**(All previous related to Practice Issues in a clinic of STD Prevention and Treatment work can be used to answer it, attached you will find information for the answer, but feel free to use whatever you consider pertinent). APA is required.


**(All previous related to Practice Issues in a clinic of STD Prevention and Treatment work can be used to answer it, attached you will find information for answer, but feel free to use whatever you consider pertinent). APA is required.

Practice Issues in a clinic of STD Prevention and Treatment

1- After you communicated with the practicum site decision maker(s), what issue/problem did they state they wanted you to work on as part of your DNP practicum?

2- Provide a problem statement (no less than 5-6 fully structured sentences) to explain the issue/problem you are addressing. Please describe the current practice/process leading to the issue. Provide any reports or currently available data to document the need identified. NOTE: in this section, you must include in-text citations with your evidence-based intervention.

3- Provide a brief description, using in-text citations/references to support the need for change from both a global and practicum site perspective.

4- What is the purpose of your proposed project? Begin your formal purpose statement by stating, “The purpose of the proposed DNP project is to…”

5- Based on the needs of the practicum site, please provide your one-sentence PICOT question below in a clear and concise manner. Note: Your population cannot be students or faculty; your intervention cannot be educational and your time frame must be 8-10 weeks.

PICOT Question: What is the impact of implementing telehealth follow-up protocol for young adults missing appointments from an STDs clinic over eight weeks?

6- Fully describe the population (keep in mind students and/or faculty are not allowed) of your proposed project. What is your anticipated sample size and what inclusion and exclusion criteria will be used to identify your population?

7- You are required to have a minimum of 10-12 contemporary research articles (< 5 years old) to support your evidencebased practice (EBP) intervention. Please provide a full listing (APA formatted) of the evidence you have to support the EBP intervention you will implement.

8- Explain the intervention you will implement to address the issue identified based on the needs of the practicum site. Remember, educational only interventions are not allowed. The intervention should be based on the translational science model you have chosen. You must provide an overview of the intervention so the reader(s) will be able to duplicate the intervention on their own. (Include or attach any relevant documents, if available such as protocols, procedures, guidelines, etc. that you will implement)

9- Given you only have 8-10 weeks to implement your project, discuss its feasibility.


Telehealth Innovative Solution to Engage Young Adults in STDs Prevention

STDs are a leading source of morbidity in the United States, costing an estimated $15.9 billion in direct medical costs over a lifetime (Llata et al., 2021). Studies also reveal that the annual cases of STDs in the USA continue to rise, reaching an all-time high for the eighth year. The most common reported STDs are chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea. There was a nearly 30% increase in STDs between 2015 and 2019 (Gebrezgi et al., 2021). These rates are alarming, considering that the rates were lower less than 20 years ago. For example, gonorrhea was at historic lows, and syphilis was close to elimination (Trepka et al., 2021). The drastic changes show a need to prioritize efforts and regain control of the grounds to minimize the spread of STDs. As per the CDC (2019), STD surveillance, assuring that everyone has access to high-quality HIV and STD prevention and treatment, is a critical component of successful public health response to rising STD prevalence.

Collaborating with a clinic for the prevention and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), I had the opportunity to speak with relevant stakeholders and decision-makers. We were able to identify and discuss issues affecting the clinical health outcomes of STDs preventative and treatment activities. According to the stakeholders, it is common to find that some young adults with high-risk sexual behavior come to the clinic for STDs test and treatment. After that, they don’t return for continued care until they have new symptoms or an STD reinfection. Although sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) impact people of all ages, it is most noticeable among youth aged 15 to 24 (Sieving et al., 2019). Young adults are less interested in STDs prevention or behavior modification initiatives. Also, you can find other patients that start HIV PrEP medication but don’t come to the clinic for follow-up as indicated, despite the multiple efforts done by the clinical personnel.

After the discussion, I proposed that the clinic use innovative, evidence-based digital interventions to engage patients in STDs prevention and treatment while promoting community awareness. In the United States, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are rising, and additional research into effective prevention and treatment strategies is urgently needed (Shannon & Klausner 2018). Telehealth can serve as a tool that increases the availability of services for patients. Telemedicine has emerged as a critical resource for limiting disease spread by increasing patient surveillance, promoting early detection, allowing quick management of sick people, and ensuring continuity of care for vulnerable patients worldwide (Omboni et al., 2022).

It’s a tool that facilitates the work of directly promoting education, screening, treatment, and prevention

Writing the In-text Citation: How your in-text citation looks or how the author and year will be properly written will depend upon the type of resource and the number of authors. The table below shows some of the more common citation situations. For additional citation situations and examples, see Section 8 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2019).

Author type/ resource Parenthetical citation Narrative citation

One author (Harris, 2020) Harris (2020)

Two authors (Martin & Wells, 2020) Martin and Wells (2020)

Three or more authors (Schultz et al., 2016) Schultz et al. (2016)

Group author (Chamberlain University, 2020) Chamberlain University (2020)

No author, article/web page (“Employee Communications,” 2020) “Employee Communications” (2020)

No author, no date, article/web page (“Employees and Communications,” n.d.) “Employees and Communication” (n.d.)

Personal Communication (D. Schultz, personal communication, April 22, 2019) D. Schultz (personal communication, April 22, 2019)

Indirect resource (secondary resource) (Schultz, 2016, as cited in Harris, 2020, p. 73) Schultz wrote that. . . (as cited in Harris, 2020, p. 73)

Multiple Resources (Harris, 2020; Schultz, 2016) Harris (2020) and Schultz (2016) in separate studies both found. . .

Formatting the Reference Page: Begin on a new page after the completion of the essay. Capitalize, bold, and center the word References on the first line of the page. Alphabetize all entries (see APA manual section 9.43 for details). Doublespace all entries. Use a hanging indent- the first line of each entry is flush with the left margin; all lines after are indented a half-inch for each entry. Creating the Reference Page Entry: To create each reference page entry, you need four pieces of information about your resource author, date, title, and source presented in this order.  Knowing what information fits into each of these four sections, can help you build a correct reference entry.


Schultz, D. (2016). The advantages of communication skills in a professional setting. Ohio Press. 


Title in Upper and Lower Case (Bold)

Your Name

College of Nursing

Course Number: Course Name

Session Month and Year



Title in Upper and Lower Case (Centered, Bold, Matches Title Page)

Type your introduction here (and remove these instructions). Although the first paragraph after the paper title is the introduction, no heading labeled “Introduction” is used. The title takes the place of the first level 1 heading (that means that it is possible to have level 2 headings within it if required by the paper’s content). The best practice for a concise introduction is to (a) introduce the paper’s topic and establish its importance, (b) express a clear purpose statement for the paper (usually one that mirrors the assignment purpose), and (c) provide a mini-outline of the paper’s content in sentence format (often reflecting the Level 1 headings). See the American Psychological Association’s (APA, 2020) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) and Chamberlain University’s (2020) Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers in Canvas Course Resources for further guidance in standard English writing style and formatting a professional paper.

Level 1 Heading (Bold, Centered, and Title Case)

Refer to your assignment guidelines for the lever headings to be used for the body of the paper. Begin to type the body of your paper here. Use as many paragraphs as needed to cover the content appropriately. Often the content can be guided by the assignment’s grading rubric and the assignment guidelines. The best practice for constructing a paragraph is to build each one using the CARE Plan format. The four components of the
Plan paragraph are (a)
idea (only one main idea per paragraph), (b)
(evidence, scholarly reference citation, experience, etc.), (c)
(discussion, analysis, or explanation of the main idea and the evidence), and (d)
(connect to the main idea, the paper’s topic, or link to the next paragraph’s content). Note that the
component may not always be needed or used.

Level 2 Heading (Flush Left, Bold, Title Case Heading)

When required by the paper’s content or the assignment guidelines, use a level 2 heading to organize the ideas or material within the level 1 heading’s section. Each paragraph within the section should conform to the CARE Plan format.

Next Level 2 Heading (Flush Left, Bold, Title Case Heading)

If there is one level 2 heading, ther