Present in a PowerPoint format  a summary of a Quantitative Research article. 15 SLIDES. SEE RUBRIC.

• Article must be a peer-reviewed research study and related to a current healthcare issue or trend. 

• Article must have been published within last 5 years.

 • Identify and discuss the research question, hypothesis, sampling size, and research findings

Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a script with the verbiage you would say when presenting; script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.

References must be in APA 7th edition format.

Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation
Student Name:________________________________________ Group #__________________

CATEGORY Well executed Reasonably executed Average Poorly executed Score

Content Topic content well-
structured and presented.

Lacked some structure and
well presented.

Lacked some structure and
content in presentation.

Content was not structured,
and presentation was poorly


Sequencing of

Information is organized in a
clear, logical way. It is easy
to anticipate the type of
material that might be on
the next slide.

Most information is
organized in a clear, logical
way. One slide or item of
information seems out of

Some information is logically
sequenced. An occasional
slide or item of information
seems out of place.

There is no clear plan for the
organization of information.


Originality Presentation and notes
show considerable
originality and
inventiveness. The content
and ideas are presented in a
unique and interesting way.

Presentation and notes
show some originality and
inventiveness. The content
and ideas are presented in
an interesting way.

Presentation and notes
show an attempt at
originality and inventiveness
on 1-2 slides. Students read
from slides.

Presentation and notes are a
rehash of other people’s
ideas and/or graphics and
shows very little attempt at
original thought. Students
read from slides.


Spelling and

Presentation and notes have
no misspellings or
grammatical errors.

Presentation and notes have
1-2 misspellings, but no
grammatical errors.

Presentation and notes have
1-2 grammatical errors but
no misspellings.

Presentation and notes have
more than 2 grammatical
and/or spelling errors.


Pictures, Clip

All graphics are attractive
(size and colors) and support
the theme/content of the
presentation. Layout is not

A few graphics are not
attractive, but all support
the theme/content of the
presentation. Layout is
somewhat cluttered.

Graphics may be attractive
but seem not to support the
theme/content of the
presentation. Presentation
is cluttered with too many

Several graphics are
unattractive or AND detract
from the content of the
presentation. Presentation
is cluttered with too many


Organization PowerPoint and notes
contain a minimum of 15
slides. All parts of the task
are completed fully and
support the theme/content
of the presentation. All
slides use a uniform design.

PowerPoint and notes
contain a minimum of 15
slides. All parts of