This assignment will be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoints
should be concise and briefly highlight information. Slides should be presented in APA 7th ed.
format, be clearly presented, free of spelling and formatting errors, information should be
paraphrased and include citations. Images need to be correctly credited and should include a
minimum of 2 images. Turnitin report should be less than 10%

N402 Social Media Power Point Rubric






Insuff. or Not Addressed

Points Possible

Points Earned

Title Slide in APA format

Includes instructor name, course title, student name and date. 1pt.


Social Media Policy:

· Type of facility

· How is social Media used in facility? Refers to facility policy and dates reviewed discuss briefly in 2 slides. 4 points.


Social Medial Risks and Benefits:

· List and describe 2 benefits of social media. 2pt

· List and describes 2 risks of social media.2pt

· Includes 1 reference each for risk/benefits min. 2pt


Moral/Practice Issues:

· Describe at least 2 moral or practice issues related to social media 3 pts

· Includes Min 1 reference 1 pt


Workplace Social Media:

· Presents scenario for workplace social media issue or concern. 2 pts

· Identifies 4 corrective action recommendations for issue/concern. 7 pts

· Includes Citation for white paper article1pt



· Slide that summarizes main points. 2 pts.


Spelling, Grammar, APA format

· Free of Spelling, typographical, and grammatical errors. Slides are clear, concise, and visually interesting. Pictures used are cited/credited to source.

· References all sources: include assignment white paper and min. 3 additional resources


Total Points Earned


N402 Social Media Assignment Instruction

30 Possible Points

Overview: This assignment will be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoints should be concise and briefly highlight information. Slides should be presented in APA 7th ed. format, be clearly presented, free of spelling and formatting errors, information should be paraphrased and include citations. Images need to be correctly credited and should include a minimum of 2 images. Turn it in report should be less than 10%

1. This assignment is based on the following article by the National Council State Boards of Nursing. The article is located in the content area of the course on D2L.

NCSBN. (2011).
White paper: A nurse’s guide to the use of social media.

2. Please review the ANA Factsheet on social media and website found in D2L


Prepare a power point presentation and include the following:

Title Slide: Name of presentation, Student Name, Instructor Name, College and Course, Date.

Social Media Policy: Discuss the types of policies that are used in your place of work. NO AGENCY names, use initials only and describe the facility. For example, small rural hospital, a hospice agency or a nursing home.

Include the date you viewed the policy and when the policy was written/and or reviewed. How is social media being used in your place of work? For your citation and reference use Agency policy and the date on the policy. Policies should be reviewed yearly so it would be a recommendation if they are outdated. Discuss findings in brief. No more than 2 slides.

Social Media Risk and Benefits: List and describe 2 of the benefits of social media for nursing
? Below is a list of possible benefits. List and describe 2 risks of social media?
Minimum 1 reference/citation for benefits and 1 reference /citation for risks. No more than 4 slides total.

1. Keep up with current health issues, trends, and up to date EBM

2. Opportunities to dialogue with colleagues

3. Education and training

4. Instant alerts in cases of disaster management

5. Dedicated phone for emergency calls to MD

6. Professional groups such as LinkedIn or Research Gate.

7. Facebook to recruit and inform public

Moral /Practice Issues: Describe at least 2 moral or practice issues have you seen arise from the use of social media.
No more than 2 slides total with at least one journal reference

Workplace Social Media: In this section identify specific social media use concern or issue for where you currently


The number of individuals using social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube is
growing at an astounding rate. Facebook reports that over 10% of the world’s population has a Facebook
presence while Twitter manages more than 140 million Tweets daily. Nurses are making connections using

social media. Recently, the College of Nurses of Ontario reported that 60% of Ontario’s nurses engage in social
networking (Anderson & Puckrin, 2011).

Social networks are defined as “web-based services that allow individuals to 1) construct a public or semi-public
profile within a bounded system, 2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and 3) view
and traverse their lists of connections and those made by others within the system” (Boyd and Ellison, 2007).

These online networks offer opportunities for rapid knowledge exchange and dissemination among many people,
although this exchange does not come without risk. Nurses and nursing students have an obligation to under-
stand the nature, benefits, and consequences of participating in social networking of all types. Online content
and behavior has the potential to either enhance or undermine not only the individual nurse’s career, but also the
nursing profession.

• Networking and nurturing relationships
• Exchange of knowledge and forum for collegial interchange
• Dissemination and discussion of nursing and health related

education, research, best practices
• Educating the public on nursing and health related matters

• Information can take on a life of its own where inaccuracies

become “fact”
• Patient privacy can be breached
• The public’s trust of nurses can be compromised
• Individual nursing careers can be undermined

ANA’s Principles for Social Networking
1. Nurses must not transmit or place online individually

identifiable patient information.
2. Nurses must observe ethically prescribed professional patient — nurse boundaries.
3. Nurses should understand that patients, colleagues, institutions, and employers may view postings.
4. Nurses should take advantage of privacy settings and seek to separate personal

and professional information online.
5. Nurses should bring content that could harm a patient’s privacy, rights, or welfare

to the attention of appropriate authorities.
6. Nurses should participate in developing institutional policies governing online


Anderson, J., & Puckrin, K. (2011). Social network use: A test of self-regulation. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 2(1), 36-41.

Boyd, S., & Ellison, N.B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer Mediated
Communication, 13(1), 210-230.

Navigating the World of Social Media

8515 Georg

Journal of Practical Nursing | Fall 2011 | 3 1

White Paper: A Nurse’s Guide
to the Use of Social Media

August 2011

The use of social media and other electronic communication is increasing exponentially with growing numbers of social media
outlets, platforms and applications, including blogs, social networking sites, video sites, and online chat rooms and forums. Nurses
often use electronic media both personally and professionally. Instances of inappropriate use of electronic media by nurses have
been reported to boards of nursing (BONs) and, in some cases, reported in nursing literature and the media. This document is
intended to provide guidance to nurses using electronic media in a manner that maintains patient privacy and confidentiality.

Social media can benefit health care in a variety of ways, including fostering professional connections, promoting timely
communication with patients and family members, and educating and informing consumers and health care professionals.

Nurses are increasingly using blogs, forums and social networking sites to share workplace experiences particularly events that
have been challenging or emotionally charged. These outlets provide a venue for the nurse to express his or her feelings, and
reflect or seek support from friends, colleagues, peers or virtually anyone on the Internet. Journaling and reflective practice have
been identified as effective tools in nursing practice. The Internet provides an alternative media for nurses to engage in these
helpful activities. Without a sense of caution, however, these understandable needs and potential benefits may result in the nurse
disclosing too much information and violating patient privacy and confidentiality.

Health care organizations that utilize electronic and social media typically have policies governing employee use of such media
in the workplace. Components of such policies often address personal use of employer computers and equipment, and personal
computing during work hours. The policies may address types of websites that may or may not be accessed from employer
computers. Health care organizations also maintain careful control of websites maintained by or associated with the organization,
limiting what may be posted to the site and by whom.

The employer’s policies, however, typically do not address the nurse’s use of social media outside of the workplace. It is in this
context that the nurse may face potentially serious consequences for inappropriate use of social media.

Confidentiality and Privacy
To understand the limits of appropriate use of social media, it is important to have an understanding of confidentiality and privacy
in the health care context. Confidentiality and privacy are related, but distinct concepts. Any patient information learned by
the nurse during the course of treatment m

Social Media:
The realities of an online presence for RN’s

Student name

NURS 402-04 Psychosocial/Inter-professional Communication for RN’s

Minnesota State University, Mankato

Instructor Name


Image from Microsoft PowerPoint 365

Social Media Policies

AH, a large, multi-city school district serving several suburbs: Social media policies apply to all employees including the 97 nurses on staff.

Employees should observe the following rules for personal use of Social Media

Consider your role as a school employee before posting any content that would show “obscene, profane, vulgar, harassing, threatening, bullying, libelous, or defamatory or that discusses or encourages any illegal activity, use of illegal drugs, inappropriate alcohol use, sexual behavior or sexual harassment.” (Anoka Hennepin School District #11, 2015, 5.1)

Image from Microsoft PowerPoint 365

Social Media Policies (Contintued)

Views expressed are the employees and do not reflect the district

No disclosure of private, proprietary or confidential information

Employees may not use or post graphic/logo without permission

Employees have responsibility to maintain appropriate student-employee relationships at all times

If an employee chooses to engage with a student group or public group, they do so as an employee

(Anoka Hennepin School District #11, 2015)

Image from Microsoft PowerPoint 365

Social Media Benefits to Nurses

Four domains that are positively impacted by social media


fostering mentors, enhance education in rural settings

Support through transition periods

Reduce geographical separation and stress

Clinical Practice:

Connect and advocate for their profession and patients

(Jackson et al., 2014)

Image from Microsoft PowerPoint 365

Social Media Benefits to Nurses


Broadcast research findings

Monitor health and facility collection


Connect and exchange information

Reduces recruitment barriers for surveys

(Jackson et al., 2014)

(Bethel et al., 2020)

Image from Microsoft PowerPoint 365

Social Media Risks for Nurses

Crossing professional and personal lines

Misinformation spread

Breach of patient and staff privacy

Loss of public’s trust ov