Chapter 16 – Internet, Secondary Analysis and Historical Research

Chapter 17 – Intervention

Reading Reflection 3 Ch 16 & 17

Reflection Assignment

 However, there is a reading assignment. Based on the reading assignment there is a reflection requirement. This is basically a written paragraph of about five to six sentences about what you have read. Your reflection should be posted on the discussion board (remember it is just a paragraph of five to six sentences) regarding your readings for this week. 

You may want to review the PowerPoint summary of Chapters 16 & 17 as a part of your reflection regarding this weeks assignment.

Chapter 16: Internet, Secondary Analysis, and Historical Research

NGR 6812 Nursing Research

Florida National University

Internet Based Research

There are several ways in which the Internet may be used to support and/or conduct research. These are:

Access to resources: Search capabilities on the Internet provide access to published work, information about other data sources such as historical archives, research-related services, and communication with other researchers.

Participant recruitment: Online support groups, professional organizations, and special interest group websites and blogs are just a few of the ways that participants can be recruited over the Web.

Replace paper-and-pencil surveys and tests: The Internet provides a more efficient way to collect data. Data input is already done and accuracy may be higher.

Collect data on socially undesirable behavior and sensitive topics: People are often more willing to share this type of data in the more anonymous-appearing environment of the Internet (Gosling & Mason, 2015).

Participant recruitment: As the number of people using the Internet and the amount of time they spend on the Internet increase exponentially, it has become easier to recruit a large, diverse sample via the Internet.

Behavior on the Internet as a potential topic for research: The way in which people communicate with each other over the Internet (Hine, 2011), how they obtain health-related information electronically, and how groups provide support to their members over the Internet are just a few examples of behaviors that can be studied.

Tracking outbreaks: A potentially important use of the Internet is to track outbreaks of disease and other health concerns.

Internet Based Research

Recruitment of Participants via the Internet Volunteer Standing Panels have been created to provide access to potential participants for research. The advantage of these panels is that members have already supplied basic sociodemographic information about themselves so that an appropriate, if not exactly representative, sample may be obtained by sorting through the membership rolls a

There are several other ways to recruit participants via the Internet, discussed in the following sections.

Prerecruited Panels, List Based Sampling, Harvested Email Addresses, Self-Selected Surveying, and Intercept Surveys

Participant Testing and Interviewing

Computer-assisted testing (CAT) has a long and generally successful track record and some attractive features that paper-and-pencil tests lack. Questionnaires may be designed so that participants are not asked questions that are inapplicable. For example, if you do not smoke, then questions about number of packs a day or type of tobac