1: Use the feedback from the Topic 3 assignment to create a Gantt chart showing the tasks and the time in which tasks should be completed for the project.To complete this assignment, access the Simple Gantt Chart located on the Microsoft Office website at:

Part 2: Create a 250-500-word summary addressing the following:

Part 2: Create a 250-500-word summary addressing the following:

What is the value of a work breakdown structure?

What is the importance of monitoring critical success factors?

Submit both the Gantt chart and the summary to the dropbox.

Prepare the Part 2 summary according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


A Gantt Chart is present and thoroughly aligns with the tasks on the Project Charter

Gantt Chart Alignment of Deadlines

Deadlines on the Gantt Chart are present and thoroughly align to the deadlines on the Project Charter.

Deadlines on the Gantt Chart are present and thoroughly align to the deadlines on the Project Charter.

The submission is presented effectively and all of the required elements creatively contribute to the presentation of the concepts.



Project Charter on Nurse Manager Assessment

Student’s Name

Institution Affiliation

Course Name

Professor’s Name


Project Charter on Nurse Manager Assessment

Part 1

Project Title: Nurse Manager Competency Improvement

Project Start Date: June 2022 Projected Finish Date: September 2022

Project Manager: (include name and e-mail)



Ruth has had suitable training for a master’s in nursing, which is valid in improving her adherence to the current healthcare environment. In terms of full competency in nursing operations, she must receive more skills training to learn to be a highly competent nurse manager whose expertise progresses beyond her other colleagues.

Project Objective(s):

To engage in training in areas where physical clinical sites are limited

To develop a technological system for the healthcare department

To increase understanding of real-life healthcare improvement needs

Applicable Industry Standards:

Using current technology in nursing has both positive and negative outcomes that all operate to serve the healthcare industry. Taking part in educational sessions where Ruth is not allowed to administer medication, at hospitals where medical records are confidential, and when dealing with a shortage of healthcare trainers for patients (Koukourikos et al., 2021). Nursing management shall get attained using the good opportunities to allow nursing Ruth to generate better learning and health improvement for patients. They can get theoretical concepts and then find it easier to get integrated into the professional environment. Improving registered nursing operations is possible using project management which serves the entire health management procedure. Project management can enhance decision-making by integrating sessions which produce real-life experiences for patients then nurses can get involved in managing patient requirements (Guerrero et al., 2021). As a registered nurse with a master of nursing, Ruth shall gain better experience since project management shall assist them in closing the gap between theoretical

coursework and skills. Integration of a real-life healthcare environment shall push nurses to perform in a better capacity even as they learn about concepts required in project management.