TOPIC:  DPI Project: Outline of 10 Strategic Points Revision Review

Please use the Sample provided to draft the Outline of 10 Strategic Points based on the attached school’s Template of the Ten Strategic Points. Also, please take the topic from the attached CONHCP: Doctor Of Nursing Practice Final PICOT-D Approval Form.

Grand Canyon University

College of Doctoral Studies

Ten Strategic Points: QUANTITATIVE

Aligns with new v9.0 Template

Please find below an updated copy of the 10 strategic points that is focused on a quantitative study. This copy includes tips in the right-hand column to guide you as you develop your 10 strategic points. Delete the bulleted items in the right column as you add your own information there.

Ten Strategic Points

The ten strategic points emerge from researching literature on a topic, which is based on, or aligned with a defined need or problem space within the literature as well as the learner’s personal passion, future career purpose, and degree area. The Ten Strategic Points document includes the following key points that define the research focus and approach:

Strategic Points Descriptor

Learner Strategic Points for Proposed Study


Dissertation Topic– Provides a broad research topic area/title.

Topic comes out of problem space supported by the literature, not the learner’s head or personal agenda

Aligned to the learners’ program of study, and ideally the emphasis area

Researchable and feasible to complete within the learners’ doctoral program of study including extension courses as needed.



Literature Review – Lists primary points for four sections in the Literature Review: (a) Background of the problem and the need for the study based on citations from the literature; (b) Theoretical foundations (theories ,models, and concepts) and if appropriate the conceptual framework to provide the foundation for study); (c) Review of literature topics with key themes for each one; (d) Summary.

· Background to the problem

· Literature is predominantly from past 5 years

· Historical treatment of problem being studied

· Clearly defines a stated need

· Theoretical foundation

· Theories, models, or concepts and if appropriate the conceptual framework are described to guide the research and the data collection

· Review of literature topics

· Relevant to the topic

· Demonstrates breadth of knowledge


Problem Statement – Describes the problem to address through the study based on defined needs or problem space supported by the literature

· Statement is structured appropriate for the design




Grand Canyon University

DNP-820A: Translational Research and Evidence-Based Practice

August 29, 2022.

10 Strategic Points Document for a Quality Improvement Project

Ten Strategic Points

The 10 Strategic Points

Title of Project

Title of Project

Impact the number of depression screenings and referrals to a child psychologist 


Theoretical Foundation

Literature Synthesis

Practice Change Recommendation

Background to Chosen Evidence-Based Intervention:

List the primary points for six sections.

i) Background of the practice problem/gap at the project site

One of the primary causes of disability worldwide, depression affects a sizable percentage of the population. Persistent feelings of sadness and guilt, changes in sleeping patterns (insomnia or oversleeping), changes in appetite, decreased mental and physical energy, unusual irritability, inability to enjoy once-enjoyed activities, difficulty working, and thoughts of death or suicide are all symptoms that can be associated with any type of depressive disorder. These “down” symptoms alone may indicate a unipolar depressive disorder like dysthymia or severe depression if they are present. A person may be diagnosed with bipolar illness if they experience alternating spells of depression and euphoria. Adolescents and young adults increasingly have difficulties with their mental health (Poppen et al., 2016). An individual’s mental health is something only they can fully comprehend, making it difficult for friends and loved ones to spot warning signs in time to intervene. Juvenile and young adult suicide is a major problem in today’s world. A lack of life experiences, self-confidence, and faith in one’s own skills contribute to the suicides of many young individuals.

ii) Significance of the practice problem/gap at the project site

Mental illness has been a problem that is affected the population for a long period and worryingly young people and adolescents are experiencing many effects that lead to some committing suicide. The stress that today’s youth encounter nowadays is the most significant of all these issues, especially the pressure they receive based on their academic expectations and poor communication about their troubles to their parents. There is also a gap in the schools in terms of students receiving counseling services because there are limited professional counselors that at

CONHCP: Doctor Of Nursing Practice Final PICOT-D Approval

The department has conducted a review of your PICOT-D question in an effort to support the development of your project. Please note that this review is a FINALAPPROVAL of the PICOT-D and will require permission by the DNP Program Lead for any changes to this statement beyond the date of this approved review. We highly discourage changes as they may prevent you from progressing.

PICOT-D Question: In the adolescent population with mental health problems in healthcare settings, how does PHQ-9 tool impact in-patient referrals to the mental health department for over 9 weeks?

In the adolescent population with mental health issues: To what degree would the implementation of the PHQ-9 depression screening tool increase the rate of referrals, as compared to current practices, among adolescents aged 14-18 in a period of 8 weeks?

P-Adolescents aged 14-18 years.

I- Implementation of the PHQ-9 depression screening

C- Compared to current practice.

O- Increase the rate of referrals.

T- Time frame to conduct project is eight weeks.

Does the implementation of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) tool impact the depression screenings and referrals when compared to current practice among adolescents in an urban high school in Texas over eight weeks?

Are you an APRN? (mandatory question) I am an APRN having earned a graduate-level degree All projects must have a minimum of
3 original research studies to support the intervention. (One of the three original research articles to support your intervention need to come from the US or Canada). The other research studies can come from the UK, Denmark, India, New Zealand, or Australia (preferred) or from any of the 131 countries listed in the International Compilation of Human Research Standards 2020.

*** In DNP-955A You will be required to have a total of 15 research articles to support the intervention (3 from PICOT, plus other original research)

Original Research Articles (Use permalinks and attach a pdf copy of each of the quantitative original research articles):

Alvarez, C. (2022). Enhancing Depression Screening for the Adolescent Population in the Pediatric Emergency Department by Utilizing the Patient Health Questionnaire: A Quality Improvem

Grand Canyon University

DNP-830A: Data Analysis

October 6, 2022

10 Strategic Points Document for a Quality Improvement Project

Ten Strategic Points

The 10 Strategic Points

Title of Project

Title of Project

Using continuous glucose monitoring to monitor blood glucose in adult patients with type II diabetes


Theoretical Foundation

Literature Synthesis

Practice Change Recommendation

Background to Chosen Evidence-Based Intervention:

i. Background of the practice problem/gap at the project site

Several chronic conditions negatively impact the lives of patients. Among such conditions is diabetes. Diabetes causes numerous other complications, such as kidney disease, heart disease, and stroke (Skinner et al., 2020). The other concern about diabetes is that it affects millions of people, making them unable to live normal lives. The implication is that various researchers and stakeholders have, in the past and present, been pursuing effective ways or strategies to better manage diabetes. Non-the less, diabetes is still among the most prevalent chronic conditions (Khan et al., 2019). According to Khan et al. (2019) the diabetes global prevalence among the adult population is as high as 9%. The interventions currently in use among patients living with diabetes majorly focus on helping patients attain better healthcare outcomes, such as better glycemic control and keeping in check the risky lifestyle behaviors that may hinder the control and management of the condition (Maiorino et al., 2020). Even though effective interventions should be applied, the management strategies used in the practice site have not achieved the desired results as most of the patients fail to achieve the required HbA1c levels. Indeed, uncontrolled levels of HbA1c have been connected to myocardial infarction and stroke disease (Azhar et al., 2022). It hurts to use an invasive glucometer. The discomfort is the same even if the needle is very small. Some individuals may be able to adjust to it and tolerate it, but for others, it may be too much to handle, leading to the issue of non-compliance. The patient’s ability to regulate their blood sugar may suffer as a result, leading to bouts of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia The risk of diabetic complications is increased by noncompliance, making it a potentially life-threatening issue, hence the need to have a different way to measure glucose more effectively and non-invasively.

ii. Significance of