This activity provides students with the resources and methods to conduct a community assessment. Performing a community assessment involves getting to know and understand the community as client.

Phase One – Defining the Community

Who is the community assessed? A clear definition must be provided of who is being assessed and where they are located.

Phase Two – Community Assessment

Phase two is the focus of this activity.

The goal of assessment is to gather and generate data and then analyze and synthesize the data to identify significant themes or trends.

A. Data gathering involves compiling information that already exists.

B. During data generation, information that does not already exist is collected from the community.

C. Data analysis and synthesis should result in discovery of community health problems and community health strengths.

Assignment Files

Power Point Rubric Bottom of Form


NM352 Unit 8 Week 15 – Public Health Presentation Rubric

NM352 Unit 8 Week 15 – Public Health Presentation Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunity Description

15 pts

Level 5

Student had in-depth knowledge of the content. Clearly able to explain topic and relevance to the community. Fully prepared to answer all questions.

13.5 pts

Level 4

Elements of both Level 5 and Level 3.

12 pts

Level 3

Moderate knowledge of content area. Able to explain relevance to community. Able to answer some questions.

10.5 pts

Level 2

Elements of both Level 3 and Level 1.

9 pts

Level 1

Minimal knowledge of content. Difficulty identifying relevance to the community. Able to answer a few questions.

0 pts

Level 0

The student did not submit a presentation.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunity Resources

Community resources identified, analyzed, and support the intervention

10 pts

Level 5

Community resources clearly identified and analyzed and how they will support the intervention of your nursing diagnosis

9 pts

Level 4

The student fulfills most of the assignment expectations.

8 pts

Level 3

The student fulfills some of the assignment expectations.

7 pts

Level 2

The student partially fulfills the assignment expectations.

6 pts

Level 1

The student does not fulfill assignment expectations.

0 pts

Level 0

The student did not submit a presentation.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNursing Diagnosis

Identify priority diagnosis, the goal for change, and rationale

15 pts

Level 5

Clearly identifies priority diagnosis, the goal for change, and rationale

13.5 pts

Level 4

The student fulfills most of the assignment expectations.

12 pts