1. Conduct a review of literature to find supporting evidence for the effectiveness of an education intervention aimed at the topic of concern. Find evidence of at least FOUR education strategies or trainings that were published in the past 5 years that addressed the topic of concern in a similar population to the individual interviewed in step 2 (ie. by sex, culture, health condition). Use at least three scholarly sources (that is, peer-reviewed journal articles or websites written by a group that has expertise and strong credentials in the field of interest).
  2. Develop an evidence table for the review using the Health Education Needs
  3. Identify and describe a teaching strategy (including a brief description of the curriculum) that you will use in your practicum assignment. The strategy should be based on the information discovered in the evidence table
  4. Upload your evidence table into the assignment drop box by Sunday at 11:59 pm MST week 6

RN to BSN Program – 180 Credits

RN-BSN Syllabus – Reviewed and Revised March 2021 23

Grading Rubric for Week 6 Practicum Assignment: 50 points


(0-2 Points)

Needs Significant
(3-5 Points)

Needs Some
(6-9 Points)

(10 Points)

Develop an Evidence

Does not develop an
evidence table OR multiple
points of analysis are

Evidence table data
scarcely covers required

Evidence table data
somewhat covers required

Evidence table data
comprehensively covers required

Connection to topic
of concern

Evidence table is not
connected to topic of concern
identified in the assignment.

Evidence table is limitedly
connected to topic of
concern identified in the

Evidence table is somewhat
connected to topic of concern
identified in the assignment.

Evidence table is clearly connected
to topic of concern identified in the

Quality of evidence Does not provide any
sources that meet the

definition of scholarly.

Two scholarly sources
are provided

At least three scholarly
sources are used but one
or more of the sources

was printed more than 5
years ago.

At least three scholarly
sources are used that are under
5 years old.

Identify and describe a
teaching strategy

Does not identify a
teaching strategy.

Identifies a teaching
strategy but provides
limited description of

the strategy

Identifies and somewhat
describes a teaching


Identifies and clearly describes
a teaching strategy.

Mechanics and

APA formatting

Numerous errors in usage,
capitalization, punctuation
and spelling that interfere


Numerous errors in APA
format, in-text citation(s),
and/or reference page.

Some errors in usage,

punctuation and
spelling that interfere


Some errors in APA
format, in-text citation(s),
and/or reference page.

Minor errors in usage,

punctuation, and spelling
that do not interfere with

Minor errors in APA format,
in-text citation(s), and/or
reference page.

No errors in usage,
capitalization, punctuation and


No errors in APA format, in-text
citation(s), or reference page.

NUR 335 Assignment 6.1

Health Education Need Evidence Table

Author/Year/Title/ Journal

Topic of Concern


Teaching Strategy/ Methods


Strengths/ Weaknesses of Strategy

Based on your research, what is your proposed education strategy? Please explain your reason(s) for selecting this strategy:



