A Literature Review Table provides a succinct overview of each article. The table is especially useful when synthesizing the information from the articles into your Literature Review, as the main elements are clearly identified. 

Complete the  Literature Review Table using the articles identified from your literature search that will be used in your Literature Review. This  assignment should have 6 attachments: The completed Literature Review  Table and the 5 articles reviewed in the table.

Students will be able to resubmit the Literature Review Table assignment one time. 

Literature Table (3).xlsx Literature Table (3).xlsx October 20 2021, 3:06 PM 


Citation Research Question Study Design Sample Size and Method Independent Variables and Measures Dependent Variables and Measures Results General Strengths General Weaknesses Overall Quality of Study Summary Statements for Practice Column12 Column13
Jimenez, C., Navia‐Osorio, P. M., & Diaz, C. V. (2010). Stress and health in novice and experienced nursing students. Journal of advanced nursing, 66(2), 442-455. What are the differences in novice and experienced nursing students’ reports of stress and health? Case-control study Cross-sectional research was performed using standard information gathering tools. The study was carried out with 357 students from all three years of a nursing diploma programme at spanish nursing college. The data were collected over n 8-month period in 2004-2005. Nursing students’ reports Stress and Health Three types of stressors were identified which are clinical, external, and academic and two categories of symptoms which are psychological and physiological were linked to clinical practice. Reliability, versatility – what is versatility? Limited access to data, time constraints Good students should be informed about possible stressors associated with their profession, and introducing interventions to support development of professionalism, social skills and coping capacity for clinical practice.
Chu, L., McGrath, J. M., Qiao, J., Brownell, E., Recto, P., Cleveland, L. M., … & McGlothen-Bell, K. (2022). A Meta-Analysis of Breastfeeding Effects for Infants With Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Nursing research, 71(1), 54-65. Does breastfeeding results in better outcomes for NAS infants? This is a type of review article, which is not allowed for this assignment Meta-analysis PubMed, Scopus, Embase, and Cochrane Library were searched from 2000 to 2020, and comparative studies examining breastfeeding for NAS infants were extracted. Randomized trials and cohort studies were included. Data were extracted and evaluated with Review Manager Version 5.3. A random-effects model was used to pool discontinuous outcomes using risk ratio and 95% confidence intervals. Continuous outcomes were evaluated by mean differences and 95% confidence intervals. Symptom severity Need for and duration of pharmacological treatment, and length of hospital stay Across 11 studies, 6,375 neonates were included in the meta-analysis. Using a random-effects analysis, breastfeeding reduced initiation of pharmacological treatment, reduced duration of pharmacological treatment, and reduced length of stay. No differences were detected for severity of NAS symptoms. Most studies only reported o

PICOT Question:

A patient of age 40 years is diagnosed with some lung problems and admitted to hospital. How effective will be the strategy of cessation of smoking for the period of two months to overcome the lung problems as compared to chemotherapy and inhalers. Comment by Rebecca Coffin: Look to the textbook and the PICO sample in Moodle for assistance with the proper formatting of a PICO question. Comment by Rebecca Coffin: This PICO is too general and is medical-related rather than nursing-related.
Are you interested in smoking cessation therapies? Your PICO could be something about that.
“In adult smokers (P), how effective are nurse-led smoking cessation programs (I) versus standard therapy (C), in assisting smokers to quit smoking (O)?”


Patient with age of 4o years admitted to hospital.

According to the American Cancer Society, roughly 235,760 new cases of lung cancer are diagnosed each year, with males accounting for 119,100 new cases and women accounting for 116,660 new cases. Furthermore, lung cancer claims the lives of approximately 131,880 people, with 69,410 men and 62,470 women (Lung Cancer Statistics, n.d.). According to the American Cancer Society’s study, lung cancer is by far the most common cause of cancer mortality, accounting for 25% of all cancer fatalities (Lunger Cancer Statistics, n.d.). Lung cancer is a long-term illness that involves the development of malignant cells in the lungs. Comment by Rebecca Coffin: If your population includes those with lung cancer, that should be included in the PICO Comment by Rebecca Coffin: Don’t use sources that don’t have a date for this class


Cessation of smokingSmoking cessation program.

Continuous research and technological developments have enabled researchers to conduct investigations that have led to clinical trials. Many research and clinical trials have been conducted in order to determine the most prevalent cause of lung cancer in patients, as well as the success of smoking cessation. According to one research, there is a compelling case for delivering smoking cessation therapies to patients who smoke and are being screened for lung cancer (Joseph. A, 2018). Not to add that successful smoking cessation programmes may help to lower cancer and cardiovascular disease mortality and morbidity rates (Joseph. A, 2018). Another research found that smoking increases the risk of lung cancer and other lung problems (Lederer. D, 2009). Comment by Rebecca Coffin: You should talk about smoking cessation programs here


Chemotherapy and Inhalers

Though smoking cessation therapies have been shown to improve quality of life and reduce the morbidity and death rates associated with lung cancer, it is important to remember that such interventions are prohibitively costly. Howev





PICOT Question:

In adult smokers 40 years and older, how effective are nurse led smoking cessations program versus standard therapy, in assisting smokers to quit smoking within two months?


Patient with age of 40 years admitted to hospital. Comment by Rebecca Coffin: If this is the population, then “admitted to the hospital” needs to be in the PICO as well – you need to be consistent

According to Erhardt, L. (2009) smoking has many risk factors especially if it is undertreated. Those effects of smoking are evident even from an early stage. An adult smoker may be at risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, the adverse effects of smoking may be reversible through smoking cessation than standard therapy.


Nurse led smoking cessation program.

Through various cessation research, it has was found that intensive nurse led cessations are effective in helping smokers to quit. According to the national evaluation, four-week carbon monoxide monitoring validated quit rates of 53%, falling to 15% in a year. However, old adults appear to have long-term quit rates than other groups. Comment by Rebecca Coffin: There is no citation here. You should discuss research from at least one nurse-led smoking cessation program


Versus standard therapy Comment by Rebecca Coffin: Give some examples of standard therapies

According to Herman, A. I., & Sofuoglu, M. (2010) smoking is a major public problem that causes more than five million deaths annually worldwide. The health care costs of smoking exceed 400 billion dollars each year. Nurse led smoking cessation program is cheaper compared to standard therapy. Also, quitting smoking is associated with immediate health benefits irrespective of age or smoking related disease. Thus, nurse led smoking cessation is better than standard therapy. Comment by Rebecca Coffin: Where is the support for these statements?


Assisting smokers to quit

Nurse led smoking cessation program is most effective in assisting smokers to quit smoking. According to Meysman et al. 2010, there was reduction in the number of patient who smoke that undergone nurse led smoking cessation program. Hospitalized patients experience higher self-confidence to stop smoking after receiving brief advice. The cessation program should be brief and should not impose a large additional workload or require new resources for it to be effective. Comment by Rebecca Coffin: Be careful with these types of statements Comment by Rebecca Coffin: This section should be in the “I” section as rationale

Here you should be talking about why it is important to quit smoking, what the general success/relapse rate i


Citation Research Question Study Design Sample Size and Method Independent Variables and Measures Dependent Variables and Measures Results General Strengths General Weaknesses Overall Quality of Study Summary Statements for Practice Column12 Column13
Key Words:


Citation Research Question Study Design Sample Size and Method Independent Variables and Measures Dependent Variables and Measures Results General Strengths General Weaknesses Overall Quality of Study Summary Statements for Practice Column12 Column13
Powers, J., Peed, J., Burns, L., & Ziemba-Davis, M. (2012). Chlorhexidinebathing and microbial contamination in patients’ bath basins. American Journal of Critical Care, 21(5), 338-343. http://dx.doi.org/10.4037/ajcc2012242 What is the load of bacterial contaminants in wash basins when chlorhexidine gluconate solution is used in place of standard sap and water to wash patients? Quantitative – Quasi-experimental 90 wash basins from a medical/surgical ICU – convenience sampling Patient Demographics; Basin variables (# of days basins were in use, # of days since pt’s last bath); Device variables (presence of central catheters, arterial catheters, PICC, ETT, trach, vent, Foley, fecal bags); Infection variables (infection, antibiotics, isolation – all yes/no) Bacterial growth in basins compared to growth in basins with soap and water from another study 4.4% growth in chlorhexidine basins vs. 97.8% growth in soap and water basins; Growth in chlorhexidine basins occurred in female patients Bathing practices and basin storage/handling were standardized in chlorhexidine group Case-control study (RCT would be stronger evidence); can’t compare bathing practices and basin care and storage techniques because case-control design was used Very good Soap and water should not be used to bathe patients in ICU setting
Larson, E.L., Ciliberti, T., Chantler, C., Abraham, J., Lazaro, E.M., Venturanza, M., & Pancholi, P. (2004). Comparison of traditional and disposable bed baths in critically ill patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 13(3), 235-241. In critically ill adult patients, how effective are prepackaged disposable bed baths, versus traditional basin bed baths, in terms of time/quality of bath, microbial counts on skin, nurse satisfaction, and cost (O)? Quantitative – Quasi-experimental 40 patients in cardiothoracic ICU, medical ICU, and general surgical ICU – convenience sampling Each study bath was observed and timed using a bath observation tool (included # of washcloths, pairs of gloves, # of bathers, products, duration of bath, quality aspects); Interrater reliability by observing several baths simulatneously was confirmed by study team members Microbiological sampling done before and after bath from patient skin; Nurse satisfaction and quality of bath were obtained through 6-question interview with nurses; cost was estimated through cost of prod


Citation Research Question Study Design Sample Size and Method Independent Variables and Measures Dependent Variables and Measures Results General Strengths General Weaknesses Overall Quality of Study Summary Statements for Practice Column12 Column13
Ozemek, C., Tiwari, S., Sabbahi, A., Carbone, S., & Lavie, C. J. (2020). Impact of therapeutic lifestyle changes in resistant hypertension. Progress in cardiovascular diseases, 63(1), 4-9. What is the value of exercise and diet for lowering BP in patients with resistant hypertension? Trial Overview One hundred forty patients with resistant hypertension (mean age, 63 years). Random sampling Exercise and diet BP levels Between-group comparisons revealed that the reduction in clinic systolic BP was greater in C-LIFE compared to compared with SEPA. 24-hour ambulatory systolic BP also was reduced in C-LIFE with no change in SEPA Diet and exercise can lower BP in patients with resistant hypertension. Hypertension is a condition that is different amongst different people High This topic is vital in the nursing course since it suggests ways of improving the care that the nursing seeks to provide.
Kimani S, Mirie W, Chege M, et al (2020) Association of lifestyle modification and pharmacological adherence on blood pressure control among patients with hypertension at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya: a cross-sectional study BMJ Open 2019;9:e023995. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023995 What is the association of lifestyle modification and pharmacological adherence among patients with hypertension attending a national referral hospital in Kenya? Descriptive, cross-sectional. 229 patients diagnosed with primary hypertension for at least 6 months. Random sampling Lifestyle modification and pharmacological adherence Hypertension Respondents on antihypertensive medication, those engaged in healthy lifestyle and took their prescribed medications had lower mean BPs than those on medication only (138/85 vs 140/90)  Ageing was associated with elevated diastolic blood pressure (BP) (p<0.05), heart rate (HR) and cholesterol. The study was limited by its cross-sectional design Medium Missed targets for BP control and hypertension-related risks are associated with ageing, female gender, fast food and animal fat intake. 
Guptha, L. S. (2021). A Cross-Sectional Epidemiology Study of the Relationships between Body Mass Index and the Risk of Diabetes, and Diabetes and the QRISK2 10-Year Cardiovascular Risk Score Using India Heart Watch Data (Doctoral dissertation, Trident University International).