summary of the 7 weeks assigments 


Week 7: NR706 Reflection on Learning

Start Assignment

· Due Dec 7 by 11:59pm


· Points 100


· Submitting a file upload


The purpose of this activity is to deepen learning through reflective inquiry. It will allow for expansion in self- awareness, identification of knowledge gaps, and assessment of learning goals.

Course outcomes: This assessment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

1. Assess the impact of informatics and information technology on organizational systems, change, and improvement. (PO6)

2. Use information technology to collect and analyze data to generate evidence-based nursing practice across healthcare settings. (PO7)

3. Design programs that monitor and evaluate outcomes of care, care systems, and quality improvement. (PO7)

4. Evaluate the types of healthcare information systems, knowledge-based systems, patient care technology, and the impact on patient safety, quality of care and outcome measurement. (PO7)

5. Appraise consumer health information sources for accuracy, timeliness, and appropriateness. (PO7)

6. Resolve ethical and legal issues related to the use of information, communication networks, and information and patient care technology. (PO6)

Due date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 100 points

Preparing the assessment: Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

1. Write a brief 1-2 paragraph weekly reflection addressing the questions posed in the Reflect section of each weekly module. Edit your Reflection to include each weekly reflection.

2. Include the following sections in your Reflection.

Week 1

· As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.

· What do you need to heighten your informatics competencies to positively impact patient safety, quality care, and complement your role as a DNP Scholar?

· What do you value the most about your learning this week?

Week 2

· As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.

· How will you promote collaborative, inter-professional relationships in a rapidly transforming healthcare environment?

· What do you value most about your learning this week?

Week 3

· As you assess your learning, provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.

· What new skills or competencies should you consider after the learning this week?

· What do you value most about your learning this week?

Week 4

· As you assess your learning, provide one specific examp


Week 1: Informatics Competencies and Advanced Nursing Practice

Leonard Einstein

Chamberlain University

Healthcare Informatics Information NR706

Shannon Hawkins


Week 1: Informatics Competencies and Advanced Nursing Practice

Q1: My initial thoughts on reading the AACN Information Systems/Technology Essentials for the DNP graduate were that technology is significantly transforming the way healthcare services are conveyed to the public. By going through the essentials, I was able to acknowledge the central role played by technology in facilitating healthcare services that are patient-centered, efficient, and safe. As a DNP, this essential is crucial in preparing me on how to utilize various technologies to support clinical decision making and practice leadership. By reading the essentials, I now understand that a comprehensive understanding of technology places one at a strategic place in healthcare delivery since one gets the relevant skills and knowledge required to “participate in technological innovation, evaluate the appropriateness of healthcare consumer information, and participate in resulting legal and ethical issues” (Wang et al., 2021, p. 118).

Q2: I did not find any of the essentials surprising. The rapid growth of technology have impacted all aspects of life, both professionally and socially. Therefore, I was not surprised at the importance of the role played by technology in how healthcare services are delivered. I believe that as a DNP, I have an important role to play not only in using the various technologies that are currently available to me but to also help in the design and innovation of new technologies that can help make improve healthcare services in the future. I am strategically placed to offer my expertise as a DNP to inform new practices in the healthcare industry to make work easier for healthcare practitioners and to ensure patients receive the best care possible.

Q3: There are several changes that I have seen in my practice setting of over the past five years, which have been brought about by the use of technology and evidence-based practice. For starters, I have seen our health records being digitized. In the past, we used to rely on paper files. They were bulky and required a lot of storage space. Also, retrieving them was a tedious task. However, records have now been digitized. Therefore, inputting new data and retrieving old ones can be done easily and remotely as well. Additionally, we now utilize Electronic Health Records, which facilitate effective collaboration between various healthcare practitioners when caring for a patient. for example, surgeons, primary care physicians, nurses, lab techs, and pharmacists can all access a patient’s information in real time to know the status of th


Clinical Information Systems

Leonard Einstein

Shannon Hawkins

Health Informatics and Information Systems NR706


Clinical Information Systems

Clinical Information Systems come in a variety of forms. In this article, I’ll compare the Cerner platform to the “practice fusion” EHR. Practice Fusion is a free electronic health record (EHR) solution for healthcare professionals. “Practice Fusion’s EHR is a full practice management software platform that incorporates charting, scheduling, billing, e-prescribing, lab integrations, and secure messaging,” according to the material provided by Practice Fusion (Badr, 2019). This EHR system is cloud-based, so important data can be backed up. Practice Fusion is the most comprehensive cloud-based application in the United States! The Cerner network, on the other hand, was created to improve the flow of healthcare system data and verify that the correct data is captured. Because management and engagement were lacking, the Cerner platform was created to improve patient management and involvement.

Practice Fusion has a number of benefits, including support. The support is given for no cost. At no additional expense, this can assist providers with any questions. Fusion is secured in practice. They follow HIPPA and privacy compliances and offer industry-leading data and account security. Any medical practitioner should possess these qualities (Alabi, 2021). Practice Fusion also gives you the option of using your current biller or one of their billing partners. This can help a practice make more money. It does, however, have certain disadvantages. One of the most frustrating aspects of PF is that it only imports PDFs of test results and does not allow for any editing of the statistics contained inside these PDFs. I’m able to look at lab data but not graphs. Another disadvantage is that PF is not intuitive when it comes to other system ergonomics.

The Cerner platform’s primary benefit is that it promotes and sustains open data interchange between users and consumers, resulting in a positive health outcome. Another benefit is that the platform integrates with other health IT vendors, assisting in the development of organizational standards that support the developing industries in order to build a common language that allows for the open and secure interchange of health data (Badr, 2019). It allows medical data to be sent across regional borders and across previous hospital divisions. However, it has been regarded as depersonalizing interactions with healthcare personnel, as communicating with the computer takes longer than communicating with the patient. Second, the conversion to medical electricity has a significant start-up and administration cost, which is a threat


Consumer Informatics/Telehealth Case Study

Leonard Einstein

Shannon Hawkins

Health Informatics and Information System NR706


Discuss how telehealth can assist in addressing equality of health care resource distribution. What barriers must be removed to achieve well-being, sufficiency, and health care access for all? 

In addition to the capacity to remotely change the patient’s state of health at home, telehealth technology provides remote diagnosis and diagnostic testing of patients (Edmunds, Hass & Holve, 2019). ePrescription medications are likewise permitted, as is long-term therapy. Using telehealth, patients and their healthcare professionals may interact more effectively. When it comes to healthcare delivery and quality, telehealth offers doctors the chance to increase their practice’s profitability by managing a larger number of patients while simultaneously lowering the cost of practice and health care (Hanjani et al., 2020). Healthcare technology and telecommunications advancements have resulted in substantial advances and long-term plans for the delivery of healthcare (Hanjani et al., 2020). telehealth is hampered by a lack of awareness about insurance coverage, a lack of community health services, and an inability to share necessary knowledge (Higa et al., 2021). Increasing the level of patient understanding and ensuring that healthcare facilities have trustworthy patient-connection technologies can help to remove these roadblocks. Assuring patients have a desire for self-care is the greatest way to improve health settings and make appropriate medication and treatment methods more accessible.

In your discussion, consider concepts such as equity, respect, self-determinism, health literacy, cyclic disadvantage, and health care disparities among marginalized populations or groups.

Disparities in healthcare, such as prejudice, have an impact on the equality needed to achieve good health management. These inequalities include anything from high rates of illness, infection, and disability to high death rates to shorter life spans (Edmunds, Hass & Holve, 2019). That’s why knowing socioeconomic issues like work, lifestyle, money, and accessibility to healthcare is challenging for healthcare practitioners to achieve (Edmunds, Hass & Holve, 2019). Many African-Americans and Hispanics, who spend most of their income on social needs, have limited access to healthcare. Healthcare improvements and treatments are challenging when patients’ physical problems need them. As a result of being unfit for their environment, people with cyclic disadvantage acquire unhealthy behavioral and physical health problems. Patients who have a hard time getting cheap, high-quality treatme


Week 4: Translating Research into Practice

Leonard Einstein

Shannon Hawkins

Health Informatics and Information Systems NR706


A long and healthy life is a dream for everyone on the planet. However, a variety of illnesses continue to evolve and shorten life expectancy. As a worldwide and regional research project, the Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) is concerned with overcoming the obstacles to achieving these objectives. As one of the main factors for GBD, randomized control trials (RCTs) are examined in this article.

The leading causes of the global/US burden of disease 

Research shows that diabetes is the primary cause of the global/US burden of illness in the US population. Due to the body’s failure to create or properly use insulin, diabetes is a consequent state (IHME, n.d.). This causes ailments such as eyesight loss, heart disease, and renal failure by allowing more sugar to linger in the bloodstream. People with diabetes are diagnosed at a rate of 23 million each year, while an additional 7 million suffer from the condition but are unable to get a diagnosis. In the United States, according to a recent study, diabetes is more common among the elderly and minorities. In addition, as obesity and overweight rates grow, so does the prevalence of the disease.

Conduct a search for three randomized control trials (RCT) addressing an intervention to ease the burden of disease. 

Randomized control trials (RCT) 

Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is one of the Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) established to reduce the burden of diabetes, which advocates for a lifestyle modification in order to shed pounds. Using psychological manipulation, the program persuades individuals to engage in physical activity and adopt healthier eating habits.

Finnish Diabetes Prevention (FDP) program has also been adopted by the United States in an effort to raise awareness about healthy lifestyles and diabetes prevention. The ability of the body to convert additional food into energy may be boosted by consuming meals with less fat and moderate sugar (Murray et al., 2018). This reduces the risk of diabetes and other cardiovascular problems by ensuring that no extra fats or carbohydrates are left unutilized.

The Reaching Out to Prevent Increases in Diabetes (RAPID) RCT aims to determine whether or not weight reduction is useful in preventing the onset of diabetes. Maintaining a healthy weight may help avoid diabetes, according to new research (Murray et al., 2018). As part of this scheme, anyone over the age of 40 will be obliged to get a health test every two years to verify that they are in good health (). The program considers that those under the age of 40 are more act


Week 5: Patient Safety and a Culture of Safety

Leonard Einstein

Shannon Hawkins

Health Informatics and Information Systems NR706


Week 5: Patient Safety and a Culture of Safety

Q1: In the context of patient safety, the culture of my organization is characterized by three core concepts: learning culture, reporting culture, and a fair and just culture. Through these three elements, the organization is able to embrace safety as an important factor in achieving desirable patient outcomes and institutional objectives. Everybody in the organization is committed toward lifelong learning in order to sharpen their clinical skills and adopt new healthcare interventions that offer safer practices at the workplace. Also, the management values regular and honest reporting of incidences in the organization to ensure that everyone learns about errors made at the workplace and gets an opportunity to report unsafe work practices. This further facilitates effective investigation of errors so that their causes can be known and strategies created to prevent error reoccurrences (Tan, Pang, Siau, Foo, & Fong, 2019). Finally, the organization is a fair and just institution where justice for all stakeholders is held in high regard.

Q2: One opportunity to improve patient safety outcomes is to create a system where all patient data can be obtained from a central location. Various healthcare stakeholders including physicians, nurses, and pharmacists, among others can add information to this location and obtain relevant information as well. This allows them to know the patient’s history and make appropriate decisions when administering healthcare-related services. A strategy that can be used for the implementation of this improvement initiative is to utilize an IT-based solution that allows healthcare stakeholders to access the patient data from remote locations. This will ensure that wherever a patient goes, he/she will receive high quality care since the healthcare institution will access his/her information from a single database. This will reduce medical errors caused by poor communication between practitioners and those caused by a lack of comprehensive patient history.

Q3: The current technology used to support patient safety is the electronic health record (EHR) system. This is a real-time, patient centered record, which allows healthcare practitioners to access patient information instantly and securely (Sulmasy, López, & Horwitch, 2017). It contains all relevant treatment and medical history of a patient. This includes allergies, lab test results, immunization history, medications, and diagnoses, among others. The EHR also automates and streamlines an organization’s workflow. Additionally, it facilitates providers with evidence-based tools to make b


Week 6: Health Privacy Breach

Author’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Name and Number


Due Date

Week 6: Health Privacy Breach

Scenario 1

The social media posting presents both privacy and security issues. Regarding privacy issues, the posting contains information that is sufficient to identify a patient in the hospital. Although the posting does not contain direct identifiers such as names or addresses, it contains a specific description of a patient. According to Arrigoni et al. (2016) “nurses may breach confidentiality or privacy with information they post via social media sites…examples may include comments in which patients are described with enough sufficient detail to be identified, referring to patients in a degrading or demeaning manner, or posting videos or photos of patients” (p. 187). The post by the nurse in the scenario meets these criteria. The patient is described as a 400 lbs. intubated COPD patient who was being taken to the ICU. Such information is sufficient enough to pinpoint the specific patient being addressed. Regarding security issues, the post implies that the ICU nurses were being ‘divas’ and were whining a lot. The post then goes on to say ‘someone help.’ if one or some of the nurse’s followers on the social media platform are deranged or mentally unstable, they may translate the post seriously and go to ‘help’ the nurse in the hospital where she works. The deranged individuals will simply target the ICU nurses as the people who are ‘harming’ the nurse in the social media platform. If the deranged individuals are armed, the situation can be fatal.

Scenario 2

In the scenario, the nurse uses the pictures of her client’s lesions in a presentation poster for a conference. Lefebvre (2020) notes that when a healthcare practitioner wishes to post content about a patient’s identifiable information on public platforms, he/she must ensure that he/she obtains the consent of the patient. In this case, the nurse must contact the patient and explain her wish to use the pictures on the poster, which will be seen publicly. The nurse must ensure that she explicitly and concisely states how the photos will be used and show the photos chosen to the patient. If the patient agrees to have the photos used in the poster, the nurse must ensure that she gets a second opinion from someone who is an expert on HIPAA laws and other relevant privacy regulations to ensure that this exercise does not violate the privacy or confidentiality of the patient and cause any security risk issues.

Scenario 3

Under HIPAA regulations, the hospital is permitted to share information about Marcus’s health status with the long-term care facility without the


Week 7: Data Analytics

Student’s name




Do you recommend that the data analyst examine aggregate data, detailed data, or both, to investigate this quality issue? Please explain your rationale.

As a data analyst, I believe that in this situation, when the goal is to enhance quality, the analyst should analyze aggregate data as well as more specific data. The “large picture” may be gained through aggregating data (Campbell, 2018). Big thinkers notice possibilities and take advantage of them. For the sake of profit, they’re prepared to take risks. Detailed data analysis would reveal where and why procedures failed. It is considerably more intriguing to look at transactional data than it is to put them into demographic categories (Campbell, 2018).

Do you recommend that the data analyst use a retrospective data warehouse, clinical data store, or both, to investigate the mortality rate? Please explain your rationale.

According to Campbell (2018), medical trial data collection is currently a time-consuming, error-prone, and sometimes incomplete process due to the complexity of the data. To increase data quality and minimize data collecting times, new and more reliable procedures are required if information is dispersed across numerous data sources. Rather of relying on disparate health systems for the creation of a coherent clinical picture, the data analyst should instead create standard reports from a centralized data warehouse that contains data from several sources (Campbell, 2018). If you look at both, you’ll have a better picture of what’s going on. If the data warehouse can offer an overall picture of mortality in a system, an analyst may utilize the clinical database to examine the intricacies of a patient’s treatment and discover fall-out.

What type of tools or analytic approaches is relevant for use by this analyst? Please explain your rationale.

When it comes to classifying and making sense of data, Power BI capabilities are excellent. We utilize BI at the agency to analyze metrics related to the amount of time it takes for us to get back to our patients.

It’s also critical, in my opinion, to consider how things are currently going. Flow diagrams are a great way to visualize every phase of the process in order to enhance results (Campbell, 2018). When looking at each stage, the analyst might list things that could go wrong and rapidly find procedures that can be changed.

Using facility morbidity and mortality data as a starting point, the analyst may examine historical data and then compare/contrast current data to identify patterns that indicate where the issues are (Campbell, 2018).

Now, conduct a search for evidence.