Quality-improvement projects directly impact the quality of health care delivery. Health care research can provide the data necessary for the systematic change process to guide decision-making.

In this assignment, you will apply your skill in quality improvement, which is necessary for you to implement the policies and processes to fulfill the purpose of the organization you work in as a health care administrator. You will evaluate the relationship between quality-improvement projects and health care research. You will choose a peer-reviewed article about a research study and evaluate the application of risk- and quality-management concepts in the health care industry in this assignment.

Assignment Preparation
Search the University Library for a peer-reviewed article about a research study related to quality-improvement projects in health care.

Review Evaluating Research Critical-Thinking Prompts to ensure you have selected an article that is most appropriate for completing the assignment.

Assignment Directions
1,050-word evaluation of the quality-improvement projects in health care research study you selected.

Use the Evaluating Research Critical-Thinking Prompts as a guide for what to include in each section. You may find it helpful to respond to each prompt in this document and use it as an outline for your assignment. While this is a guide for the content needed for this assignment, it is not a template for the format.

Include the following headings and sections.

  • Research Steps: Provide the following:
  • Define the problem.
  • Explain the purpose of the research study.
  • Explain the study variables.
  • Explain the research question and/or hypothesis.
  • Research Methodology, Design, and Analyses: Explain the research methodology, design, and analyses.
  • Findings: Explain the research study’s findings.
  • Conclusion:
  • Summarize the research study’s recommendations.
  • Explain the impact of the research to risk management and quality management.
  • Cite sources to support your assignment.

    Format your assignment according to the attached

HCS/465 v7

Evaluating Research Critical-Thinking Prompts

HCS/465 v7

Page 2 of 2

Evaluating Research Critical-Thinking Prompts

Review the following prompts and examples to guide you in your evaluation of the research study you selected.

Research Steps

Define the problem.


· What is the problem identified in your chosen article? Example: The Ebola outbreak and its prevalence in West African nations

· Why is it a problem? Example: Ebola is a disease that is contracted from [finish the statement]. Its symptoms are [finish the statement]. [Insert information] amount of people die each year. This is a problem because [finish the statement].

· What is the problem that the article or research study is trying to resolve? Example: Ebola has spread among the West African people because of [insert reason]. This research seeks to identify solutions that will prevent it from spreading among the African people.

· Why is the problem important for health care administrators to study? The research article may not identify a specific reason the research is important to health care administrators. That is acceptable. Write about why a health care administrator would want to study this topic. How could knowledge of this topic help you as a health care administrator? Example: As an assistant manager of a nursing home, I know that many of the residents have watched the news reports on the Ebola outbreak in Africa and its potential outbreak in the United States. Because I know little about the disease and because I know the concern that the reporting of this disease has brought on the residents of the nursing home, I felt that it was my responsibility to know more about the disease and how to prevent its spread. Providing the residents with this knowledge can go a long way toward calming their fears and enabling them and their caregivers to take measures to prevent any outbreak.

Identify the purpose of the study.

Prompts: If the answers to these questions are not expressly stated in the article, consider its entirety and write what you think the answers are.

· What is the purpose of the study?

· What is the author trying to accomplish in this study?

Example: The purpose of the study was to create awareness of the Ebola outbreak, to provide statistical data to give an accurate account of the scope of the outbreak, and to identify known methods to minimize exposure, recognize symptoms, and prevent outbreaks.

Identify the study variables.


· What are the independent and dependent study variables?

· Independent variables represent inputs and can have any value.

· Dependent variables represent outputs or effects.

Running head: THE LOOK, THINK, ACT CYCLE 1

The Look, Think, Act Cycle

Angela M Miller

Your University

October 13, 2020




In this assignment we were asked to find two peer reviewed articles, one dissertation or

thesis, one book and one miscellaneous item. We were to complete an annotated bibliography, as

well as compare and contrast the selected items. Below you will find my work. In this

assignment we were asked to find two peer reviewed articles, one dissertation or thesis, one book

and one miscellaneous item. We were to complete an annotated bibliography, as well as compare

and contrast the selected items. Below you will find my work.

Research Steps

In this assignment we were asked to find two peer reviewed articles, one dissertation or

thesis, one book and one miscellaneous item. We were to complete an annotated bibliography, as

well as compare and contrast the selected items. Below you will find my work.

The Problem

In this assignment we were asked to find two peer reviewed articles, one dissertation or

thesis, one book and one miscellaneous item. We were to complete an annotated bibliography, as

well as compare and contrast the selected items. Below you will find my work. In this

assignment we were asked to find two peer reviewed articles, one dissertation or thesis, one book

and one miscellaneous item. We were to complete an annotated bibliography, as well as compare

and contrast the selected items. Below you will find my work.

The Purpose

In this assignment we were asked to find two peer reviewed articles, one dissertation or

thesis, one book and one miscellaneous item. We were to complete an annotated bibliography, as

well as compare and contrast the selected items. Below you will find my work.



The Variables

In this assignment we were asked to find two peer reviewed articles, one dissertation or

thesis, one book and one miscellaneous item. We were to complete an annotated bibliography, as

well as compare and contrast the selected items. Below you will find my work.

The Question/Hypothesis

In this assignment we were asked to find two peer reviewed articles, one dissertation or

thesis, one book and one miscellaneous item. We were to complete an annotated bibliography, as

well as compare and contrast the selected items. Below you will find my work.

Research Methodology Design and Analyses

In this assignment we were asked to find two peer reviewed articles, one dissertation or

thesis, one book and one miscellaneous item. We were t

1Alshammary SA, et al. BMJ Open Quality 2021;10:e001391. doi:10.1136/bmjoq-2021-001391

Open access

Enhancing palliative care occupancy and
efficiency: a quality improvement
project that uses a healthcare pathway
for service integration and
policy development

Sami Ayed Alshammary,1 Yacoub Abuzied ,2 Savithiri Ratnapalan3

To cite: Alshammary SA,
Abuzied Y, Ratnapalan S.
Enhancing palliative care
occupancy and efficiency: a
quality improvement project that
uses a healthcare pathway for
service integration and policy
development. BMJ Open Quality
2021;10:e001391. doi:10.1136/

Received 13 February 2021
Accepted 10 October 2021

1Department of Palliative Care,
Comprehensive Cancer Center,
King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
2Department of Nursing,
Rehabilitation Hospital, King
Fahad Medical City, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
3Department of Pediatrics,
University of Toronto Dalla Lana
School of Public Health, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada

Correspondence to
Yacoub Abuzied;
yabuzied2@ gmail. com

Original research

© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2021. Re- use
permitted under CC BY- NC. No
commercial re- use. See rights
and permissions. Published by

This article described our experience in implementing
a quality improvement project to overcome the bed
overcapacity problem at a comprehensive cancer centre in
a tertiary care centre. We formed a multidisciplinary team
including a representative from patient and family support
(six members), hospice care and home care services
(four members), multidisciplinary team development (four
members) and the national lead. The primary responsibility
of the formulated team was implementing measures to
optimise and manage patient flow. We used the plan–
do–study–act cycle to engage all stakeholders from all
service layers, test some interventions in simplified pilots
and develop a more detailed plan and business case for
further implementation and roll- out, which was used as
a problem- solving approach in our project for refining
a process or implementing changes. As a result, we
observed a significant reduction in bed capacity from 35%
in 2017 to 13.8% in 2018. While the original length of stay
(LOS) was 28 days, the average LOS was 19 days in 2017
(including the time before and after the intervention), 10.8
days in 2018 (after the intervention was implemented),
10.1 days in 2019 and 16 days in 2020. The increase in
2020 parameters was caused by the COVID- 19 pandemic,
since many patients did not enrol in our new care
model. Using a systematic care delivery approach by a
multidisciplinary team improves significantly reduced bed
occupancy and reduces LOS for palliative care patients.

Palliative care is vital to enhance the quality of
life for curative patients, seriously ill patients,