Please Highlight the correct answers as attached

Overview of Evidence-based
Practice and the Research Process


A systematic review of critical appraisal and synthesis of the most relevant research.

Clinical Expertise

Patient Preferences and Values

Initiatives to Advance EBP

To Err is Human: Institute of Medicine (IOM): Building a Safer Health System

Initiatives driving the movement

IOM’s goal: By 2020, 90% health care will be evidence-based

US Preventive Services Task Force (sponsored by AHRQ): analyzing evidence and publishing guidelines (Guide to Preventive Clinical Services)

Magnet Recognition Program (ANA): mandate nursing research and use of EBP

Goal of EBP


Once you begin to look for

evidence-based projects,

you’ll start to see them everywhere!


Research Findings

Agency quality monitoring data

Data from national databases

Expert opinions

Scientific principles

Research prOCESS

Conducting Research:
Steps of the Research Process

1. Identify issue or question

2. Formulate research question

3. Review the literature

If further research is needed:

4. Determine theoretical framework

5. Design the study

6. Select the sample

7. Collect data

8. Analyze data

9. Interpret results

If indicated, change practice!

Step ONE: Identify issue

Step Two: formulate Research Question

Conducting Research: Formulating the research question

Research Questions (quantitative):

Identify the target population

State an intervention or treatment (independent variable)

List the variables to be measured/outcomes (dependent variables)

Sample Research Question

Do pediatric patients who are given a

reward when they cooperat

Please highlight the correct answers

1. Your data results are 2, 14, 6, 8, 10, 4, 12, 8.
a) What is the mean?
b) What is the median?
c) What is the mode?

2. A researcher asks hospitalized patients about their comfort in a new type of gown. This is an example of what type of data? a) ratio b) independent c) quantitative d) qualitative.

3. If a researcher is examining how exposure to cigarette ads affects smoking behavior, cigarette ads are what type of variable? a) qualitative b) quantitative c) dependent d)independent.

4. A research nurse is coding according to size. BMI is coded by 1:  below average 2: average 3: above average. What level of measurement is this? a) nominal b) ratio c)ordinal d)interval.

5. A study is completed to examine the relationship between gender and sports participation. It was conducted randomly surveying ninth graders.
a) What level of measure is gender?
b) Write a null hypothesis for this study.
c) If the p value is < 0.005, do you accept or reject the null hypothesis?

Case Study I

Dr. Intellectual conducted a study to measure if a telephone intervention by nurses (nurses calling patients after discharge) reduces readmissions within 30 days of discharge. All discharged patients were called within 48 hours of discharge, between June 1 and August 1, to discuss compliance with discharge instructions.

1. What type of research is this?

a. qualitative

b. quantitative

2. Which type of design is this?

a. descriptive

b. correlational

c. quasi-experimental

d. experimental

e. phenomenological

f. ethnography

g. historical

h. grounded theory

3. Which type of design is this?

a. cross-sectional

b. longitudinal

c. retrospective

4. What is the target population?

a. all patients at this hospital

b. all discharged patients at this hospital

c. all discharged patients discharged from this hospital between June 1 and August 1

d. all discharged patients at all hospitals

5. Identify the independent variable

a. telephone calls

b. readmissions

c. 48 hours post discharge

d. compliance with discharge instructions

6. What level of measurement is the independent variable?

a. nominal

b. ordinal

c. interval

d. ratio

7. Identify the dependent variable.

a. telephone calls

b. readmissions

c. 48 hours post discharge

d. compliance with discharge instructions

8. What level of measurement is the dependent variable?

a. nominal

b. ordinal

c. interval

d. ratio

Patients were asked 10 questions: if they knew their discharge instructions, if they