tonsillitis/ post tonsillectomy age 4 

Teaching Plan

1. Purpose: To document and evaluate teaching skills necessary to provide teaching to an
individual client with a demonstrated need. With the completion of this assignment the student
will be able to achieve the following objectives.

a. Demonstrate ability to thoroughly assess the learning styles of an individual or family
using given developmental or cultural models.

b. Demonstrate ability to anticipate learning needs based on developmental or cultural

c. Identify and utilize teaching/learning principles to facilitate achievement of learning
goals and outcomes.

d. Select and prioritize learning strategies based on the developmental or cultural
assessment to achieve learning goals and outcomes.

e. Support rationales for teaching plan using teaching and learning theories from required
readings with references.

2. Nursing Competencies:

a. Assessing and identifying developmental, cultural, and socioeconomic factors affecting a

b. Providing evidence-based health information and teaching based on developmental,
cultural, and socioeconomic factors affecting a client or family

c. Integrating teaching/learning activities into client interactions based on developmental,
cultural, and socioeconomic factors affecting a client or family.

d. Incorporating health promotion and teaching into the plan of care based on
developmental, cultural, and socioeconomic factors affecting a family or client.

3. Plan: submitted to the clinical instructor during the teaching experience. Your clinical
instructor must approve the topic.

a. Develop nursing diagnosis (NANDA)
b. Develop two (2) learning objectives
c. State methodology (teaching methods)
d. Provide and utilize teaching aids
e. State needed resources

4. Implementation: Outline (step by step)

5. Evaluation: Evaluate your project describing the effectiveness of teaching methods and aids,
learner’s response, ability to meet objectives, and self-evaluation including what the student
learned and what the student would do differently in the future. A copy of the entire teaching
plan with the evaluation of patient learning is to be submitted to your clinical instructor during
the teaching presentation. This write-up should be 2-3 pages.

Teaching Plan

Due No Due Date Points 100 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

NURS_317L-A – Teaching Plan (Individualized Client Teaching) RUBRIC

Start Assignment

The purpose of the teaching plan is to document and evaluate the necessary skills to provide individual clients with demonstrated needs.

For complete instructions, download and review the Teaching Plan (
download_frd=1) document, located in the Worksheets, Forms, and Templates page.

Criteria Ratings Pts

10 pts

10 pts

10 pts

10 pts

10 pts

10 pts

10 pts

Comprehensive<br>Assessment 10 pts
Meets or Exceeds

Clear and concise
discussion of client’s
admission diagnosis,
demographic data, and
anticipated learning needs

7.6 pts
Mostly Meets

Vague and incomplete
discussion of client’s
admission diagnosis,
demographic data, and
anticipated learning needs

5 pts

Vague and incomplete
discussion of client’s
admission diagnosis,
demographic data, and
anticipated learning needs

2.5 pts
Does Not Meet

No discussion of client’s
admission diagnosis,
demographic data and
anticipated learning

Nursing Diagnosis 10 pts
Meets or Exceeds

Clear and
comprehensive client
assessment data to
support a deficient
knowledge nursing

7.6 pts
Mostly Meets

Vague client assessment
data to support deficient
knowledge nursing
diagnosis or nursing
diagnosis not written in
proper format

5 pts

Improper or incomplete client
assessment data to support
deficient knowledge nursing
diagnosis or missing elements
of the nursing diagnosis

2.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations

No comprehensive client
assessment data to support
deficient knowledge, or
improper format of nursing
diagnosis or no nursing

Client Learning Needs Assessment 10 pts
Meets or Exceeds

Clear and complete
assessment of learner (client
/family), teaching needs, and
special learning needs, if

7.6 pts
Mostly Meets

Vague assessment of
learner (client and/or
family), teaching needs,
and special learning needs,
if present.

5 pts

Incomplete assessment of
learner (client and/or family),
teaching needs, and special