In 750-1,000 words, develop a testing scenario and a testing mitigation plan to validate the functionalities of the proposed informatics solution.

Include the following:

  1. Justify the      purpose of your proposed testing scenario, how you developed it, and how      it applies to your proposed informatics project.
  2. Determine and      discuss the items that need to be tested. Explain why these items are      crucial in the testing process.
  3. Propose      strategies for implementing the testing. Include stakeholders crucial to      the testing process.
  4. Determine what      specific elements are required for the testing phase and how the      information will be gathered and analyzed.
  5. Determine how      the test results will be documented. Describe a post-testing mitigation      plan for improving the informatics solution.

Cite a minimum of three scholarly resources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the past 5 years and appropriate for health care and health informatics content.


Data Gathering and Data Analysis

Baseline and Project-Specific Data

Data collection planning begins with identifying all the data required to answer the research questions and meet the objectives of the proposed project. The project aims to facilitate the use of communication boards on post-operative oral and neck flap patients with tracheostomy tube and determine its effect in the ease of communication and reduction of anxiety. The baseline data for the project is information of the patients based on the subject topic. This will constitute their demographic data and medical history. The patient’s participation in this project is completely voluntary. The patient will be asked to sign the informed consent form before the intervention will begin. The participating patients should be 18-65 years of age, oriented to person, place, time, and situation, with no previous history of hearing and vision problems, and mental illness. One of the important data that needs to be in the inclusion criteria is that the patient must have had the oral and neck flap surgery tracheostomy tube placed. The requirement would be for them to use the communication board.

Steps in Gathering Data

For gathering data, two forms of the questionnaire will be used including a demographic info survey, and a questionnaire that assess the patient’s communication issues and associated anxiety. This questionnaire will be customized specifically for the post-operative oral and neck flap patient. The set of questions are influenced by both the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – Anxiety (HADS-A), and the Ease of Communication Scale (ECS). The HADS-A is a brief measurement of generalized symptoms of anxiety including fear, tension, panic restlessness and difficulty relaxing. This scale was developed to assess patients who have medical problems for depressive symptoms and for clinically significant anxiety (Julian, 2014). Ease of Communication Scale (ECS) has been used to measure the communication difficulties of patients with mechanical ventilation or are intubated. The questionnaires will be administered individually using a pen/pencil and paper and can be given through self-report or by the interviewer. The data will then be documented in the spreadsheet with data analysis tools such as Excel or google sheets to plug in quantitative data and create comprehensive visualizations, charts, or graphs.

Subject Matter Experts Needed to Gather Data

A Subject Matter Expert (SME) is someone who has in depth understanding of a particular area and have real world experience. Since this project targets post-operative oral and neck flap patients with tracheostomy, the SME would be someone who provides direct care to these patients. These patient