Replies (if have time for at least one replie today, I appreciate)(Miami Easter time)

Reply Posts

Critique the decision making of two of your peers in your response post.

Do you agree/disagree with their medication choice? Why?

Is there anything else you recommend including?

Compare peer’s decision making to yours—what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Your response should include evidence of review of the course material through proper citations using APA format.

Reply separately to two of your classmates’ post (see attached classmates, post#1 and post#2)

Your response should include evidence-based research to support your statements using proper citations and APA format.

Please, send me the two documents separately, for example one is the reply to my peers Post#1, and the second one is the reply to my other peer Post#2.

-Minimum of 300 words per peer reply.

-Turnitin Assignment.

Background: I live in South Florida; I am currently enrolled in the Psych Mental Health Practitioner Program. I am a Family Nurse Practitioner working in psychiatric area.



W5- Depression Case Study

Student Name:

Course Name:

Course Number:

Instructor’s Name:


Date of Submission:

Case Study Questions

1. What information, if any, would you like to know that was not included in the case

Some of the other information that I would like to know include; the patient’s past medical and psychiatric history, family history, and substance use history. For instance, it would be necessary to inquire from the patient whether she has a history of any chronic disease or psychiatric illness. This would help in determining whether her symptoms are associated with any other medical condition or psychiatric illness. Moreover, it would be necessary to inquire from the patient about her substance use history. This would help in determining whether the use of drugs/substances may have contributed to the development of her problems. More importantly, it would be necessary to obtain information about the patient’s family history and inquire if she has a family history of any psychiatric illness. 

2. Which psychiatric symptoms are a treatment priority for this case?

The psychiatric symptoms that are treatment priority for this patient include; sleep disturbances, loss of interest, mood swings, impaired concentration, and memory problems. The treatment of these symptoms would help in improving the patient’s level of functioning and engagement in her daily activities. 

3. What are the non-pharmacologic issues in this case (problems/complaints that cannot be addressed by medication)?

Some of the non-pharmacological issues that cannot be resolved or addressed by the use of medications include; ineffective coping, negative beliefs and feelings, and social withdrawal. 

Medication Choice 1

4. List one medication that would be appropriate for this case. Include the name and starting dose.

Sertraline is one of the most appropriate medications that would help in improving the symptoms of this patient. As such, it would be prudent to start the patient on

Post#1-Depression Case Study by Paulette Sides Sasser

Based on the case study, answer the following questions.

Identification of target symptoms/problems:

1. What information, if any, would you like to know that was not included in the case? This interviewer appeared to follow the PHQ – 9 depression assessment tools, which is sufficient to begin the differential diagnosis (Brown et al., 2020). The interviewer seemed to ascertain the symptoms most important to the patient. She cannot concentrate, meet expectations, enjoy life, sleep, or find the energy to care for herself. Additional medication history, alcohol use, family history, and potential triggers are pertinent to the care plan (Brown et al., 2020). Medications do not mix well with alcohol. Determining how she has used alcohol over the years is essential. She identified alcohol as a critical factor during her suicidal attempt. Her medication history should also include her previous medication adherence (Brown et al., 2020). The history of mental health problems in her family and treatments that worked for first-degree relatives is valuable information to the prescriber (Brown et al., 2020). Patient participation in the medication selection is important. Several factors help narrow the list of potential medications for depression. Such factors include other health conditions, reproductive goals for women, cost, and benefit/risk evaluations for the individual patient (Brown et al., 2020).

2. Which psychiatric symptoms are a treatment priority for this case? The patient identifies the impact her depressive symptoms have had on her ability to function and relationships. The patient prioritized her lack of energy, sleep difficulties, inability to concentrate, and failure to manage responsibilities as critical needs. The practitioner should also prioritize the patient’s history of suicidal behaviors and alcohol use. Although the patient accessed professional services for her mental health needs, she needed the urging of her family to act on accessing care. During the interview, she describes a previous suicide attempt and alludes to alcohol use during the break–up of her marriage.

3. What are the non-pharmacologic issues in this case (problems/complaints that cannot be addressed by medication)? This patient reports feeling little self-worth, utilizing limited coping skills, and struggles with intimate relationships, which adds to her sense of hopelessness. Her judgment is concerning. She appears to have friends and family support. Other psychosocial needs should be evaluated by social services to support successful care.

Medication selection:

1. List one medication that would be appropriate for this case. Include the name and starting dose. Escitalopram is a substrate for CYP450 2C19 and 3A4with no significant actions on CYP 450 (Aldrich et al., 2019). With a dosage of 10 mg once daily, steady-state sh

Post#2 Depression Case Study by Jimmy Smith

Identification of target symptoms/problems

1. What information, if any, would you like to know that was not included in the case?

Additional information related to the well-being and ages of the children with specific information related to the direct care and supervision of the children. The client relates that the children care for themselves related to meals. Additional information related to the competency of the patient to care for the children could give more information related to degree of impairment as well as insight of whether there should be concern for children. Depression is associated with decreased or negative parenting and has long-tern effects on children’s mental and physical health (n.d., 2009).

2. Which psychiatric symptoms are a treatment priority for this case?

Suicidal thoughts and safety of the patient and the children is the primary concern and establishing a safety plan as well as identifying persons either family or friends that are available and willing to be supportive with increasing suicidal ideation. Sense of hopelessness and lack of joy in patients’ life and feeling of guilt for spending less time with her children is of high priority.

3. What are the non-pharmacologic issues in this case (problems/complaints that cannot be addressed by medication)?

Poor appetite, diet and weight loss as well as lack of exercise and social interaction at home and at the client’s job. Lack of exercise can lead to increase in obesity, poor diet, diabetes, metabolic abnormalities which all will increase depression. The positive effects of regular exercise for those that suffer from depression including providing an outlet to lessen thoughts of depression and stimulate positive self-emotions (Murri, et. al., 2018).

Medication Choice 1

4. List one medication that would be appropriate for this case. Include the name and starting dose.

Sertraline 50mg by mouth daily with increase up to 200mg taper as needed for effect (Woo & Robinson, 2020).

5. Describe your clinical decision making. What is your rationale for choosing this medication? Also, include the mechanism of action for this medication choice, and the neurotransmitters and areas of the brain in which the medication is proposed to act on.

Sertraline is cost affective choice as the patient relates difficulty with money. Cost with discounts is around ten dollars in the U. S. thought the cost in the U. K. has increased 500% over the past 2 years (Robinson, 2021). Sertraline inhibits reuptake of 5HT serotonin with limited effect on dopamine and norepinephrine uptake (Woo & Robinson, 2020).

6. What laboratory testing/monitoring is needed for safely prescribing this medication?

No monitoring required other than monitoring for mood symptoms or