Standards for health care 

Unit lll Journal

Reflect on how stress influences you. How do you recognize and deal with stress in your personal or professional life? Recount a situation where thinking creatively or critically made a difference in how you coped with stress. How do you see these skills helping you as a healthcare administrator?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.


Reflect upon the kind of communicator you believe you are currently. Also, consider how you can use your communication skills to be a team builder within the healthcare organization. Now, imagine the following scenario: There is a bully, Sheila, who is always saying nasty things about her colleague Quintin. Most recently, she blatantly attacked him verbally in a staff meeting.

As the leader, how would you use team communication skills to help Sheila and Quintin work out their issues? Do you feel you need different communication skills as a leader than the skills you presently have or utilize in your personal life? Explain the differences, if any.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.


Reflect on the various informal and formal groups you see in your healthcare organization or your current organization if not in a healthcare role. Do you feel cultural competence, or a lack of, plays a role in the group processes? Do you think it affects the overall organizational culture in any way? If you are or could be the administrator, what could you do to help foster successful organizational communication?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

BHA 3202, Standards for Health Care Staff 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit III

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

4. Discuss the impact personal skills have on the workplace.
4.1 Identify how stress affects work performance.
4.2 Consider how different types of thinking can build personal skills.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Activity

Unit Lesson
Chapter 5
Unit III Essay

Unit Lesson
Chapter 4
Unit III Essay

Reading Assignment

Chapter 4: Thinking and Reasoning Skills

Chapter 5: Stress Management

Unit Lesson

Recently, José has been reflecting on what professionalism means when one is a healthcare administrator.
He has come to realize that being reasonable about expectations one has about others and oneself plays a
big part in being professional. Understanding how stress can undermine personal and professional goals and
communication with others is something that José has been reading about in the healthcare administration
journals, but he is not sure he understands the concept after reading that there is good and bad stress. This
was a concept he never thought about before.

José decided to ask Jane about how she handled stress. It surprised him that the first thing she shared was
that job-related stress can lead to the healthcare administrator distancing himself or herself from others and
even to poor personal health, not to mention poor organizational health. She spoke of how the employees, as
well as the administrator, can feel trapped and feel a lack of empowerment when faced with high levels of on-
the-job stress. She added that it is the role of the healthcare administrator and leader of the team to help
guide everyone through periods of high stress (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2015).

Jane suggested that José read an article titled “Ten Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Became a
Health Officer” by Frieden (2016). She said that knowing what to expect could help reduce stress for
everyone but that it was crucial to understand that some stress is good. She also pointed out that what
someone might consider to be good stress is what another person might consider to be bad stress (Colbert &
Katrancha, 2016). Jane shared characteristics of good and bad stress with José.

Characteristics of good stress are listed below:

• short-term,

• expected, and


Thinking About Stress

BHA 3202, Standards for Health Care Staff 2

• perceived as positive.

• Examples are listed below:
o getting married,
o being promoted, or
o winning the lottery.

Characteristics of bad stress are listed below:

• unrelenting/continuous,

• unexpected, and

• perceived as negat

BHA 3202, Standards for Health Care Staff 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit V

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

4. Discuss the impact personal skills have on the workplace.
4.1 Analyze the role that cultural competency plays in effective healthcare administration.

5. Discuss the importance of healthcare organization values.

5.1 Evaluate how communication skills support organizational culture, mission, and philosophy.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Activity

4.1 Unit Lesson Unit V Article Critique


Unit Lesson
Chapter 8 Reading
Article Reading
Unit V Article Critique

Reading Assignment

Chapter 8: Communication Within an Organization

Additional Reading Assignment:

In order to access the following resource, click the link below.

Gupta, A. (2015). To analysis the role of group dynamics in organization. International Journal of

Multidisciplinary Approach and Studies, 2(3), 170–175.

Unit Lesson

In reflecting back over his talk with Jane last week, José has started wondering whether there is a situation
where there can be too much talking and not enough listening. He knows that Jane has addressed this before
in helping him identify the nonverbal communication that accompanies his words, but he knows that her
points about listening—really listening to what the other person is saying—are important as well. Therefore,
José goes to Jane to ask her about how he can listen better.

Jane is pleased that José is interested in learning to listen better. She explains to him that there are generally
three things that can keep a person from hearing what is being said, which are listed below.

• Truth triggers: These are comments that we feel are not fair or true and make us want to immediately
respond and defend ourselves.

• Relationship triggers: These are sender-related comments where we may have positive or negative
feelings about the person sending us the message.

• Identity triggers: These are hot-button items that set us off because they take a hit at our sense of self
(Stone & Heen, 2014).

Jane points out that these triggers play a large role in communication within any healthcare organization, and
the healthcare administrator has to be able to identify these triggers, help others recognize them, and turn off

Communicating Values

BHA 3202, Standards for Health Care Staff 2

the triggers before all communication is affected between the healthcare organization’s employees. She tells
José that und

BHA 3202, Standards for Health Care Staff 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit IV

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

3. Recommend methods that foster teamwork among colleagues.
3.1 Examine the role communication plays in teambuilding and productivity.


Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity

Unit Lesson
Chapters 6, 7
Unit IV Article Critique

Reading Assignment

Chapter 6: Types of Communication

Chapter 7: Communication in Action

Additional Reading Assignment:

In order to access the following resource, click the link below.

Mueller, J. (2012, March 16). The communication process [Video]. YouTube.

The transcript for the video above can be accessed here.

Unit Lesson

José has found that effective communication seems to be an important part of ensuring a healthcare
organization and its employees work together for the common goal of quality patient health care. Because he
has applied for the position of healthcare administrator now, he finds himself observing the interactions that
he has with his colleagues, that they have with each other, and that Jane has with those who she supervises.

In watching his colleagues communicate with each other and reflecting on how he communicates with others,
José has discovered that there are three types of communication in his workplace: verbal, nonverbal, and
electronic communications such as e-mails, chats, and blogs. He has found that there is often a disparity
between what he hears someone say and what he sees him or her doing. Jane agrees and notes that some
employees can have a problem with connecting verbal and nonverbal communication (Colbert &
Katrancha, 2016).

Jane points out that José has also had some issues such as this before. This surprises José until he realizes
that he has often had to apologize for something he said that someone else interpreted in a way he did not
intend. Jane tells him that there are three parts to proper communication: the sender, the message, and the
receiver (Colbert & Katrancha, 2016). She points out that problems can occur at any point. If the sender is not
clear in the meaning and intent of the message, then the receiver may not receive the intended message.

José thinks back to the last meeting that Jane had with everyone when a coworker, D ‘Andrea, became very
upset with Betty about a statement Betty made. José tells Jane that he did not really understand it then, but
he now sees that Betty had her arms folded across her chest and was leaned forward toward D ‘Andrea with
a frown on her face. Jane smiled and told José that this was exactly what she was thinking about when she

Communication and Teambuilding