Please read this very carefully and ask questions if you don’t understand it.

Software Examples (you are by no means limited to this list!  New examples are highly encouraged!!):

Tableau, KPI, WHONET, SAS, STATA, Vitalnet, SaTScan, R, JMP, Qlik, Minitab, VOSViewer, ATHENANet

You may also focus on SPSS capabilities that are not utilized in this course.  Examples: predictive analytics, forecasting

Statistical Software Paper

These articles are examples of acceptable sources.  Feel free to use them in your papers, use them and their references for inspiration or not use them at all.  🙂

These are example articles

· Software Article 2.pdf

Software Article.pdf

· Statistical Software Paper.docx

Download MOHA 570 Article Review.pdf

Software Examples (you are by no means limited to this list!  New examples are highly encouraged!!):

Tableau, KPI, WHONET, SAS, STATA, Vitalnet, SaTScan, R, JMP, Qlik, Minitab, VOSViewer, ATHENANet

You may also focus on SPSS capabilities that are not utilized in this course.  Examples: predictive analytics, forecasting

· Download NCHL competencies and definitions copy.pdf 

Addresses course outcome 3,4
Addresses program outcome 10
Addresses NCHL competency objective: Analytical thinking L4, communication skills L1, performance
measurement L2, impact and influence L2, information seeking L2, innovation L3, strategic orientation
L1, professional and social responsibility L1


NCHL Leadership Competency Model – Quick Reference Guide

The following pages have been designed to facilitate the process of matching objectives to competencies.

This quick reference guide format outlines only three competencies per page in alphabetical order, helping

faculty to scan the categories and levels for an efficient matching process.

Healthcare Leadership Competency Model, Version 2.1

L1. Accountability

L2. Achievement Orientation

L3. Analytical Thinking

The ability to hold people accountable

to standards of performance or ensure

compliance using the power of one’s position

or force of personality appropriately and

effectively, with the long-term good of the

organization in mind.

A concern for surpassing a standard of

excellence.The standard may be one’s own

past performance (striving for improvement);

an objective measure (results orientation);

outperforming others (competitiveness);

challenging goals, or something that has not

been done previously (innovation).

The ability to understand a situation, issue,

or problem by breaking it into smaller pieces

or tracing its implications in a step-by-step

way. It includes organizing the parts of a

situation, issue, or problem systematically;

making systematic comparisons of different

features or aspects; setting priorities on a

rational basis; and identifying time sequences,

causal relationships, or if-then relationships.

L1.1 Communicates Requirements

and Expectations

L2.1 Wants to Do Job Well

Gives basic directions; Makes needs and

requirements reasonably clear; Ensures

understanding of task requirements and

performance expectations; Explicitly delegates

details of routine tasks in order to free self for

more valuable or longer-range considerations

Tries to do the job well or right; Expresses a

desire to do better; Expresses frustration at

waste or inefficiency; Delivers expected results

in line with job requirements

L3.1 Breaks Down Problems

Breaks problems into simple lists of tasks or

activities without assigning values; Lists items

with no particular order or set of priorities

L2.2 Creates Own Measure of Excellence

Sets standard of personal expectation for

excellence in both the quality and quantity of


Workplace Emotions: The Role of Supervision and Leadership

Joyce E. Bono, Hannah Jackson Foldes, Gregory Vinson, and John P. Muros
University of Minnesota

In this experience sampling study, the authors examined the role of organizational leaders in employees’
emotional experiences. Data were collected from health care workers 4 times a day for 2 weeks. Results
indicate supervisors were associated with employee emotions in 3 ways: (a) Employees experienced
fewer positive emotions when interacting with their supervisors as compared with interactions with
coworkers and customers; (b) employees with supervisors high on transformational leadership experi-
enced more positive emotions throughout the workday, including interactions with coworkers and
customers; and (c) employees who regulated their emotions experienced decreased job satisfaction and
increased stress, but those with supervisors high on transformational leadership were less likely to
experience decreased job satisfaction. The results also suggest that the effects of emotional regulation on
stress are long lasting (up to 2 hr) and not easily reduced by leadership behaviors.

Keywords: emotional regulation, mood, stress, job satisfaction, leadership

Over the past 2 decades, there has been a growing interest in
affective and emotional experiences at work (Brief & Weiss,
2002), including interest in the role of mood and emotions in
employee motivation (Erez & Isen, 2002), job performance (Law,
Wong, & Song, 2004), creativity (George & Zhou, 2002), and job
attitudes (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996). Emotional regulation at
work has also received attention, especially given evidence that
regulating emotions is associated with cardiovascular system ac-
tivation (Gross & Levenson, 1993, 1997), stress, emotional ex-
haustion (Pugliesi, 1999), and physical symptoms such as head-
aches (Schaubroeck & Jones, 2000).

There has also been interest in emotions in the leadership
domain. Most influential theories of transformational and charis-
matic leadership (e.g., Bass, 1985; Conger & Kanungo, 1998;
House, 1977; Shamir, House, & Arthur, 1993) posit emotional
links between leaders and followers, yet there is little empirical
research linking managers and their leadership behaviors to em-
ployees’ emotions. A few studies have been conducted, but these
studies have not fully elucidated emotional links between leaders
and followers because they either manipulated leader emotions
(Sy, Côté, & Saavedra, 2005); used simulated leaders and follow-
ers (Bono & Ilies, 2006); or used a single-time, single-source
survey to assess follower emotions and leader behavior (McColl-
Kennedy & Anderson, 2002). Therefore, the primary purpose of
our study was to examine the effects of supervisors and managers
on employees’ emotions in a natural work setting. First, we ex-

amined the direct effe

Health Services and Outcomes Research

Comparison of “Risk-Adjusted” Hospital Outcomes

David M. Shahian, MD; Sharon-Lise T. Normand, PhD

—A frequent challenge in outcomes research is the comparison of rates from different populations. One common example with substantial health policy implications involves the determination and comparison of hospital outcomes. The concept of “risk-adjusted” outcomes is frequently misunderstood, particularly when it is used to justify the direct comparison of performance at 2 specific institutions.

Methods and Results
—Data from 14 Massachusetts hospitals were analyzed for 4393 adults undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass graft surgery in 2003. Mortality estimates were adjusted using clinical data prospectively collected by hospital personnel and submitted to a data coordinating center designated by the state. The primary outcome was hospital-specific, risk-standardized, 30-day all-cause mortality after surgery. Propensity scores were used to assess the comparability of case mix (covariate balance) for each Massachusetts hospital relative to the pool of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgery at the remaining hospitals and for selected pairwise comparisons. Using hierarchical logistic regression, we indirectly standardized the mortality rate of each hospital using its expected rate. Predictive cross-validation was used to avoid underidentification of true outlying hospitals. Overall, there was sufficient overlap between the case mix of each hospital and that of all other Massachusetts hospitals to justify comparison of individual hospital performance with that of the remaining hospitals. As expected, some pairwise hospital comparisons indicated lack of comparability. This finding illustrates the fallacy of assuming that risk adjustment per se is sufficient to permit direct side-by-side comparison of healthcare providers. In some instances, such analyses may be facilitated by the use of propensity scores to improve covariate balance between institutions and to justify such comparisons.

—Risk-adjusted outcomes, commonly the focus of public report cards, have a specific interpretation. Using indirect standardization, these outcomes reflect a provider’s performance for its specific case mix relative to the expected performance of an average provider for that same case mix. Unless study design or post hoc adjustments have resulted in reasonable overlap of case-mix distributions, such risk-adjusted outcomes should not be used to directly compare one institution with another. (Circulation. 2008;117:1955-1963.)

Key Words: health care quality assessment ■ outcomes research ■ risk ■ statistics

)utcomes research “seeks to understand the end results of p