Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Clinical Practice Guidelines and Protocols


  1. Search and locate one systematic review or practice guideline in your topic of interest (Include the citation). 
  2. Evaluate the following: 
    1. The systematic review or practice guideline relies primarily on studies conducted in the last five years. 
    2. The review provides support for the importance of the study 
    3. The authors have use primary, rather than secondary sources. 
    4. Studies are critically examined and reported objectively 
    5. The systematic review or practice guideline is organized so that a logical unfolding of Ideas is apparent that supports the need for the review 
    6. The systematic review or practice guideline ends with a summary of the most important knowledge.

Minimum 300 words

How to write the Literature Review

How to write an Evidence Based Practice Literature
Review Paper

After the presentation the student will be able to:

Understand the purpose and basic requirements of an effective literature review.
Critically assess research materials.
Develop strategies for inventing, organizing, and drafting a literature review.
Cite sources appropriately.

What is a Literature Review?
Unlike research, EBP isn’t about developing new knowledge or validating existing knowledge. It’s
about translating the evidence and applying it to clinical decision-making.
The purpose of EBP is to use the best evidence available to make patient-care decisions. However,
we need to communicate and disseminate best practices. The following presentation will explain the
steps in developing an EBP paper.
There is a pressing need for nurses to participate and, in many circumstances, take the lead in
managing change in clinical practice to improve the quality of care.
A Literature review It is not a discussion of creative literature like that from Shakespeare, Poe,
and J.K. Rowling. Simply put: A Literature Review surveys, summarizes, and links together research
(a.k.a., literature) in a given field.

Annotated Bibliography
Please note that a Literature Review is NOT an annotated bibliography.

An annotated bibliography is the following:

The full References/Bibliography/Works Cited citation for a source;
A brief summation of the major points of the work;
A brief indication of how this research is helpful to your project;
And at times, any indications of weaknesses that are in the source that could compromise using it.

Why a Lierature Review is Important?
Literature Reviews are considered important for numerous reasons:

They allow you to know just WHAT is out there;
They allow you to demonstrate mastery over a subject;
They allow you to locate your area of research within the literature, such as “how does this fit in with everything else that
has been written on this subject?”

Getting Started

APA format
APA Style Presentation

Please review the following presentation

Writing an Outline
Using headings to provide visual “cues” for readers:

Sections are well delineated with descriptive headings and subheadings.

IMRD structure (Example)

Introduction What question was studied?
Methods How was the question studied?
ResultsWhat was found?
Discussion What do the results mean?

Should I read the article?

What is the essence of this EBP review—the “take home” message?
Clinical Problem – in one sentence if possible
Purpose of the project
Summary of evidence and strength of evidence supporting practice change
Proposed practice change
Implementation strategies
Evaluation methods
Conclusions/Nursing Implication