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Role of Advanced Practice Nursing

According to the Florida Board of Nursing, advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) can prescribe patients with controlled substances that are listed in the schedule II, III and IV which are well described in s. 893.03 Florida Statutes. Before doing so, they are to participate in three-hour training sessions which would help them implement the right strategies (Florida Board of Nursing, 2016). For APRNs to provide the right prescriptions to their patients they are necessitate to analyze and describe patient’s health problems. They are also required to fill their patients with enough knowledge regarding the drugs side effects and how they are supposed to take them (Pigman et al., 2016). As well-known medical practitioners should ensure that after a patient receives a drug, its use is well achieved. As stated by the state requirements an APRN should also do the same to make sure that the drug given achieves the goal it it supposed to achieve (Kooienga and Wilkinson, 2017).

There are numerous barriers that inhibit APRN practitioners from carrying out their prescriptions roles as required. First, there are various programs that may be directed towards the deliverance of health care services that are of high quality. But the problem comes in when the leaders of these programs fail to equip APRNs with advanced skills for dealing with them. Lack of enough knowledge and negative perceptions towards the same may inhibit them from performing their prescription roles. Secondly, state license restrictions may limit APRNs from fully participating in their practices as required because most boards only allow they to take part in one nursing practice role depending on the concerted agreement (Reynolds et al., 2021).

When prescribing medication to patients ARNPs have a great role and responsibility. Their role depends on state laws which are associated with the prescriptive authority provided to them (Florida Board of Nursing, 2016). After and before prescribing APRNs have the role of ensuring that all the drugs are taken at the right time and that the patients know of their side effects. To be on the safer side all APRNs must be responsible while prescribing drugs as this is in all of the patients benefit.

To add on that every practitioner who needs to prescribe medication must be registered by the United States drug enforcement administration. They should also have an experience of two years in terms of the drugs they purchase, distribute, administer and dispense (Florida Board of Nursing, 2016).


Reynolds, A. M., Reynolds, C. J., & Craig-Rodriguez, A. (2021). APRNs’ controlled substance prescribing and readiness following Florida legislative changes. The Nurse Practitioner, 46(6), 48-55.

Pigman, Campbell, and others. (2016). HB 423 – Access to Health Care Services. Retrie