Project planning will be an important aspect of your new role as a DNP-prepared nurse.  Review previous works and integrate everything to do a  Project Planning and Preparation. Use APA and follow instructions and recommendations.  Length 4-5 pages – excluding title page and references. 

Week 5: Assignment: Project Planning and Preparation


Project planning will be an important aspect of your new role as a DNP-prepared nurse. The purpose of this assignment is to further explore the project planning process as you prepare for your DNP project. This assignment is an extension of the Week 2 and Week 3 assignments and any previous work you have done on your selected practice problem or for your DNP project planning

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Formulate a needs-based organizational assessment to inform strategic leadership decision-making. (POs 3, 5, 7)

CO 3: Develop strategies to lead project planning, implementation, management, and evaluation to promote high-value healthcare. (POs 3, 5, 7).

Page Requirement:

Length 4-5 pages – excluding title page and references.


Review the Graduate Re-Purpose Policy in the Student Handbook, page 15

Repurposed Work: Graduate students have the opportunity to use previously submitted ideas as a foundation for future courses. No more than 50 percent of an assignment, excluding references, may be repurposed from another course (excluding practicum courses). Previous course assignments that are deemed building blocks will be notated in the syllabus by the course leader. As with every assignment, students must uphold academic integrity; therefore, students must follow the guidelines for remaining academically honest according to the Academic Integrity policy. If the instructor is not made aware of the repurposing of an assignment, the submission will be treated as plagiarized work if not properly referenced.

Use the following subheadings as Level 1 headers to organize your paper.


Start your introduction with a powerful statement or two to stimulate interest.

Present the purpose of your proposed project. Begin your formal purpose statement by stating, “The purpose of the proposed (DNP) project is to…”

Provide a preview of what the paper will include with a strong thesis sentence.


Describe the practice problem at the national level; support with data.

Describe the practice problem at the practicum site; support with data if available.

Identify and describe the sources of data from the practicum site. For example, Incident reports, readmission rates, infection rates, etc.

Planning—Evidence Synthesis

Present the updated evidence synthesis to identify the evidence-based practice (EBP) intervention to address the practice problem and need for change. (Use the synthesis from the week 2 assignment – be sure to accept track changes and update your Week 2 paper based on feedback provided by course faculty before adding to this paper).

Main points/salient themes that emerge from the sources (Cited)

Compare an

Comment by Karen Kidder: Ensure there are numbers in the top right-hand corner of every page in the paper.

Thank you for taking on this topic! There are some concepts missing in your paper. Please see my comments on the attached paper. It needs more specific regarding the seriousness of the problem. You need a clear synthesis of the literature, rather than address the individual articles. There are APA issues, primarily with spacing, but the format of the references needs to be corrected also. You are very wordy in much of the paper, and being concise would help to make your points more clear. Be sure to indent paragraphs. You have good ideas, and I am happy to work with you and review the comments I made. I would encourage you to use Grammarly also, and the assay submission service described in our course resources. Please let me know how I can help. Your topic is so important; it needs to be clearly described.

Education Interventions Preventing and Reducing STDs




March 2022

Education Interventions Preventing and Reducing STDs

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been a health practice problem representing a social determinant in the general population, especially young adults. The purpose of this paper is to review and synthesize evidence research literature that supports education as an evidence-based intervention for the prevention and reduction of sexually transmitted diseases. The report will examine the significance of the problem at the national level and outline support evidence and rationales for intervention. Comment by Karen Kidder: Comment by Karen Kidder: You must indent the first sentence of a paragraph. Comment by Karen Kidder: Can you explain this a bit more, please? Comment by Karen Kidder: This whole page should be only double-spaced. Remove the extra spaces between sections.

Significance of the Problem at National Level

The rate of Sexually Transmitted Diseases is a severe public health concern at the national level. The impact of the diseases cannot be ignored, and families and the government are spending a lot to take care of the infected and the affected (Cyr et al., 2020). The nation is losing its product quality because skilled and competent people get infected and can no longer work like they used to. Family members also leave work or become less productive because they spend a lot of time taking care of their loved ones. The health implications are significant, despite the government investing a lot of money in healthcare organizations to offer the best care to patients. Comment by Karen Kidder: Provide some information on the prevalence please, so we can appreciate how serious the problem is. This is very general information. Comm

Comment by Karen Kidder: Please have a page number in the upper right-hand corner of each page.

Thank you for this paper, and for trying to keep our young people safe. You explained your subject well, although the first paragraph needs more emphasis on the problem of STDs and why it is important. There are some APA issues with capitalization in the references. Article titles only have the first word of the title and any secondary titles, and proper nouns, capitalized. Journal names have all major words capitalized and in italics. Please see the attached paper with comments. This is interesting, and I look forward to reading more about it as we progress through the course. Respectfully,

Organizational Needs Assessment



NR711- Fiscal Analysis and Project Management

March 2022

Organizational Needs Assessment

A DNP-prepared nurse is not only a healthcare provider but also an advocate for better health in society. I am collaborating with an STDs clinic to create awareness in the community about STDs prevention and treatment. I met with the stakeholders and the decision-maker to identify and assess the facility’s needs. The main issue is that despite the efforts done by the staff in prevention, appointments coordination, patient education about the plan of care, and disease process, some patients continue having high-risk sexual behavior, with inconsistent use of a condom with sexual partners of unknown STDs status, missing appointments, compromising the patient outcomes. This paper identifies the practice problem, informs how I plan to address it, and places the stakeholders that will influence organizational change. Comment by Karen Kidder: Please use 3rd person in scholarly writing.

Identification of the Practice Problem or Need

The practice problem is Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and my focus is to enhance educative prevention programs that increase condom use and protection among vulnerable populations such as young adults with high-risk sexual behavior. Despite efforts to address the problem, the rate of new infections is still high in Miami, indicating a gap between evidence and practice (Newmann et al., 2021). I analyzed and determined the practice problem by reading multiple articles and journals about the prevalence of STDs in Miami, Florida. I also reviewed the STDs clinic’s internal data, which revealed a high prevalence of the issue. I interviewed vital stakeholders who confirmed the need to address this practice problem to maximum results.

Evidence in Literature Comment by Karen Kidder: Level 2 headings are not in italics.

Recent CDC reports show that the rate of new STDs infections continues high; 4 of the 25 cities that top the lis


Title in Upper and Lower Case (Bold)

Your Name

College of Nursing

Course Number: Course Name

Session Month and Year



Title in Upper and Lower Case (Centered, Bold, Matches Title Page)

Type your introduction here (and remove these instructions). Although the first paragraph after the paper title is the introduction, no heading labeled “Introduction” is used. The title takes the place of the first level 1 heading (that means that it is possible to have level 2 headings within it if required by the paper’s content). The best practice for a concise introduction is to (a) introduce the paper’s topic and establish its importance, (b) express a clear purpose statement for the paper (usually one that mirrors the assignment purpose), and (c) provide a mini-outline of the paper’s content in sentence format (often reflecting the Level 1 headings). See the American Psychological Association’s (APA, 2020) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) and Chamberlain University’s (2020) Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers in Canvas Course Resources for further guidance in standard English writing style and formatting a professional paper.

Level 1 Heading (Bold, Centered, and Title Case)

Refer to your assignment guidelines for the lever headings to be used for the body of the paper. Begin to type the body of your paper here. Use as many paragraphs as needed to cover the content appropriately. Often the content can be guided by the assignment’s grading rubric and the assignment guidelines. The best practice for constructing a paragraph is to build each one using the CARE Plan format. The four components of the
Plan paragraph are (a)
idea (only one main idea per paragraph), (b)
(evidence, scholarly reference citation, experience, etc.), (c)
(discussion, analysis, or explanation of the main idea and the evidence), and (d)
(connect to the main idea, the paper’s topic, or link to the next paragraph’s content). Note that the
component may not always be needed or used.

Level 2 Heading (Flush Left, Bold, Title Case Heading)

When required by the paper’s content or the assignment guidelines, use a level 2 heading to organize the ideas or material within the level 1 heading’s section. Each paragraph within the section should conform to the CARE Plan format.

Next Level 2 Heading (Flush Left, Bold, Title Case Heading)

If there is one level 2 heading, ther

Writing the In-text Citation: How your in-text citation looks or how the author and year will be properly written will depend upon the type of resource and the number of authors. The table below shows some of the more common citation situations. For additional citation situations and examples, see Section 8 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2019).

Author type/ resource Parenthetical citation Narrative citation

One author (Harris, 2020) Harris (2020)

Two authors (Martin & Wells, 2020) Martin and Wells (2020)

Three or more authors (Schultz et al., 2016) Schultz et al. (2016)

Group author (Chamberlain University, 2020) Chamberlain University (2020)

No author, article/web page (“Employee Communications,” 2020) “Employee Communications” (2020)

No author, no date, article/web page (“Employees and Communications,” n.d.) “Employees and Communication” (n.d.)

Personal Communication (D. Schultz, personal communication, April 22, 2019) D. Schultz (personal communication, April 22, 2019)

Indirect resource (secondary resource) (Schultz, 2016, as cited in Harris, 2020, p. 73) Schultz wrote that. . . (as cited in Harris, 2020, p. 73)

Multiple Resources (Harris, 2020; Schultz, 2016) Harris (2020) and Schultz (2016) in separate studies both found. . .

Formatting the Reference Page: Begin on a new page after the completion of the essay. Capitalize, bold, and center the word References on the first line of the page. Alphabetize all entries (see APA manual section 9.43 for details). Doublespace all entries. Use a hanging indent- the first line of each entry is flush with the left margin; all lines after are indented a half-inch for each entry. Creating the Reference Page Entry: To create each reference page entry, you need four pieces of information about your resource author, date, title, and source presented in this order.  Knowing what information fits into each of these four sections, can help you build a correct reference entry.


Schultz, D. (2016). The advantages of communication skills in a professional setting. Ohio Press. 


Telehealth Innovative Solution to Engage Young Adults in STDs Prevention

STDs are a leading source of morbidity in the United States, costing an estimated $15.9 billion in direct medical costs over a lifetime (Llata et al., 2021). Studies also reveal that the annual cases of STDs in the USA continue to rise, reaching an all-time high for the eighth year. The most common reported STDs are chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea. There was a nearly 30% increase in STDs between 2015 and 2019 (Gebrezgi et al., 2021). These rates are alarming, considering that the rates were lower less than 20 years ago. For example, gonorrhea was at historic lows, and syphilis was close to elimination (Trepka et al., 2021). The drastic changes show a need to prioritize efforts and regain control of the grounds to minimize the spread of STDs. As per the CDC (2019), STD surveillance, assuring that everyone has access to high-quality HIV and STD prevention and treatment, is a critical component of successful public health response to rising STD prevalence.

Collaborating with a clinic for the prevention and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), I had the opportunity to speak with relevant stakeholders and decision-makers. We were able to identify and discuss issues affecting the clinical health outcomes of STDs preventative and treatment activities. According to the stakeholders, it is common to find that some young adults with high-risk sexual behavior come to the clinic for STDs test and treatment. After that, they don’t return for continued care until they have new symptoms or an STD reinfection. Although sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) impact people of all ages, it is most noticeable among youth aged 15 to 24 (Sieving et al., 2019). Young adults are less interested in STDs prevention or behavior modification initiatives. Also, you can find other patients that start HIV PrEP medication but don’t come to the clinic for follow-up as indicated, despite the multiple efforts done by the clinical personnel.

After the discussion, I proposed that the clinic use innovative, evidence-based digital interventions to engage patients in STDs prevention and treatment while promoting community awareness. In the United States, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are rising, and additional research into effective prevention and treatment strategies is urgently needed (Shannon & Klausner 2018). Telehealth can serve as a tool that increases the availability of services for patients. Telemedicine has emerged as a critical resource for limiting disease spread by increasing patient surveillance, promoting early detection, allowing quick management of sick people, and ensuring continuity of care for vulnerable patients worldwide (Omboni et al., 2022).

It’s a tool that facilitates the work of directly promoting education, screening, treatment, and prevention