I am currently working on my Capstone project “Oral Health Promotion to Improve the Quality of Life in Older Adults Living Independently “ I already have the research proposal, the pre and post-intervention data, and the questionnaire used. I’m looking for statistical data analysis services for my project.

I think I will need the following for my research:

1. Explanation on how would you approach analyzing the data from my study

2. The analysis must show what appropriate statistical methods and software do you plan to use to analyze my data and research question

3. What are the strengths and limitations of the statistical analysis used in this study

4. What are the potential implications and recommendations based on the statistical findings

5. An interpretation / explanation of the statistical findings

6. The analysis must include statistical graphs and/or tables

The purpose of the research study “Oral Health Promotion to Improve the Quality of Life in Older Adults Living Independently” is to examine the relationship between oral health and quality of life. The general objectives of the study are to analyze the impact of an oral health education program on adult individuals who live independently; to determine the presence of tooth decay, plaque, or mouth diseases; to motivate people to take care of their oral health; and to assess the participant’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to oral health. Participation in this study is voluntary and if the participant does not feel comfortable with the questions or information and decide not to continue being part of the study, the participant can leave the project at any time, without any retaliation or penalty.

Next you will find 15 questions related to the topic in this study that will help us gather data regarding your oral health knowledge and overall oral health. In each question, please choose only one answer.

Oral health questionnaire

1. Sex: (Please choose one)

· Male

· Female

· Refused to answer

2. How would you rate the health in your mouth?

· Very good

· Good

· Fair

· Poor

3. How important do you think the health of your mouth is? (Please choose one)

· Very important

· Somewhat important

· Not important

· Don’t know

4. Do you regularly visit a dentist for a check-up? (Please choose one)

· Once a year or more often

· Once every few years or when there is pain

· No Visits

5. Do you know possible consequences of poor oral health? (Please choose one)

· Yes

· No

· Don’t know

6. Do you wear dental prosthetics? (Please choose one)

· No

· Yes

7. Do you have toothaches? (Please choose one)

· No aches at all

· Yes

8. Do you have sensitive teeth, to cold or hot temperatures? (Please choose one)

· No aches at all

· Yes

9. Are there any cavities in your teeth that you are aware of? (Please choose one)

· No cavities at all

· 1-2 cavities

· Three cavities or more

· Don’t know

10. Do you have a bad smell from your mouth? (Please choose one)

· No

· Yes

· Don’t know

11. Do you eat sugary products frequently (Ex: candies, gum, sodas)? (Please choose one)

· No

· Yes

12. How many times during the day you brush your teeth? (Please choose one)

· Twice a day or more

· Once a day or less

13. Do your gums bleed when you wash your teeth? (Please choose one)

· Always

· Often

· Occasio

Pre Test Answers

Participant # Q1. Sex Q2.How would you rate the health in your mouth? Q3.How important do you think the health of your mouth is? Q4.Do you regularly visit a dentist for a check-up? Q5.Do you know possible consequences of poor oral health? Q6.Do you wear dental prosthetics? Q7. Do you have toothaches? Q8. Do you have sensitive teeth Q9. Are there any cavities in your teeth that you are aware of? Q10. Do you have a bad smell from your mouth? Q11. Do you eat sugary products frequently? Q12. How many times during the day you brush your teeth? Q13. Do your gums bleed when you wash your teeth? Q14. Do you floss your teeth? Q15. Do you use mouth wash? A1. Gingivitis present on assesment? A.2 Is there missing Teeth on assesment? A.3 Is there Tartar or Plaque present on assesment?
1 Female Good Very Important Once a year Yes No No No Three or more Don’t Know Yes Once or less Occasionally Often Occasionally Yes Yes No
2 Male Very Good Very Important Once a year Yes No No No Don’t know No Yes Twice or more Occasionally Often Always Yes No No
3 Female Good Very Important Once a year No No No Yes No No No Twice or more Never Occasionally Occasionally No No Yes
4 Female Very Good Very Important Once a year Yes No No No 3 or more No No Twice or more Never Occasionally Never No No No
5 Male Good Very Important Once every few years or when there is pain Yes No No No No Yes No Twice or more Never Ocassionally Never No Yes Yes
6 Female Good Somewhat important Once every few years or when there is pain Don’t know No

Oral Health Promotion to Improve the Quality of Life in

Older Adults Living Independently

Jorge Trapaga


Scholarly Project



Oral health promotion to improve the quality of life in older adults living independently

Oral health diseases are the most neglected in healthcare organizations, affecting almost 3.5 billion people worldwide. They are not highly discussed for all age groups, but when it comes to older people, they need more care. Most of the problems are related to dentistry, but older adults, especially those who live independently, are highly prone to the disorders. Older adults do not have the strong immunity to face the different diseases. Oral diseases are common because of the decayed tooth and dental carriers. The project will discuss the problem in detail (Allin, 2020).

Older adults need the care of their families to face the different issues. The research and practice problem focuses on the oral health problems of older adults who lack family care and live independently. They have different experiences in self-care and dental issues. Sometimes, the older adults are neglected because they do not have enough money to go to a dentist or physician to treat their diseases or suffer from other diseases, so they ignore the oral health disorders. The topic of oral health will have huge scope in the future (Li, 2021).

The state of being physically, mentally, and socially well is referred to as health. Such definition has been widely accepted and is used as a guiding principle by healthcare practitioners. The process of empowering people to exert more control over and improve their health is known as health promotion. It shifts away from an emphasis on personal conduct and toward the various societal and environmental interventions. Broad research has been studied to determine the importance of oral health and increase awareness of its significance to the general population. Poor oral health can lead to pain, eating and speaking difficulties, and poor self-esteem (Li & Yao, 2021). It can also have a negative effect on general health, contributing to heart disease, stroke, pneumonia, and other health complications.

Oral health promotion involves the various activities, including education, policy development, and community-based initiatives. Current statistics demonstrates that over 78% of the elderly population experience issues with oral health (Janto et al., 2022). It shows that oral health is among the highly overlooked conditions in healthcare. It is not highly discussed for all age groups, but when it comes to older people, they need more care. Most of the issues are related to dentistry, but older adults, especially those who live independently, are highly