What do you see as similarities and differences between the research process, the Evidence-Based Practice process, and nursing process? Include rationale to support your response.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. 

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.

NUR_416 Post #1

Lisa Wright

St. Thomas University

NUR 416: Nursing Research & Evidence-Based Practice

Lisbet Henriquez

September 22, 2022

Similarities and Differences

            The research process is a meticulous step-by-step process where a phenomenon is investigated to discern new insight that helps shed fresh enlightening in addressing the issue. The information generated can be used to piggyback additional research that may focus on another aspect of the research. On the other hand, the evidence-based process takes an issue in healthcare, formulates a query through a PICOT question, and attempts to answer it through an analysis of relevant research studies. The evidence available is critiqued to assess whether it holds up and if it does, it is applied in practice. Finally, the nursing process employs a systematic review of available knowledge to assess, diagnose, implement and evaluate an intervention for a patient (Toney-Butler & Thayer, 2022). This assignment module examines the similarities and differences between the research process, the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) process, and the nursing process. 


            One of the similarities between the research, evidence-based, and nursing process is that the three processes seek to improve patient outcomes. While research investigates a phenomenon in healthcare, like a behavioral study where respondents exhibit various traits, the EBP process examines healthcare issues like optimization of healthcare delivery or workplace violence reduction (Chien, 2019). The nursing process ensures improved patient outcomes by employing a robust process to diagnose and intervene to improve the patient’s condition. Secondly, the three concepts follow a rigid set-by-step algorithm to ensure that the issue under investigation is conclusively addressed. By following these structured and guided approaches, the outcomes can be relied upon since they check the boxes of conduct standards. For instance, in the nursing process, an intervention cannot be administered until an assessment and a diagnosis is made. With EBP, research cannot be critiqued without properly outlining the PICOT question in full.

            The third similarity is that the three processes almost begin with an assessment. While the research process begins with asking a question about a phenomenon, EBP starts with the spirit of a query about a phenomenon (book). The nursing process also begins relatively the same where a nurse employs critical thinking and data collection to gain insight into an issue. 


            The three concepts differ because, unlike in research and nursing processes, the EBP process does not entail the collection of new insights abou