After reading Chapter 13, and watching the video, answer the following questions:

  • 2-3 pages summary
  1. (Refer to Chapter 13): Identify at least one sampling issue that would be particularly relevant at each level of the public health pyramid. Which strategy could be used to minimize these problems?
  2. Spreading the Message: use any of the presentation methods above on the description of your program as conceptualized at this point.  This should include information derived from assignments 1 and 2 that were completed and submitted in this course. 

The following should be included in your response (presentation method): Title, Target Objective Stated, Description of Target Community, Description of Program/Intervention Sample size, Proposed Program Description, Health risks associated with not doing desired behavior, incidence rates /prevalence rates/trends in these rates (national level) for associated health risks, conditions and diseases. Mortality and morbidity rates of associated health risks, conditions, and diseases, Proven Methods to minimize risk.  *(Question 2: This information should be taken directly from your assignments #1 and 2 submissions. No new topic should be selected. Use the same information that you submitted in assignments 1 and 2 to fully address all parts of question#2) *.

L. Michele Issel, PhD, RN
Professor of PhD Program

University of North Carolina at Charlotte
College of Health and Human Services

Charlotte, North Carolina

Rebecca Wells, PhD, MHSA

The University of Texas
School of Public Health

Houston, Texas

Health Program
Planning and
A Practical, Systematic Approach
for Community Health


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Target Community & Program

Introducing Target Community

Community members are seniors with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The primary goal of this initiative is to expand access to essential clinical preventive treatments for male individuals over the age of 65 who have been medically diagnosed with AD and other types of dementia or for their caretakers (Dafsari et al., 2020). It is no surprise that many countries prioritize public health, as their economies’ expansion and productivity are directly tied to the health of their citizens. The health organization, therefore, pays particular attention to setting goals for maintaining the public health of all age groups. Due to their heightened susceptibility to a wide range of health concerns, the elderly population in the United States is considered a population at risk (Khadka et al., 2020). In the United States, mental health is a major cause for concern as the oldest Baby Boomers reach retirement age.

49.2 million people in the United States were 65 or older as of 2016. This amounted to 15.2% of the overall population and translates as one person over 65 for every seven people in the United States (Khadka et al., 2020). Maintaining the population’s psychological health may help lessen their need for support. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure an up-to-date older adult community and greater involvement by implementing a program that might raise awareness about the accessibility of mental health problems and clinical preventative treatments. For this reason, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) diagnosis is often taken as seriously as if it were a terminal illness. The disease can progress beyond the point where it can be treated or halted. Before AD reaches its terminal stages, persons with the disease can participate in significant activities and continue to pursue positive and loving relationships (Khadka et al., 2020). The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease also overlooks the possibility that there are resolvable causes for cognitive difficulties. This program is crucial in addressing such reasons, including melancholy that can be managed in adults’ early phases of AD.

Caregivers’ needs must be considered as well. Caretakers of the elderly with Alzheimer’s disease are typically members of the patient’s own family. They provide most of the care at high personal cost while saving the health care system money. Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that unpaid carers saved the United States $375 billion, or roughly 20% of the overall cost of healthcare (Dafsari et al., 2020). Stress is a major factor for caregivers, making them more vulnerable to mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. Overwork can cause them to get physically ill or cause them to burn out. Many interventions, including support groups, psychiatric awareness, residential care, and counseling

Preliminary Needs Assessment


In 1979, Surgeon General Julius Richmond wrote a article considered historic with the title: “Healthy People: Report of the Surgeon General on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.” This report was aimed at preventing deaths and injuries that could largely be avoided if certain parameters and lifestyles were followed. There, Dr. Richmond defined measurable, quantifiable, and very ambitious objectives that sought to achieve, within a decade and as a maximum time limit the end of the 1980s, the national goals for health promotion and disease prevention in the United States. Joined.

Since then, the project has been updated every decade with the release of the updated 10-year Healthy People goals and objectives (Healthy People 2000, Healthy People 2010, and Healthy People 2020).

Healthy People has become a national effort that sets goals and objectives to improve the health and well-being of people in the United States. Currently, Healthy People 2030 is the fifth edition of this initiative. It points to new challenges and builds on the lessons learned from its first four decades.

Healthy People 2030 sets, over the next decade, data-driven national goals to improve health and wellness.

Healthy People 2030 includes 358 cores, or measurable, goals, as well as research and development goals. (National Library of Medicine, 2019)

Public health professionals and stakeholders are beginning work to determine the top health concerns and solutions facing the United States for the fifth edition of the federal Healthy People 2030 plan.

This strategy brings together professionals and chiefs from several subjects to notify the progress of a common set of public health targets and purposes for the country over the next decade.

As promoters of Healthy People 203 has pinpointed, the health improvement goals and goals will assistance initiative activities at the state and local levels, which will provide a springboard to expose a new idea for community wellbeing in our state to expand the health and well-being of all individuals in our state. The United States.

With the new update, Healthy People 2030 now contains targets that highlight how the social factors of health (collected into five groups) affect people’s health. These include social and society context, monetary strength, locality and developed nature, access to and quality of learning, and approach to and excellence of health care.

Importantly, some of the greatest modifications from Healthy People 2020 to Healthy People 2030 is that the quantity of goals has been lowered to decrease overlapping and prioritize the most important public health issues.
