Read the two provided article and answer the question about scientific communication comparing the two articles. Each response should be 2-5 sentence per question.


Student Name:

Scientific Communication

Instructions: Access the Canvas Assignment details to read the assigned consumer-oriented article and the related peer reviewed journal article. Consider also watching the YouTube video posted in the assignment for a 3rd perspective. Respond to the following questions and write your thoughts and ideas (2-5 sentences per question). These ideas will be used to stimulate discussion during your live workshop. Use a graduate level writing style, including full/complete sentences with APA-style citations. This worksheet will be submitted prior to your self-registered live workshop.

1. Who is the targeted audience for each article?

2. What is the main take-home message of each article? How do these messages compare?

3. What do the authors report as “truth” and needs more research?

4. What biases do you see for each article? (Refer to Davies and Logan (2022) Reading Research: Selection bias, Attrition bias, Measurement bias, Performance bias and/or Reporting bias)

5. Is the consumer-oriented article an appropriate representation of the findings of the peer-reviewed article, or is the focus too narrow or broad? Provide examples from each article. For example, was one of the incidental findings of the peer-reviewed article blown out of proportion in the consumer-targeted message?

6. Regarding the peer-reviewed article, is this research important? Why or why not? When choosing a scientific or health study to discuss with patients or clients, consider what’s being contributed to the research field. Does it represent a major advance? Does it change the way people think about a problem? Not all studies are important; if you think this study is not, explain why.

7. Is the message over-generalized, or applied to a greater population than is reasonable? For example, did the authors conduct the study on a small sample, but the news-media article presents the findings as though they were applicable to all?

8. Is the research statistically and/or clinically significant? Take care not to overstate the importance of the study. A finding that is statistically significant may not be clinically significant.

9. What would you share with a client who brought the article to you? How would you respond? Consider Shared Decision Making in your response.

R.I. study finds group yoga helps stressed-out
Gagosz, Alexa . Boston Globe (Online) ; Boston [Boston]. 18 Oct 2021.

ProQuest document link

The Boston Globe’s weekly Ocean State Innovators column features a Q&A with Rhode Island innovators who are

starting new businesses and nonprofits, conducting groundbreaking research, and reshaping the state’s economy.

Send tips and suggestions to reporter Alexa Gagosz at [email protected].

Researchers at Butler Hospital recently conducted a study of how group yoga programs could help teens who had

elevated levels of stress and who are depressed.

Dr. Lisa Uebelacker is a clinical psychologist at Butler Hospital and Brown University was the lead on the study. It’s

not the first time she’s researched the impact hatha yoga can have on people suffering from depression or chronic


In various ongoing and completed clinical trials, Uebelacker has focused on people with a partial response to

antidepressant treatments, people with chronic pain enrolled in medication-assisted treatment for opioid disorder,

people in prison, and pregnant depressed women.

Q: What is the study about?

Uebelacker: We are piloting a group of teens that had elevated levels of depression or stress and comparing the

yoga program to a group cognitive behavioral therapy treatment, which is an evidence-based treatment for

depression. With the pilot study, we’re really looking at, can we do this? Are kids interested? Will they come to class

and how can we make the classes accessible for them?

We took the feedback from the pilot to prepare to be able to do a larger-scale study where we want to ultimately

compare a yoga class to a group CBT and whether they both are helpful for teens with depression, whether the

yoga is not inferior to the group CBT, and then that will allow us to look at for whom will a yoga class be better or

for whom will a group CBT be better?

(The pilot study was funded by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health at the National

Institutes of Health; Dr. Shirley Yen was the director of the study)

Q: Why yoga?

Uebelacker: Yoga really incorporates aspects of meditation, of breath awareness and breath control, as well as

movement. What I also really like about yoga is that for both adults and kids with depression, if you think about

meditation, it may be hard for some people to start a sitting-meditation practice. They are just sitting there with all

of these negative thoughts constantly. In yoga, though, it incorporates all of those things that you need: focusing

Complementary Therapies in Medicine 59 (2021) 102723

Available online 22 April 2021
0965-2299/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Teens’ perspectives on yoga as a treatment for stress and depression

L.A. Uebelacker a, b,*, J.C. Wolff a, c, J. Guo b, S. Feltus b, C.M. Caviness a, b, G. Tremont a, c,
K. Conte c, R.K. Rosen d, S. Yen a, e

a Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI, United States
b Butler Hospital, Providence, RI, United States
c Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI, United States
d Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Brown School of Public Health, Providence, RI, United States
e Massachusetts Mental Health Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States




Objective: To understand adolescents’ experiences and attitudes toward yoga, with a particular focus on
acceptability and feasibility of a yoga intervention for depressed adolescents.
Design: Qualitative analysis of data from three focus groups and eight individual interviews, for a total of 22 teen
Setting: Outpatient setting in a psychiatric hospital in the U.S.
Main outcome measures: Teens were asked about their own and their peers’ attitudes toward, and experiences
with, hatha yoga; reactions to a study-created yoga video; and opinions on class logistics.
Results: Teens had both positive and negative attitudes toward, and experiences with, hatha yoga. They com-
mented on “who does yoga;” many responses suggested a limited group (e.g., moms; people with money and
time). Participants agreed that yoga could be potentially beneficial for depressed or stressed teens. Self-
consciousness while being in a yoga class was a major concern. Overall, teens reacted favorably to the study-
created yoga video. Teens had varied opinions about class logistics including class duration and size. Teens
cited barriers to class, such as transportation, as well as barriers to home yoga practice.
Conclusions: Key points for developing a yoga class that might be appealing to depressed or stressed teens include:
creating a class with variety that teens will find interesting; taking concrete steps to decrease teen self-
consciousness; incorporating messages relevant for teens and consistent with yoga philosophy; and actively
countering stereotypes about who practices yoga. Limitations of this study include the lack of data from male

1. Introduction

Depression is a leading cause of disability for adolescents globally.1

In the US, the 12-month prevalence rate of Major Depressive Episodes in
teens incr