Use scholarly articles only, research textbook


The Gerontologist
cite as: Gerontologist, 2021, Vol. 61, No. 4, 615–623

Advance Access publication February 28, 2021

© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America.

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Special Issue: Workforce Issues in Long-Term Care: Research Article

Nurse Practitioners Rising to the Challenge During
the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic in Long-Term
Care Homes
Katherine  S.  McGilton, PhD,1,2,*, Alexandra  Krassikova, BSc,1,3, Veronique  Boscart,
PhD,4 Souraya Sidani, PhD,5 Andrea Iaboni, MD, DPhil,1, Shirin Vellani, MN-NP,1,2, and
Astrid Escrig-Pinol, PhD1,6

1KITE, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2Lawrence S.  Bloomberg,
Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 3Rehabilitation Sciences Institute, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 4Schlegel Centre for Advancing Seniors Care, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.
5Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 6Mar Nursing School (ESIMar), Pompeu
Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.

*Address correspondence to: Katherine S.  McGilton, PhD, KITE, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network, 550 University
Avenue, Toronto, ON M5G 2A2, Canada. E-mail: [email protected]

Received: December 24, 2020; Editorial Decision Date: February 20, 2021

Decision Editor: Suzanne Meeks, PhD, FGSA

Background and Objectives: There is an urgency to respond to the longstanding deficiencies in health human resources in
the long-term care (LTC) home sector, which have been laid bare by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Nurse practitioners (NPs) represent an efficient solution to human resource challenges. During the current pandemic, many
Medical Directors in LTC homes worked virtually to reduce the risk of transmission. In contrast, NPs were present for in-
person care. This study aims to understand the NPs’ roles in optimizing resident care and supporting LTC staff during the
Research Design and Methods: This exploratory qualitative study employed a phenomenological approach. A purposive
sample of 14 NPs wor


MSN 600

Qualitative Research Critique Formal Paper Question Guide

Categories with Questions to Address for Qualitative Research Critique


-Is the title of study clear and accurate? Explain.

-Does the title reflect the topic of interest (phenomenon) and group or community being

studied? Explain.

-Does the title reflect the group or community being studied? Explain.


-Does the abstract clearly and concisely summarize the main features of the article? Explain.


-Is the study purpose clearly/directly stated? Explain.

-What is the study purpose?


-Is the significance for the study described? Explain.

-Is the problem significant to nursing? Explain.

Introduction-Statement of Problem:

-Is the problem statement stated clearly/directly and easy to identify? Explain.

-What is the problem statement?

-Does the problem statement build a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study?


Introduction-Qualitative Method Used:

-Is the type of qualitative method stated or inferred? Explain.

-What is the type of qualitative method (phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography,

narrative theory, and such)?

-Is the qualitative approach appropriate? Consider if there is a good match between the

research problem and the paradigm, tradition, and methods. Explain.

Introduction-Research Question:

– Are the research questions present and explicitly stated? Explain. If not, are their absence

justified? Explain.

-If present, are the research questions consistent with the study’s philosophical basis,

underlying tradition, or ideologic orientation? Explain.

Introduction-Literature Review:

-Was the review thorough—did the review include all major studies on the topic? Did the

review include current research (studies published within the last three to five years)? Were

studies from other related disciplines included, if appropriate? Explain.

-Did the review rely mainly on primary source research articles? Explain.

-Was the review merely a summary of existing work, or did it critically appraise and compare

key studies? Did the review identify important trends and gaps in the literature? Explain.

-Was the review well organized? Was the development of ideas clear? Explain.

-Did the review use appropriate language regarding the tentativeness of prior findings? Was the

review objective? Did the author paraphrase, or was there an overreliance on quotes from

original sources? Explain.


-If the review was part of a research article for a new s

The Qualitative Research Critique Paper Question Guide lists the guiding questions per
research component to answer for the assignment. Students must reference the
chapters outlined in required textbook Polit and Beck (2020) to assist in answering
questions completely. Particularly note aspects related to critical appraisal in chapters 5,
6, 7, 22, 23, 24, 25 and aspects of trustworthiness in chapter 26 of Polit and Beck (2020)
in regard to completing an overall critique of a qualitative research article. A link for
the Qualitative Research Critique Paper Question Guide is listed below.
Please synthesize answers to questions on the Qualitative Research Critique Paper
Question Guide and per Polit and Beck (2020) textbook to fully meet grading criteria on
the Qualitative Research Critique Grading Rubric. The Qualitative Research Critique
Grading Rubric is provided below.

Students need to address each research component thoroughly based on the content of
the article, synthesizing and providing rationale for each of the statements. If a research
component is not addressed in the article, students must explain whether or not this is
justified and provide rationale.

The Qualitative Research Critique paper is a formal paper and should include a title page,
abstract with keywords, an introduction, body of the paper, personal
reflection/conclusion, and a reference page (listed on a separate page following the
conclusion of the paper). The paper should be a minimum of nine pages and no more
than ten pages, excluding title, abstract, and reference page. Points may be deducted for
not meeting the page limit requirements. The personal reflection/conclusion should
answer questions such as: How does the article contribute to your understanding of
research? Does the article change your views of the topic? What do you consider to be
the strengths and weaknesses of the article? Do the study findings appear to be
trustworthy—do you have confidence in the truth value of the results? Does the article
inspire confidence about the types of people and settings for whom the evidence is

The paper is to be written using APA (2020) 7th edition format including the professional
paper required elements. Refer to sample professional paper in APA (2020) 7th edition
manual for examples. Citations and references must be included to support information
shared in the paper. Citations and references need to reflect required readings as well as
current (within the last three to five years) professional sources. Please review discussion
board section of MSN 600 syllabus for what constitutes professional sources.

Please choose one of the provided two articles listed below on which to write your
critique. Choose just one and include the entire citation in your critique.

McGilton, K., Krassikova, A., Boscart, V., Sidani, S. Laboni, A., Vellani, S., Escrig-Pi

The Qualitative Research Critique Paper Question Guide

*Plagiarized papers will be given a grade of zero and could result in failure of the course.

Qualitative Article Critique Grading Rubric

Qualitative Article Critique Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle

of the article being critiqued: Refer to Qualitative

Research Critique Paper Question Guide for

questions to answer. *Please answer questions

listed on the question guide related to the title of

the selected article for this qualitative critique.

2 pts





1 pts






0 pts

No Marks


or missing.

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning

OutcomeAbstract of the article being critiqued:

Refer to Qualitative Research Critique Paper

Question Guide for questions to answer. *Please

answer questions listed on the question guide

related to the abstract of the selected article for this

qualitative critique.

2 pts





1 pts






0 pts

No Marks


or missing.

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning

OutcomeIntroduction-Purpose: Refer to

Qualitative Research Critique Paper Question

Guide for questions to answer.

2 pts





1 pts






0 pts

No Marks


or missing.

2 pts

Qualitative Article Critique Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning

OutcomeIntroduction-Significance: Refer to

Qualitative Research Critique Paper Question

Guide for questions to answer.

2 pts





1 pts






0 pts

No Marks


or missing.

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning

OutcomeIntroduction-Statement of Problem: Refer

to Qualitative Research Critique Paper Question

Guide for questions to answer.

4 pts





2 pts

