reflecting upon your own personal views regarding ethics in healthcare


Reflect upon your own personal views regarding ethics. Do you believe one can have different ethical standards in his or her personal life and work life in the healthcare field? Share an example you have experienced, witnessed, or heard of where there were two standards. Explain your perspective on the example.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.


Click the link below to take a personality test to learn what personality type you are, and reflect on how it might affect your career advancement and growth in the healthcare field.

NERIS Analytics Limited. (n.d.). 
Free personality test. 16 Personalities.

Describe your personality type, and describe how you feel you can use that knowledge to work more smoothly with others who may not share your personality traits or type. How do you think you can use this knowledge in your career advancement goals?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.


During this course, we have covered many topics that play a part in being a healthcare professional. They have ranged from learning how to listen to what patients and colleagues are really saying to how to deal with anger and communicate efficiently. Reflect on which of these have most resonated with you and why. How have they given you new insight to your future or present role as a healthcare professional?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

BHA 3202, Standards for Health Care Staff 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VI

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

2. Evaluate how ethical behavior affects the workplace.
2.1 Examine the connections between communication, personality, and ethics in a healthcare


Learning Outcomes

Learning Activity


Unit Lesson
Chapters 9, 11
Article “The ant and the grasshopper: Work ethic by personality type.”
Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation

Reading Assignment

Chapter 9: Patient Interaction and Communication

Chapter 11: Professionalism in Action

Additional Reading Assignment:

In order to access the following resource, click the link below.

NERIS Analytics Limited. (2016). The ant and the grasshopper: Work ethic by personality type. 16


Unit Lesson

José is still thinking about communication and how it can change the whole tone and environment of the
healthcare organization and those who work within the organization. He realizes that communication has a
major impact on patient care—from ethical standards to quality of patient care. He also sees that ethics plays
a role in how we communicate. He goes to Jane to discuss this because he is finding it all tied together, and
he wants to talk about how he can improve the patient care he provides now and how to lead others to do
the same.

Jane listens to what José has to share and settles back to discuss the topics with him. She suggests that they
consider ethics first since many healthcare employees seem to struggle with this. Jane reminds José of the
incident last year where Yvonne became involved with a patient in their healthcare clinic. Yvonne felt sorry for
the patient who had lost his job, and she began to offer him rides to his appointments and then to go
shopping. Before long, Yvonne was seen dating him, and the healthcare clinic had to step in because this
was unethical behavior.

José remembered the incident because everyone was talking about it, and it was something that he was
uncomfortable with but did not know how to stop. The human resources (HR) department manager called
everyone together to discuss ethical communication and behaviors between employees and between
employees and patients. They had to do training about Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) laws and where professional behavior ended and inappropriate personal behavior began. All this

Ethics, Patients, and You

BHA 3202, Standards for Health Care Staff 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VII

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

7. Formulate a plan for advancing in a career.
7.1 Integrate a decision-making process to plan for your own career advancement.


Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity

Unit Lesson
Chapter 10
Unit VII Scholarly Activity

Unit Lesson
Video: “Discover your Personality Type”
Unit VII Scholarly Activity

Reading Assignment

Chapter 10: Your First Position as a Health Care Professional

Additional Reading Assignment:

In order to access the following resource, click the link below.

Truity. (2011, June 17). Discover your personality type | Myers Briggs [Video]. YouTube.

Unit Lesson

One thing that José has discovered on his journey to learn about the role of healthcare administrator and how
to advance his career in the field is that he has to learn to think differently and to approach reasoning from the
point of view of others if he wants to be successful. In looking at a YouTube video about personality types
called Discover Your Personality Type, he has learned that there are even ways to measure a person’s
personality. He also has learned that the person’s personality type leads to different ways of thinking.

José has learned that critical thinking is the key to good management. He asks Jane about her viewpoint on
critical thinking, and Jane shares the following points with José, saying that it is really more about leadership
than management (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2015). Jane said that critical thinking involves the following

• being able to analyze what another says and means,
• reaching some kind of determination about that meaning,
• looking at all options,
• making a conclusion about what needs to be done, and
• sharing the results with others in a clear manner.

José tells Jane that he makes decisions differently from her, and she acknowledges that this is true from what
she has observed. Jane tells José that he tends to think deductively because she sees him asking for facts
about a situation and assumes that the facts are true. She says that it reminds her of someone going from A
to B to C and so on to get to Z. José agrees that he does think that way, but he does not feel that Jane does.
Jane agrees with his assessment. Jane tells José that she uses inductive reasoning a lot, which she likens to

Plan to Get Ahead

BHA 3202, Standards for Health Care Staff 2

going from A to D to Q to F and then to Z. She says

BHA 3202, Standards for Health Care Staff 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VIII

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Summarize the essential qualities of a healthcare professional.

2. Evaluate how ethical behavior affects the workplace.

3. Recommend methods that foster teamwork among colleagues.

4. Discuss the impact personal skills have on the workplace.

5. Discuss the importance of healthcare organization values.

6. Develop a job search strategy.
6.1 Describe the personal steps needed to prepare for a job change.

7. Formulate a plan for advancing in a career.


Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity

1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 Final Exam

Unit Lesson
Article: Managing job transitions: Thirteen questions for a successful search
Final Exam

Reading Assignment

In order to access the following resource, click the link below.

The following article is located in the CSU Online Library and can be accessed at the link provided below. It
will provide you with insight on preparing for a job interview.

Broscio, M., & Scherer, J. (2003). Managing job transitions: Thirteen questions for a successful search.
Journal of Healthcare Management, 48(5), 287.

Unit Lesson

It has been a long few weeks for José. He has learned a great deal about the healthcare administrator role he
has been considering applying for now that Jane is leaving the position. He made his decision to apply for the
position, and he was surprised when he went to thank Jane and she stopped him from leaving her office.

Jane tells José that he needs to be sure he is prepared to apply for her role. She asks him if he has read the
job description for the position, and he is surprised to realize that he has not actually done so. Jane tells him
that he might be surprised just what is involved in her role and needs to read the job description for it. She
also suggests that he go look on the Internet to see if he can find other such job descriptions. This will help
him to see what is standard for the role of healthcare administrator and what might be unique to the position
in his clinic.

Go Get That Job

BHA 3202, Standards for Health Care Staff 2

Jane urges José to carefully consider all parts of the job description. She suggests that he think about the
questions below.

• What new responsibilities would he have?
• Does he have the skills needed for the position?
• Are the minimum required skills enough to be successful in the role?
• What kinds of computer skills are necess