
This discussion is divided in two parts

1. Main discussion post by 12/19/2022 before 8:00 pm EST

2. Two replies by 12/23/2022 before 8:00 pm EST


According to Hundt (2020), there is renewed attention on Florence Nightingale in the Year of the Nurse. Nightingale’s 19th century observations that natural light and a view of nature improve hospitalized patients’ recovery has been validated in randomized-controlled trials. Currently, there are interdisciplinary teams that include nurses and architects, that design optimal healing environments with a focus on patient-centered care.  

Delivering the kind of care that Florence Nightingale practiced hinges on nurses fully utilizing their education and training and on their 
taking the lead to improve health care safety and quality and patient outcomes (National Academy of Medicine [NAM], 2020). Think about how you incorporate science into your everyday practice. Right now, for example, you may use your understanding of pharmacotherapy when safely administering medications. In the future, do you see yourself applying your research expertise by collecting or using clinical data to improve patient outcomes at your place of work or in the larger community?


Hundt, B. (2020). Reflections on Nightingale in the year of the nurse. 
American Nurse Journal. https://www.myamericannurse.com/reflections-on-nightingale-in-the-year-of-the-nurse/

Post a 3-paragraph response (of at least 350 words) to the following:

According to Ma, Shang, & Bott (2015), it is critical that contemporary nurses have strong leadership and collaboration skills to improve health care. Reflect on and describe the expertise that you expect to acquire with your education at Walden. Envision yourself taking the lead to improve patient quality and safety in your practice setting and describe what that might look like. Describe the 
knowledge and skills needed to achieve your professional goals.

Be sure to use 
 Links to an external site.
 from the readings and include 
in-text citations
 Links to an external site.
. Utilize 
 Links to an external site.
 writing practice and skills, including the use of 
transitional material



Respond to your colleagues. Respond with a comment that asks for clarification, provides support for, or contributes additional information to two or more of your colleagues.

Kristen Dross

As a relatively newer nurse, I’m starting to understand why it’s vital that we keep up with the latest evidence-based practices and the most recent knowledge that provides better patient care. During all the research for this week’s topic, I better understand why HCAPS scores exist and why we are required to continue our education to renew our licenses. While pursuing my ARNP degree, I expect to be taught all the informational side of my degree. The skills and knowledge I need to achieve my goal will be learned throughout this journey.

After reading our resources for this week, I better understand why we need to improve our health system. According to Salmond, S. & Echevarria, M. (2017) United States health system is ranked last or near last on health measures, quality, access, and cost. We as a nation need to do better for ourselves, our families, and our communities; most people can’t afford health insurance anymore, or if they can, it’s outrageous, so they don’t seek medical care until it’s an emergency. When patients sought care in the emergency room, it was like they only cared about the number of patients they served and not the quality of care provided. This is why I believe HCAPS was started, “Improving value means avoiding costly mistakes and readmissions, keeping patients healthy, rewarding quality instead of quantity” (Burwell, 2015).

While I’m excited to see what the next three years hold for my future, I want to ensure the University meets all my expectations. I know this journey will be challenging, but once I receive my master’s degree, it will all be worth it. I expect the University to provide me with all the knowledge required to fulfill my degree choice; I also expect it to give the newest evidence-based expertise because it is constantly changing. Once I start my clinical, I want to be able to put all my knowledge into practice, and I want to be able to succeed. I have high expectations that I will obtain, but only because we have great potential to help better our healthcare system. It’s up to the newer generation of nurses to help change how healthcare workers are treated today; it’s up to us to find the solution to the nurse shortage we face, and we will continue to meet until we all unite. I want to learn ways we can accomplish this while still providing the best practice to our patients.

As a newer nurse, I don’t have many skills other than what was taught during nursing school and the few I’ve picked up on in my short three years. I strive to learn new skills and knowledge tha



Respond to your colleagues. Respond with a comment that asks for clarification, provides support for, or contributes additional information to two or more of your colleagues.

Carmen R Soner-Rice

During my nursing practicum, I was matched with a hospital that practiced a different, more inclusive form of patient care. It was very much aligned with the teachings of Florence Nightingale. Their holistic approach was called CREATION, each letter representing a guiding principle we needed to care for and educate our patients. Eight guiding concepts taken from the Genesis account are defined by each letter of the word “CREATION.” Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal Relationships, Outlook, and Nutrition. Together, these eight crucial elements create the blueprint for the health and way of life we all long for (
CREATION Health Discovery: Live Life to the Fullest, 2022.)

The environment was something that I placed higher importance on during my shifts. I felt the change in the overall atmosphere in my patient’s room as soon as I opened a blind and let the light in or just by taking out the garbage and creating a clean environment. It felt like a sense of calmness and relaxation was covering the room when I played relaxing music, such as ocean waves of sounds of nature. I witnessed the improvement in my patient’s outlook toward their care and overall recovery. Environment for me includes both what is inside and outside of you. All our senses, including sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste, have the power to affect our health and mood. This applies too to our unique and more extensive environment, like the air we breathe and the water we drink, light, sound, aroma, and touch. It is simple to comprehend how this influences us.

Our bodies frequently make clear responses to things that are bad for us. The impact our environments can have on the mind is clear or our mood and outlook. We must choose an environment that makes us feel good to live successfully. We must increase what is positive and what makes us feel good. I hope to gain additional evidence-based information and tools from my education at Walden University to continue improving my bedside nursing skills. I want to produce a positive change in every patient I care for and teach them how to care for themselves as a whole beyond compliance with their pharmacological treatment.


CREATION Health Discovery: Live Life To The Fullest. (n.d.). AdventHealth. Retrieved December 19, 2022, from https://www.adventhealth.com/adventhealth-press/creation-health-discovery

History.com. (2009, November 9). 
Florence Nightingale. HISTOR