This discussion contains 2 parts:

  1. KM is a 38-year-old white woman with a 6-year history of psoriasis. Her family history includes allergies and asthma and her mother with psoriasis. KM returns today for an increase in symptoms, and she wants to improve the appearance of her skin. Please discuss the following:
    • What is the underlying cause of psoriasis?
    • What are the common signs and symptoms of this disease?
  2. Define, Compare and Contrast the following conditions:
    • Fibrocystic breast disease
    • Fibroadenoma
    • Malignant breast tumor

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in proper current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. 

Post # 1

Diana Figueroa

St. Thomas University

Health Assessment & Promotion

Instructor Rafael Rojas

Due Date: 9/1/22


Patient Case Discussion

Understanding the pathogenesis of diseases plays an important role in clinical interventions. Knowledge of the causes, symptoms, and the complexities of disease conditions inform diagnosis, treatment and management of chronic conditions that impact individual and population health. This paper discusses two parts: the patient case on psoriasis and the nature and comparison of other selected conditions. The knowledge of disease pathogenesis influences diagnosis, treatment and management of serious disease conditions that impact health and wellbeing.

Part 1: Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the skin. Knowledge of pathogenesis of the disease has contributed to understanding of skin biology and clinical interventions. Research indicates that psoriasis is a hereditary disease that has origins in genetics and autoimmune pathogenic predispositions (Rendon and Knut 1475). Psoriasis vulgaris accounts for 90% of all psoriasis cases and covers a large area of the skin. The majority of people with psoriasis have hereditary predispositions of the skin disease. In the case of KM, the cause of her psoriasis is genetics. The fact that her mother has psoriasis explains her dermatologic manifestations of the chronic skin disease. Hence, the underlying cause of psoriasis is genetics and autoimmune traits such as allergies that affect the skin.

            Dermatologic manifestations of psoriasis appear as a plague on extended parts of the skin. While there are varied clinical classifications of the skin disease, 90% of cases appear as a scaly plague that can affect any part of the skin. Chronic psoriasis covers limbs, extensor surface of the skin, and scalp. The major signs and symptoms of psoriasis are scaly plaques that are destructive on the skin and cause chronic inflammation and irritation. The plagues may become hemorrhagic and cause skin discoloration, psoriatic nail, and psoriatic arthritis. Patients commonly show generalized or localized red patches or scaly skin manifestations that often progress to extended skin area and dermal appendages like nails, toes, fingers, palms, and feet (Rendon and Knut). Based on the clinical manifestations, the severity of psoriasis may differ across patients, from acute to chronic psoriasis.

Part 2: Define, Compare and Contrast Medical Conditions

Fibrocystic breast disease refers to the benign form of breast disease common in women across the world. The disease is common among women of reproductive age and is linked to reproductive hormones. Fibrocystic breast is characterized by non-malignant tumors, trauma, nipple discharge, or mastalgia and is often painful (Malherbe, Kahna, and Fatima). Lifestyle changes, medicatio