I need help in drafting in this project 

Paper 1

Project Charter Template

Part 1: A project charter is an essential element in the design phase of project management. The project charter serves as a framework and outlines key details of the project. Ultimately, the project charter will give authority to the project manager once key stakeholders and leadership sign off. Complete the template below based on the running case study in the Class Resources.

Project Manager: (include name and e-mail)


Ruth has had suitable training for a master’s in nursing, which is valid in improving her adherence to the current healthcare environment. In terms of full competency in nursing operations, she must receive more skills training to learn to be a highly competent nurse manager whose expertise progresses beyond her other colleagues.

Project Objective(s):

To engage in training in areas where physical clinical sites are limited

To develop a technological system for the healthcare department

To increase understanding of real-life healthcare improvement needs

Applicable Industry Standards:

Using current technology in nursing has both positive and negative outcomes that all operate to serve the healthcare industry. Taking part in educational sessions where Ruth is not allowed to administer medication, at hospitals where medical records are confidential, and when dealing with a shortage of healthcare trainers for patients (Koukourikos et al., 2021). Nursing management shall get attained using the good opportunities to allow nursing Ruth to generate better learning and health improvement for patients. They can get theoretical concepts and then find it easier to get integrated into the professional environment. Improving registered nursing operations is possible using project management which serves the entire health management procedure. Project management can enhance decision-making by integrating sessions which produce real-life experiences for patients then nurses can get involved in managing patient requirements (Guerrero et al., 2021). As a registered nurse with a master of nursing, Ruth shall gain better experience since project management shall assist them in closing the gap between theoretical

coursework and skills. Integration of a real-life healthcare environment shall push nurses to perform in a better capacity even as they learn about concepts required in project management. Advanced project management technology generates a better method of boosting Ruth’s expertise.

Budget Information: Financial management of t




Building a Project Schedu

Value of a Work Breakdown Structure

The main role of WBS is to distinguish and plan for an effective and easier strategy, the activities prompting fruitful completion of the project. Besides the fact that the WBS helps in planning and monitoring project activities, having this tool helps in budgeting. Project work breakdown designs can also be used to detect expected risks in a given project. Anytime a project is ragging behind, use of this tool can easily identify critical deliverables affected by a poor work plan. This tool gives a clear picture of the project scope

WBS helps in estimating effort needed, time as well as money needed to complete a project. It assists the venture administrator in understanding bits of work that make up the large achievements and how much does every activity require effort, time and cash to have the option to deliver the expected outcomes. It in this way eventually helps in methodology, planning and assessment. Using this tool, a project manager can identify what must be included and excluded from the undertaking to the stakeholders during the project initial phase. That way the project director can focus in on what should be done to complete the project on time

Having a WBS consequently provides a way for alleviating project risks. Since a WBS is created before any project activity has been done, it is easy to reduce project risks by simply defining each undertaking expected to complete the project (Norman & Fried, 2020). You and your associates can actually detect risk areas and work on them. WBS helps quick and better project planning, once you have a WBS it will be significantly easier for you to define and characterize the undertaking’s activities. It furthermore gives a way to estimate project costs definitively. Base up assessment is potentially the most exact procedures, since you break the project into little modules, you can actually check the cost, time as well as risks of each and every module.

Further development of the WBS assists project managers in creating a project schedule as well as refinement of the project monetary plan. WBS and the project facts that can be recovered from it are critical to any project success. The WBS engages the project manager to screen, measure and control various elements of any given task. As a result of the WBS, project administrator will secure universal visibility over the advancement and status of each and every deliverable and its components.

Importance of Monitoring Critical Success Factors

Critical Success Factors are the fundamental elements that should be properly monitored in an event a project intends to attain its goals, and also complete on time. By monitoring CSFs, project heads can create a commo

Analyze The Key Elements of Each Stage in The Cycle.

The basic elements of the communication process include sender, receiver, message, channel, and feedback. For any communication process to be complete the following must take place. Generate the message, encode the message, transmit the message through a medium, and receive the message. Decode the message and finally absorb the content

Sender: Initiates the communication process as he or she sends the message to the intended person. This can be achieved either through writing or speaking. The communication process starts with the sender.

Message: Also known as the subject matter of this process, i.e., the content of the letter, speech, order, information, idea, or suggestion. This is the second phase of the communication, this phase focus on the message that needs to go through the communication process.

Communication channel: This is the media through which the sender passes the information and understanding to the receiver. It acts as a connection between the communicator and the receiver, i.e., the levels of communication or relationships that exist between different individuals or departments of an organization.

Receiver: Receives the message for whom the communication is meant. The reception receives the information, order or message. The receiver is simply the destination of the message i.e. the last person in the communication process. He or she receives the message sent by the sender.

Feedback: Plays a huge role in making communication process a success. This is the reaction to the message sent to the receiver, a feedback can be in form of a notification from the receiver that he has received the message or a comment on the message.

Noise: For effective communication to take place, it is important for the sender to ensure that no external noise exists in the surrounding environment as this can act as a barrier to the communication process

Identify potential communication barriers within a team function.

Lack of Clarity of Details: The sender is, more often than not, 100% sure that his message is clear. What he doesn’t comprehend is the basic reality that what is obvious to him need not be obvious to others due to such countless reasons. However, on the off chance that the idea isn’t clear even to himself then he can be certain that it won’t ever be plainly grasped by the other party. Hence the absence of consistent focus with respect to the original sender is one of the main barriers to effective communication.

Verbose Language: Verbose expression use a lot of unnecessary words clouding the main point to be understood, with the inevitable result that the receiver easily gives up his effort to get at the real meaning of the message. These are av

Explain The Importance of An Implementation Checklist.

Importance of Addressing Change Management

Implementation checklists provide an easy way to understand and recall important information for those who administer and oversee a project. They fill a moderately straightforward need: to guarantee activities are monitored, finished, and assessed for precision or execution. Checklists also help project coordinators and managers remain accountable (especially when workers are in highly regulated industries or compliance requirements are involved). They also act as a reinforcement to help managers not forget any tasks. A well-structured implementation checklist for a project should organize information in the order tasks should be completed and present all information as concisely as possible.

Creating a to-do list of tomorrow’s activities the night before can be really effective and extremely helpful when it comes to organizing your day or week and making sure you get to be highly productive while staying on top of all your priorities. It keeps you grounded and track of all the little things you need doing and prioritizing (Wysocki, 2018). Establishing your workflows and processes in a form of a checklist allows you to perform all the necessary steps involved in task execution and therefore helps maintain the standard and quality of your work.

Implementation checklists are a type of process documentation and in many contexts can be helpful in project management. Mistakes are staggeringly costly, and checklists guarantee against missing steps as well as help in avoiding errors. An implementation checklist helps the project team to zero in on the job that needs to be done and not “What’s next?” All project activities should be completed in time and the inability to finish one prompts the failure of the whole project hence having a list of all activities on a checklist ensures that all activists are addressed.

2. Explain the importance of addressing change management in the implementation phase of project management.

Implementation checklists provide an easy way to understand and recall important information for those who administer and oversee a project. They fill a moderately straightforward need: to guarantee activities are monitored, finished, and assessed for precision or execution. Checklists also help project coordinators and managers remain accountable (especially when workers are in highly regulated industries or compliance requirements are involved). They also act as a reinforcement to help managers not forget any tasks. A well-structured implementation checklist for a project should organize information in the order tasks should be completed and present all information as concis

The Benefit of a Root Cause Analysis in Health Care Quality and Safety

A root cause analysis is a suitable health trend that can get used to eliminate confusion during a healthcare project. The prevention would occur based on the ability to connect to understand factors in a healthy environment as all project members explain coherently the actions that occur in their departments. It is imperative to note that the availability of root causes is the main factor causing preventable and unnecessary stagnation of healthcare development. This, in turn, results in limited healthcare quality and safety.

Mitigate Risk

How does it mitigate risk?

The risk can be mitigated using proper communication practices by all healthcare project members and allowing the stakeholders to get trained on expected communication processes (Chichirez & Purcărea, 2018). Monitoring healthcare projects by a person who knows how to deal with communication requirements shall be the applicable contingency measure.

Quality Indicator

Using proper team engagement, healthcare safety, and quality are possible since such a process is required to validate productive healthcare outcomes. There can be issues related to lack of team connectivity due to inappropriate delivery of care, and thus a reduced accurate healthcare environment process gets applied. Use of training, technology integration, and proper language use are integral factors required to ensure proper healthcare management (Buljac-Samardzic et al., 2020). It can be possible to reduce the wastage of healthcare resources once the stakeholders involved understand to develop quick communication sessions for delivery of all required healthcare needs. As displayed in the fishbone diagram above, improper grammar usage, verbose language, sharing of messages without clarity, and cultural diversity all cause issues when attempting to deliver healthcare requirements. Training sessions can thus establish better healthcare communication.

The plan to reduce preventable hospital stays includes creating a patient monitoring tool, decreasing readmissions, and using tactical payment methods to improve payment methods. The tool would develop using technological means to ensure the physicians and quality improvement departments detect unnecessary hospital admissions. There would be the possibility of increasing access to healthcare using a high-quality treatment to ensure patients collaborate with health improvement initiatives.

The Purpose of Progress Tracking

Describe the purpose of progress tracking in project managem

The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the value of monitoring project progress and evaluating outcomes to develop quality and safety initiatives. In a 750-900-word paper, address the following:

Discuss the value of monitoring the progress of planned change and the impact it has on project outcomes.

Explain the benefits of evaluating overall project outcomes.

Discuss the importance of final project analysis and debriefing following project closure.

Discuss who should be involved in the project debriefing.

Explain why it’s important to celebrate successful completion of a project.

How would you celebrate successful completion?

If all desired outcomes are not met in a project, describe the appropriate next steps.

Based on the case study in which you have applied the principles of project management to in Topics 3-8, develop at least two potential resulting quality and safety initiatives.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


A discussion on the value of monitoring the progress of the project and the impact it has on project outcomes is present and thorough.

An explanation of the benefits of evaluating overall project outcomes is present and thorough.

A discussion of the importance of final project analysis and debriefing following project closure is present and thorough.

A discussion on who should be involved in the project debriefing is present and thorough.

An explanation of why it is important and how they would celebrate successful completion of a project is present and thorough.

A description of the next steps if not all desired outcomes are met is present and thorough.

Quality and Safety Initiatives (C6.2) Two quality and safety initiatives are developed and thorough.