Please see attached for directions and other assignments as this is an add on assignment they build on each other 

Create and record a 10-12-slide, executive-level presentation with notes of the SMART objectives corresponding to these elements of an organization:

Main strategies.

Associated performance indicators and metrics.

Strategic plan recommendations.

Note: Each assessment in this course builds upon the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.

The successful implementation of a strategic plan requires effective communication and a thorough understanding of not only the role of the organization within the greater community, but also the role of leadership within the organization. By effectively engaging stakeholders and understanding the philosophy of strategic management, leaders can mitigate challenges and hurdles that face those directing change.

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to create an executive-level presentation explaining how SMART objectives underlying each organizational strategy can help the organization successfully implement its strategic plan. Then, after sharing the key performance indicators you developed from the strategic plan, you will use this balanced scorecard to make recommendations to revise the strategies you developed in Assessment 3.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze organizational structure, design, culture, and climate in relation to environmental forces.

Analyze potential long-term opportunities and operational components in the strategic planning process.

Competency 2: Develop a strategic organizational plan that provides human and financial resources to support targeted organizational outcomes.

Present operational recommendations and strategic control mechanisms, including goals, objectives, resources, and action steps.

Define critical success indicators that allow an organization to measure success in implementing a strategy.

Analyze the effect of strategy formulation on human, financial, and technical resources.

Competency 3: Recommend an organizational structure and design to optimize a strategic plan.

Propose a strategic plan to optimize outcomes and mitigate risks in an organization.

Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration.

Create a visually pleasing, professional presentation tailored to a specific audience that uses charts and/or images that support the content.

Communicate critical content clearly and persuasively in a limited time.

Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


SMART Objective Setting G


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SMART Objective Setting Guide

Use these guidelines to assess how SMART your objectives are.


Specific objectives use only
one action verb; objectives with more than one verb suggest more than one activity or behavior is being measured. Avoid verbs with vague descriptions of intended outcomes. For example, avoid verbs such as understand or know. How would you measure progress?

Specific objectives cover the five Ws: What, why, who, where, and which. Use this five-point checklist to determine whether your objective is


What does your organization want to accomplish?


Why does your organization want to accomplish this objective?


Who is involved? Who are the stakeholders?


Where is it going to happen?


Which attributes are important? Consider risk and protective factors.


It is impossible to determine whether objectives have been met unless they can be measured. The objective serves as a reference point from which a change can be clearly measured. Specific and measurable objectives enable you to establish solid and directed criteria for measuring progress toward the achievement of the objectives.

To assess how measurable your objective is, consider these questions:

1. How will you know when your organization’s objective is satisfied?

2. What indicators/processes will your organization use to measure progress and success?

3. As your organization gains momentum on the objective process, how readily available will data be on progress? 


Achievable objectives can be accomplished given the available resources. To determine how achievable your objective is, consider these questions:

1. Do you have sufficient

financial resources
to accomplish your objective?

2. Do you have

with sufficient abilities and skills to accomplish your objective?

3. Do you have sufficient

to accomplish your objective?

4. What

other types of resources
do you need to attain your objectives? Consider technology, space, equipment, et cetera.


Telehealth Organization Directional Strategy

Miatta Teasley

Capella University

MHA-FPX5010 Strategic Health Care Planning

Professor Chad Moretz

December 06 ,2022

Telehealth Organization Directional Strategy


Telehealth uses digital information and communication technology to provide healthcare remotely. Technologies include computers, tablets, and smartphones technology at home. A nurse or other medical professional may provide Telehealth in outlying areas out of a clinic or mobile van (Qian et al., 2021). Telehealth is a tool that doctors may use to supplement or improve care. Telehealth organizations utilize telecommunications and digital communication technology to provide medicinal care, worker and patient schooling, health evidence facilities, and self-care. Animate film conferencing, smartphone apps, “save and forward” electronic broadcast and RPM are all used in Telehealth. Digital involvement and follow-up may enhance patient quality of life and treatment outcomes. Telehealth may reduce the risk of infection and enhance patient evaluation. Healthcare expenses could be immediately reduced by Telehealth (Qian et al., 2021). Cut back on patient travel and transportation expenses.

A telemedicine consultation could replace a hospital visit or stay. Numerous procedures and programs might be economical. Technology may make it easier for more people to access healthcare. Telehealth could enhance coordination, efficiency, and home care. A revision of telehealth organization mission, value and vision statement be tailored towards the hospital’s new directional strategy. The revised mission statement will be, “Telehealth Organization will provide high quality care to the people in the community and give health care to every person in need of care with cultural sensitivity, compassion and dignity (Qian et al., 2021). The organization’s new vision will be to be the best healthcare organization in the community to provide high quality care. The value statement of the organization will be to provide treatment to all patients and their families will be regarded as partners within the culture that is founded on respect and trust.

Research indicates that the mission statement of any organization should capture the organization’s distinctive purpose for its existence (Quain, 2018). On the other hand, the vision statement should provide the mental image of what managers, employees, healthcare professionals sand other stakeholders expect the organization to be when making efforts to achieve its mission and purpose. Values are considered to be the principles that are held high by members of the said organization.

Mission, Vision and Values o


Telehealth Group TOWS Analysis

Miatta Teasley

Capella University

MHA-FPX5010 Strategic Health Care Planning

Professor Chad Moretz

December 1, ,2022

Telehealth Group TOWS Analysis

Part 1: TOWS Matrix and Analysis

TOWS Matrix



· Competition from other techno-based healthcare organizations in the area.

· Low level growth and development programs for the human capital in in the organization leading inadequate exposure.

· Lack of R & D programs in the organization resulting to low level of innovation.

· Increasingly changing legal environment that may expose human resource to liabilities.

· Copyright manipulation from competitors which may see the company lose its intellectual property rights.

· The company has the opportunity to embrace high level of technology that is exposed to attain its goals.

· Take advantage of the changing legal environment that allow the organization to safeguard its intellectual property rights from copyright manipulation.

· Invest the large capital that the organizations into high-tech medical equipment that will enhance provision of quality care.

· Invest heavily in advertisement and promotion to enhance brand awareness in the area.



· Lack of sufficient human resource in the organization to provide services to clients.

· Poor hiring and recruitment information system which hinder the organization to access highly talented potential employees.

· Lack of competent training and development program for the employees to enhance their skills and knowledge.

· Poor marketing strategies that have left the organization unknown in the region hence reducing its market share.

· Large capital base that has enabled the organization to acquire state-of-the-art medical equipment.

· Competent organizational leadership and management teams that have created conducive working and care environment.

· Reduced medical errors and provision of quality care due to high level of employee training and use of high-tech equipment.

· Implementation of technology based information communication system that enhance communication in the organization.

· Sufficient healthcare professionals that are highly skilled and trained in the organization who enables the organization to provide quality care.


Telehealth organization

Miatta Teasley

Capella University

MHA-FPX5010 Strategic Health Care Planning

Professor Chad Moretz

December 1, ,2022


Telehealth uses digital information and communication technology to provide healthcare remotely. Technologies include computers, tablets, and smartphones technology at home. A nurse or other medical professional may provide Telehealth in outlying areas out of a clinic or mobile van (Qian et al., 2021). Telehealth is a tool that doctors may use to supplement or improve care. Telehealth organizations utilize telecommunications and digital communication technology to provide medicinal care, worker and patient schooling, health evidence facilities, and self-care. Animate film conferencing, smartphone apps, “save and forward” electronic broadcast, and RPM are all used in Telehealth. Digital involvement and follow-up may enhance patient quality of life and treatment outcomes. Telehealth may reduce the risk of infection and enhance patient evaluation. Healthcare expenses could be immediately reduced by Telehealth (Qian et al., 2021). Cut back on patient travel and transportation expenses. A telemedicine consultation could replace a hospital visit or stay. Numerous procedures and programs might be economical. Technology may make it easier for more people to access healthcare. Telehealth could enhance coordination, efficiency, and home care.

Telemedicine PESTEL Analysis

PESTEL, which emphasizes the market’s Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal environment, would be used to assess the external setting of the telehealth organization. In contrast, Porter’s Five Pressures would be used to assess the market’s competitiveness (DeSilva & Vaidya, 2021). PESTEL is an acronym for the market’s Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal environment. industry dynamics like the negotiating power of buyers and distributors, the risk posed by new participants, and replacements are highlighted to gain a better understanding of competition.

a) Political factors

The growth of the telehealth industry has been significantly influenced by several political factors, including the creation of institutions dedicated to innovation, the advancement of technological capabilities, and the cultivation of human resource capacity (DeSilva & Vaidya, 2021). In 1990, the government initiated a strategy with a duration of five years to promote submicron innovation. One component of this strategy was the development of submicron research labs.

b) Economic factors

The only significant financial challenge in the telehealth industry is not caused by demand and supply imbalances. The below-average prices