Requirements: questions 1-5 

Case Study Rubric

Criteria 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points
Terminology N/A All of the following criteria

are met:

All bold words are correctly

Accurately covered
required topic and required
points using original
thought, not just the words
from sources.

At least one
professional-level source
cited. Source is from the
DU Library, text, or a
credible medical dictionary.

APA formatting is used to
cite sources

Any of the following criteria
are met (all points must be
met to advance to the next
level of achievement):

All bold words are correctly

Topic covered accurately,
but over-reliance on
sources, and not much
original thought.


Minor errors related to

At least one
professional-level source

APA formatting is used to
cite sources

Any of the following criteria
are met:

Answer does not
demonstrate accurate
knowledge of the
No work submitted or
contribution(s) do not
comply with the principles
of academic honesty or
other University policies
related to student conduct.

3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points
Cause All of the following criteria

are met:

Accurately covered
required topic and required
points using original
thought, not just the words
from sources.

Any of the following criteria
are met (all points must be
met to advance to the next
level of achievement):

Accurately covered
required topic and required
points using original

Any of the following criteria
are met (all points must be
met to advance to the next
level of achievement):

Topic covered accurately,
but over-reliance on

Any of the following criteria
are met:

Answer is incorrect or does
not demonstrate sufficient
depth of knowledge

Length at least 50 words

At least one peer-reviewed,
professional-level source
cited. Source is from the
DU Library.

APA formatting is used to
cite sources.

thought, not just the words
from sources

Length at least 40 words

At least one peer-reviewed,
professional-level source

APA formatting is used to
cite sources.

sources, and not much
original thought.

Minor error(s) related to

No sources cited AND/OR
questionable source used.

Errors in APA formatting
are present.

No work submitted or
contribution(s) do not
comply with the principles
of academic honesty or
other University policies
related to student conduct.


3.5 to 4 points 2.5 to 3 points 1.5 to 2 points 0 to 1 points

Discussion Rubric

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Competent Novice
Initial Post

14 to 15 points

All of the following criteria
are met:

At least 1 substantial post
that covers required topic
completely using original
thought that demonstrates
advanced knowledge of the

Post includes at least two
secondary sources. At least
one source is from
University Library. (Course
Textbook and related
materials do NOT qualify
as secondary sources.)

Length at least 300 words.

Initial post submitted by
Day 3.

12 to 13 points

Any of the following criteria
are met:

At least 1 substantial post
that covers required topic
using original thought that
demonstrates proficient
knowledge of the topic.

Post includes at least one
secondary source from the
University Library.

Length at least 300 words.

Initial post submitted by Day

7 to 11 points

Any of the following criteria
are met:

At least 1 substantial post
that covers required topic
using original thought that
demonstrates general
knowledge of the topic.

Post includes cited textbook
only, or sources cited, but
they are not from the
University Library and/or the
sources used are written at a
basic level for consumers
and/or they are of
questionable credibility.

Length 250-300 words.

Initial post submitted on Day

0 to 6 points

Any of the following criteria
are met:

One post that doesn’t cover
the material in a substantial

Topic covered, but
over-reliance on sources,
and not much original

No sources or unreliable
sources such as wikipedia.

Length fewer than 250

Initial post submitted on
Days 5-7.

No initial post submitted or
contribution does not comply
with the principles of
academic honesty or other
University policies related to
student conduct.


9 to 10 points

All of the following criteria
are met:

7 to 8 points

Any of the following criteria
are met:

5 to 6 points

Any of the following criteria
are met:

0 to 4 points

Any of the following criteria
are met:

At least 2 substantive
replies that support,
challenge or answer a
question from a previous
post by: (1)Providing an
example (personal or
researched) that explains
and illustrates the key
points and/or (2) providing
a link to an associated
article with a summary of
the key points from the link
that addresses the previous
post and/or a detailed
explanation that
demonstrate insight into the
key points.

Both replies contain a

1 of 2

Case Study – Fibromyalgia


1. Explain the risk factors, symptoms, etiology, progression, diagnosis, treatment and

2. Demonstrate the ability to access and critically evaluate information from a wide
variety of sources (such as Library databases and internet sources).

Read the case presentation and answer the questions that follow. The Case Study
Rubric will be used to assess your work. The Case Study rubric lists the criteria for each
question (required resources, word counts and citation requirements).

Case Presentation

Rachel is a new patient at your family practice. She is a 38-year-old mother of four
and a registered nurse. She quit working two years ago due to disabling pain. “If I
told you about all of my aches and pains, you would think I was crazy,” she told the
physician. “I have had a million tests for my pain, fatigue, bowel problems and
numbness. I have difficulty remembering things and have restless sleep. Everything
comes back normal and doctors tell me that I am stressed and just need to relax. I
do not want to to talk about any of these problems. I am only here to get a
prescription for my migraines.”

The physician could see that Rachel
was frustrated with her previous
care. She reviews her lab results
obtained in the last 6 months
ordered from Rachel’s last
physician. Her complete blood
count, chemistry screen,
t hyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH), antinuclear antibody (ANA)
and erythrocyte sedimentation
rate (ESR) a re within normal limits.
The physician performs a physical examination, palpating various points on her back,
shoulders, upper and lower extremities. Rachel states these areas are very tender.
The physician completes a widespread pain inde x (WPI) and a symptom severity

2 of 2

scale (SSS). The physician explains to Rachel that she most likely has fibromyalgia
based on the WPI, SSS, chronic symptoms and no other disorders to explain her
symptoms. Rachel is relieved that she has a diagnoses and asks the physician if
there is a cure.


1. Define the bold words.
2. Describe the cause of fibromyalgia.
3. Fibromyalgia is typically a disorder that is diagnosed because other conditions have
been ruled out. Her previous physician ordered several labs, including TSH and ANA to
rule out the autoimmune thyroid condition, Hashimoto’s disease. Compare the etiology,
signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment for Hashimoto’s disease to fibromyalgia.
4. Rachel needs to be educated on the treatment for fibromyalgia. Explain the treatment
using terms that Rachel can understand. At minimum this should include any at-
home-care, over the counter medications, prescriptions (includes physical therapy,
occupational therapy, counseling)

1 of 2

Case Study – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


1. Explain the risk factors, symptoms, etiology, progression, diagnosis, treatment and

2. Demonstrate the ability to access and critically evaluate information from a wide
variety of sources (such as Library databases and internet sources).

Read the case presentation and answer the questions that follow. The Case Study
Rubric will be used to assess your work. The Case Study rubric lists the criteria for each
question (required resources, word counts and citation requirements).

Case Presentation

A 35-year-old female, Samantha, complains of a sudden onset of right hand “tingling”
and pain. This started 4 weeks ago. She feels the symptoms mainly in the right index
finger, especially when working at her laptop at her insurance company. It is also
affecting her right thumb and part of the middle finger if she works all day. Samantha
states the symptoms are worse during the night and early morning. She also noted
that she is having difficulty opening jars and is losing her grip strength. Samantha
denies any neck pain or history of previous symptoms. She was diagnosed with Type 1
diabetes mellitus ten years ago.

The physician completes the carpal
compression test and has Samantha perform
Phalen’s maneuver/test . Both recreate her
symptoms. The physician orders an
electromyography and nerve conduction
study of the median nerve to confirm carpal
tunnel syndrome.

Photo: [Carpal Tunnel Syndrome]. (n.d.). Retrieved July 8, 2018, from

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1. Define the bold words.
2. Describe the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome.
3. One of the signs of carpal tunnel syndrome is paraesthesia, a pricking, numbing,
tingling sensation. Paraesthesia is a symptom of nerve irritation. Samantha was
questioned about a history of diabetes mellitus because diabetic neuropathy (nerve
disorder) needs to be considered. Compare the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of
diabetic neuropathy to carpal tunnel syndrome.
4. Samantha needs to be educated on the treatment options for carpal tunnel
syndrome. Explain the treatment using terms that Samantha can understand. At
minimum this should include any at- home-care, over the counter medications,
prescriptions(includes physical therapy, occupational therapy, counseling), alternative or
complementary care.
5. Explain the prognosis of the disease to Samantha and preventative measures that
can be taken to prevent her condition from worsening.