Producing an effective message encompasses efficient planning, organization, and influential communication. In this task, you will:

1.  Write a proposal for a new policy for an organization or community using the RRM3 D268 Task 3 Template located in the Supporting Documents section below the rubric.

2.  Create a professional, influential, narrated digital multimedia presentation of your proposed change using the RRM3 D268 Task 3 PPT Template also located in the Supporting Documents section below the rubric.

For your proposal and presentation, you may:

A.  Select a topic from the “D268 Task 3 Rotating Topic List” document in the Supporting Documents section located below the rubric, OR

B.  Use a policy topic based on your own personal or professional interests.

This task includes two parts:

1.  A written message plan

2.  A professional, narrated multimedia presentation (i.e., narrated PowerPoint or Panopto video) that focuses on a new policy for an organization or community (e.g., workplace, environmental, social group or club, neighborhood, school)

Note: You must use Panopto or a narrated PowerPoint for this task. The only accepted file types are .ppt, .pptx, or Panopto 


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission, and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source, can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as live documents or cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, SharePoint, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

A.  Write your presentation plan by doing the following:

1.  Describe the audience (i.e., organization leaders, hospital administration, community council members, neighborhood association, neighbors, school board, colleagues, etc.) you wish to target who has the potential to enact your proposed policy.

a.  Explain how your proposed policy will affect your chosen target audience from prompt A1.

2.  Describe the problem to be solved by the proposed policy.

3.  Describe your proposed policy and how it will be implemented.

B.  Present your proposed policy from part A by creating a narrated multimedia presentation (i.e., record a voiceover of you narrating a PowerPoint or Panopto video). See notes below for more details on recording options.

1.  Your presentation needs to be between 2 and 7 minutes in length.

2.  Your presentation needs to be appropriate for the selected audience.

3.  Your presentation needs to describe the problem to be solved by the proposed policy.

4.  Your presentation needs to propose the change and how it will be implemented.

5.  Your presentation needs to integrate the following principles of multimedia design:

a.  Effective organization

b.  Effective opening and closing

c.  Appropriate choice and placement of 2 relevant visual aids (i.e. images, graphs, etc.)

d.  Effective use of vocalics (i.e., pitch, tone, inflection, volume)

Recording Option 1 (PowerPoint):

•  If you use a narrated PowerPoint, do not enable the webcam as the file will be too large.

•  Your narrated PowerPoint must be submitted in .ppt or .pptx format.

•  Each slide needs to include narration.

•  The recording must feature a voiceover of you narrating your multimedia presentation.

•  For instructions on how to access and use WGU’s PowerPoint, refer to the “Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint” link in the Web Links section located below the rubric.

•  For instructions on how to record a PowerPoint, refer the “How to Make a PowerPoint with Audio” link in the Web Links section located below the rubric.

Recording Option 2 (Panopto):

•  If you use Panopto, your webcam is optional.

•  The video must feature a voiceover of you narrating your multimedia presentation.

•  For instructions on how to access and use WGU’s Panopto, refer to the “Panopto FAQ” link in the Web Links section located below the rubric.

•  For the direct link and directions to login to WGU’s Panopto, refer to the “Panopto Access” link in the Web Links section located below the rubric.

•  For instructions on how to submit your Panopto video, refer to the “How to Submit a Panopto Video Link for Evaluation” link located in the Web Links section below the rubric.

C.  Acknowledge sources—using in-text citations and references—for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. This includes source citation for any visual elements used in the digital presentation.

Note: Sources are NOT required for this task, but if sources are used, they must be acknowledged and cited appropriately.

D.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Note: See the rubric for what professional communication entails.

Assessment Code and Task

RRM3 Multimedia Proposal Potential D268 Task 3 Topics



Potential D268 Task 3 Topics


· workplace unions

· neighborhood parks

· neighborhood watch association


· technology upgrades

· yearly classroom spending allowance

· free after-school programs

Information Technology:

· work from home

· security cameras in the workplace

· mandatory technology upgrades

Health Professions:

· 16+ hour shifts

· nurse retention

· safe staffing ratios


· dress code changes

· flexible work schedules

· work wellness programs

If the topics listed do not resonate with you, you can generate your own. When trying to generate possible topic ideas, ask these questions:

· What current issues are meaningful to me?

· What topics do I want to explore?

· What topics are related to my area of study or future career?

· Can I find credible sources (research-based information) for this topic?


RRM3 D268 Task 3 TEMPLATE 


Instructions: Complete and submit this document as your Task 3 for D268. 

Instructions for Section A:

Write your presentation plan by doing the following:

A1. Describe the audience you wish to target who has the potential to enact your proposed policy.

A1A. Explain how your proposed policy will affect your chosen target audience from A1.

A2. Describe the problem to be solved by the proposed policy.

A3. Describe your proposed policy and how it will be implemented.

Instructions for Section B:

See the task instructions for how to record a narrated PowerPoint
or Panopto video under the Assessments tab. You are welcome to use the
Task 3 PowerPoint Template located in the Supporting Documents section below the rubric within Task 3.

Instructions for Section C:

If sources are used, acknowledge sources—using in-text citations and references—for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. 

Note: Sources are not required for this assignment unless you are using research to support your claims. If you use research, you must cite in-text and create a reference list. You are encouraged to use the
Simple Guide for Citing Sources. You do not have to cite the course materials. Instead, you may introduce the information using a phrase like these: “Course material states” or “Course information explains.” Do not directly quote course materials; paraphrase instead.


Don’t forget to proofread your work. Professional communication is graded.


You can add any design you like.

You must have at least 2 visual aids (i.e., graphs, charts, stock images, etc.).

If you use any visual item from a source, you MUST cite the source verbally and in-text. This includes graphs, charts, tables, or any image.  We recommend that each slide has at least 1 visual aid to break up the text.

Each slide must include narration. 

If you use ANYTHING from an outside source, you must cite that source.  Please follow the
Simple Guide for Citing Sources for D268.

Your presentation must be 2-7 minutes. Anything under or above that will be automatically returned for revisions.

We do NOT recommend removing or adding slides to this template due to the time limit.

Do NOT write your presentation, word for word on the slides. 

Delete this slide before recording your submission.

Presentation Title

D268 Task 3


Introduction (Opening)

Begin with something to grab your audience’s attention and briefly introduce the topic.

Provide your audience with a brief preview of what points you will cover in the presentation. Your points should at least include:

Explanation of the problem that needs a change

Explanation of your solution for the problem

Description of how to implement the solution

Add a visual aid (i.e., graph, chart, photo).  

Cite it in-text and on your reference list. 

Please follow the 
Simple Guide for Citing Sources for D268

Describe the Problem

Explain what problem you are planning to solve.

Remember to use both in-text citations and reference list entries for any sources you use.

Add a visual aid (i.e., graph, chart, photo).  

Cite it in-text and on your reference list. 

Please follow the 
Simple Guide for Citing Sources for D268

Explain the Proposed Policy

Explain the basic idea of the policy (AKA the change/solution) you are proposing.

Explain how the policy affects your audience.

Remember to use both in-text citations and reference list entries for any sources you use.

Add a visual aid (i.e., graph, chart, photo).  

Cite it in-text and on your reference list.  

Please follow the 
Simple Guide for Citing Sources for D268

Explain How to Implement