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IHP 501 Module Six Project Preparation Worksheet 

Complete this worksheet by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. 


Conventional Intervention 

CIH Intervention 


[Insert text.] 

[Insert text.] 



[Insert text.] 

[Insert text.] 



[Insert text.] 

[Insert text.] 

Implementation: Personnel Required

[Insert text.]

[Insert text.]

Implementation: Supplies and Other Technical Requirements 

[Insert text.]

[Insert text.]

Implementation: Cost

[Insert text.] 

[Insert text.] 



[Cite sources according to APA style.]    



Amazing job! Now that you have completed the analysis of other health challenges for your chosen location, you need to propose an intervention that will improve the health of the population chosen for your humanitarian trip. Effective interventions in global health should be culturally appropriate and may often be complementary and integrative.

Recall from the project scenario that the SNHU Humanitarian Aid Foundation has offered your team a grant of $100,000 for this trip. Ultimately, you will present your findings and recommendations in a poster presentation designed to persuade your sponsor to award you the funding for your proposed trip. In this assignment, you will investigate scholarly literature to offer an intervention. Your intervention should align with the cultural expectations of the population. Consider the following questions: What are the complementary and integrative health approaches that may support the intervention? What can be an alternative intervention approach for your given location?


Building on the prior project preparation assignments, propose an intervention to improve the health of the target population. Then, complete the provided worksheet to present your description of the intervention. For the following elements, search the scholarly literature to identify your responses.

Note that you should cite at least three scholarly sources from your investigation. The evidence should not be older than five years. To access the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate, go to the Start Here section of the course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Conventional (modern, Western medicine-based) Intervention: Complete the provided worksheet to propose a conventional intervention for the chosen population.

Vision: Articulate the vision for the conventional intervention. Supply evidence from credible sources to illustrate your claims.

Description: Describe the conventional intervention you are proposing.

Purpose: Assess the objective to be gained as a result of the intervention.

Rationale: Explain the reason that this intervention is the best choice for the challenge.

Implementation: Discuss how the conventional intervention would be implemented for your chosen population.

Personnel Required: Describe the roles and responsibilities required to effectively and efficiently implement this intervention. Which members of the interdisciplinary team are needed to perform this intervention to match current best practices effectively?

Supplies and Other Technical Requirements: What tangible supplies, information technology, and technical equipment will be necessary to safely and effectively implement this intervention based on current best practices?

Cost: Outline the general estimated costs for the implementation of this intervention. Include the cost

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IHP 501 Module Four Project Preparation Worksheet

Precious Teasley

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity


Professor Esther Johnstone

December 2,2022

Complete this worksheet by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. The purpose of this worksheet is to structure your submission to cover each of the relevant topics where the substance of your response is the focus instead of academic formatting. Feel free to outline or use bullets in your responses as needed.


About 16 distinct ethnic groups and their languages coexist in Sierra Leone. In Sierra Leone, it’s common for people to identify with a particular ethnicity and religion. People of a specific ethnicity are those who consider themselves to be part of a particular cultural group. One’s ethnic identity is formed via shared experiences with those who share one’s linguistic and cultural backgrounds and common ancestry. “ethnicity” means a collection of people with a common cultural background. One’s sense of ethnic identity is founded on shared linguistic and cultural backgrounds, histories, and customs. The Temne are the largest single ethnic group in Sierra Leone, making up approximately 35.5 percent of the population (Gohdes, 2010).Most Temne live in and around Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, and the Northern Province. The fundamental dwelling unit is the family, whether led by a man or a woman. Families (husband, wife(s), and children) form the backbone of most houses. For example, some families consist of many people (a father and son or two siblings) who are married to one other, while others have other, more distant relatives or even strangers living with them. The head of the household mediates arguments, conducts moot courts to settle family conflicts, and acts as the family’s representative in village matters.


Despite these persistent challenges, many people and organizations have worked to lessen poverty in Sierra Leone. In 2010, Sierra Leone initiated a free healthcare program called the Free Healthcare Initiative (FHCI). This program ensures that expectant mothers, new moms, and early infants have access to essential medical care to lower infant mortality rates. Sierra Leone is falling behind other countries in understanding citizens’ rights and duties because of a lack of financing for educational initiatives. This adds to the already existing disparity between the sexes and further pushes women to the margins of society. The difficulty of entering the labor force and the societal conception of women as servants to

Module one Project Preparation Worksheet

Precious Teasley

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity


Professor Esther Johnstone

November 8,2022


The Ebola outbreak in West Africa from 2013 to 2015 was the worst ever seen; it mostly hit the three neighboring nations of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. In terms of cases reported, Sierra Leone was the nation most severely impacted. The current study examines the outbreak in Sierra Leone. The epidemic was deemed a “public health emergency of worldwide concern” by the WHO in August 2014. Ebola spread quickly as a result of early warning systems, and the nation’s health system was unable to handle the enormous number of Cases (Richards, et al. 2020). In total, 14,124 Ebola cases including 3,955 fatalities had been reported to the WHO by March 2016; this was surpassing any other nation.


Even more expensive than it is for adults, the WHO corresponds with the description of the potential Ebola virus in youngsters. For admission, children under the age of five simply need to exhibit one qualifying symptom. In late November 2014, 13/39 (or 33%) of the children admitted to the main hospital for children came back positive for the Ebola virus disease. As ebola virus infection incidence declined, this proportion rose (Fitzgerald, et al. 2016). This means that children could potentially be exposed to the nosocomial ebola virus sickness, and the effect on mortality for frequent diseases like malaria or sepsis is still unknown.

Geographic Region:

Size: the nation’s 71,740 km2 total area is made up of 120 km2 of water and 71,620 km2 of land.

Location: Guinea borders Sierra Leone to the north and east, Liberia to the south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.

Climate: The area has a tropical climate, with hot, muggy weather at the shore and more temperate weather inland. The mean annual temperature is 26.7°C, and there are 2,746 mm of rain on average per year.

Socioeconomic Profile:

Capital City: Freetown

Major Districts or Territories: there are Four provinces as well as a western area, which includes the capital Freetown, which makes up Sierra Leone. That is; Western Area, Eastern Province, Northern Province, North Western Province, and Southern Province. There are sixteen administrative districts in Sierra Leone.

Income Standard: Low-income economies with the least develo

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IHP 501 Module Five Project Preparation Worksheet

Precious Teasley

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity


Professor Esther Johnstone

December 6,2022

Complete this worksheet by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. 

Analysis Table 

Other Health Challenge #1: Maternal Health

Other Health Challenge #2: Ebola Virus Disease

Other Health Challenge #3: Nutrition


The maternal mortality rate in Sierra Leone is one of the highest in the world at 1,360 per 100,000 live births. (Trani et al.,2011).


In 2014 and 2015, the rate of new cases of Ebola Virus Disease in the Western Area of Sierra Leone, including Calaba Town, was between 17.32 and 36.10 for every 10,000 persons. More than half of the recorded cases and fatalities occurred in the WA Region, which encompasses two of the country’s 14 districts (Richards et al., 2015).

Nearly half a million children under the age of five are stunted, and another 30,000 are malnourished and in danger of dying soon because of poor food and the prevalence of preventable childhood diseases. (Keeley, Little and Zuehlke, 2019).


With 1,360 maternal deaths for every 100,000 births, Sierra Leone has the highest maternal mortality rate in the world. (Trani et al.,2011).

Five new cases of Ebola were reported per hour on October 2, 2014, in Sierra Leone. A doubling of the diseased population was assumed to have occurred every 20 days.

(Richards et al.,2015.

The regional average for obesity is 20.7 per cent for women and 9.2 percent for men. However, the rates in Sierra Leone are lower. However, 7.6 percent of adult women and 8.3 percent of adult males are predicted to have diabetes.

(Maust et al.,2015). .


Premature death, defined as dying before 70, affects around 63 percent of Sierra Leoneans (Trani et al.,2011).

From its first detection in February 2014 in Guinea, the Ebola virus illness rapidly expanded to Sierra Leone, with the first case reported on May 25 2014. By October 17, 2014, the epidemic had spread to all districts, infecting a total of 3,097 individuals, including at least 124 healthcare personnel (HCW)

More than half, that is 57 percent , of all dea