please try to ensure use of reviewed journal articles, not references from websites. 160 words minimum APA format

1. Explain the significance of family and kinship for the Perez family.

Mexicans esteem family as an overarching value, with the traditional family serving as the foundation of society for the Perez family. In Mexico, the concept of family is seen as a source of belonging and a source of love. According to Paugh (2018), Mexicans place more value on family than any other aspect of life, including work. Family members are often involved in the care process when it comes to an individual’s health. Due to Mexican culture’s strong belief in family care, it is common for the family to be involved in a client’s health care. Health care providers can improve compliance with health-care regimens and prescriptions by building greater trust and confidence among all family members (Purnell, 2019). Family support is required in this case for Mr. Perez. The health caregivers are encouraging him to comply with medication and instructions that are given to him by his family, enabling him to heal.

2. Describe the importance of religion and God for the Perez family.

Among Mexicans, religion plays a significant role. According to Posadas (2018), Mexicans place a high value on God. The belief that prayer to God will make things better is common in society whenever hard times occur. It is the Catholic religion that is the dominant religion in Mexico, but Protestantism is also gaining popularity (Purnell, 2019). The majority of Mexicans and Mexican Americans believe in God and practice their faith regularly, even if they don’t appear to be practicing their religion daily. Faith is an important factor in health care decisions and practices. Due to their Catholic faith, the Perez family has made a number of bequests to pray for the health of their members. Every event in someone’s life is held in the hands of God. God created the universe and the earth, and prayer is an attempt to build a meaningful and personal relationship with him. In Mexico, people believe that praying aligns their lives with the plans and visions of God.

3. Identify two stereotypes about Mexican Americans that were dispelled in this case with the Perez family.

Perez family’s health care practice and belief in Curanderismo has dispelled a stereotype about Mexican Americans. In Latin America, the United States, and southern Europe, curanderos are typically traditional native healers or shamans. Curanderos administer remedies to treat mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual illnesses. The curandero is a member of a religious order that dispenses medicinal folk remedies despite Mr Perez’s faith in God and his passion for Catholicism.
As with stereotypes about male and female roles in Mexican families, the Perez family dispels another one. For the family in this case, Mrs. Perez provides spiritual, physical, and emotional care, while Mr. Perez was exclusively responsible for providing financial support to the fami