Correct sections pointed out in the 513 document attached using sample chapter attached,go through the capstone resources.

Chapter 2
Summary Literature Review
Comment by Gloria Ohmart: Please review an example Chapter 2 which shows how this chapter should begin.

Lateral violence (LV) is a devastating phenomenon in the nursing workplace. Also known as ‘horizontal violence’ or ‘workplace bullying,’ LV is disruptive and inappropriate behavior demonstrated in the workplace by one employee to another who is in either an equal or lesser position (Coursey, Rodriguez, Dieckmann, & Austin, 2013. Lateral workplace violence is harmful. It has adverse effects on employees, clients, and the overall organizations they work for. From the literature searches, the most affected nurses are new employees. In contrast, others may experience this violence in the form of being allocated heavy workloads unjustly, being neglected when requesting something, and oppression by use of power. Nursing employees have the right to mitigate such violence by reporting various instances or creating an environment that ensures they are also respected as individuals. Moreover, nurse leaders should mitigate lateral workplace violence by educating workers on the right strategies, creating policies against this lateral violence, and collaborating with employees to ensure fairness, dignity, and respect. By doing so, it will vastly reduce possible future incidents of lateral workplace violence.

Programmatic Outcomes required to be addressed in Chapter 2 Comment by Gloria Ohmart: Follow the example of chapter 2 and using the Capstone Writing Resource that I am attaching, your Chapter 2 will provide literature that is pertinent to your topic, and theoretical framework.

Evidence Based practice

Healthcare quality spans multiple disciplines. As healthcare quality efforts have evolved in both nursing and the entire healthcare team, variations are noted within and between the disciplinary perspectives. In nursing, quality began with Florence Nightingale. Nightingale, among the first to earn credit for developing a theoretical approach to quality improvement, addressed compromises to nursing and health quality by identifying and working to eliminate factors that hinder reparative processes.

Donabedian model is a conceptual model that provides a framework for examining health services and evaluating quality of health care. According to the model, information about quality of care can be drawn from three categories: “structure,” “process,” and “outcomes. (Donabedian, 1988) Structure describes the context in which care is de

Chapter 2: Literature Review

The purpose of this project is to identify causes of nurse burnout in our organization and to implement strategies that will alleviate the issues. This literature review will focus on the topic of burnout and its implication in healthcare facilities. The literature review’s purpose is to highlight what has already been researched in terms of active intervention that can be applied in addressing burnout and improving the quality of care provided.

In identifying the literature that will be used in the study, the search involved an inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the inclusion criteria, all the studies had to be not older than five years, written in English, peer-reviewed, and addressing burnout in healthcare facilities. The databases that were used are BMC, PubMed, Google Scholar, and Science Direct. The search utilized keywords that include “burnout,” “healthcare quality,” “patient satisfaction,” “patient safety,” “Compassion Fatigue,” and “COVID-19.” The literature review addressed the conceptual framework of the study, intervention strategies, compassion fatigue (CF) and burnout, COVID-19 and burnout, burnout and patient safety, and burnout and patient satisfaction.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework that will be applied in the research is the Quality Health Outcomes Model (QHOM). QHOM touches on several aspects that show the association between the context or system, client characteristics, healthcare interventions, and patient outcomes. The model posits that the quality of the provider’s services is essential in ensuring excellent outcomes and patient satisfaction.

DesHarnais (2011) provides a conceptual framework and definitions of quality. The author states that Donabedian provided definitions of quality that reflect the goals and values of the current medical care system and those that encompass the broader society it serves. DesHarnais (2011) writes that Donabedian used three aspects of care, namely, structure, process, and outcomes. Rebar (2019) defines

quality, as well as its implications in the provision of care. The author provides the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine definition of healthc

Title Comment by Cheryl Rules: Title is indicative of the contents of the study, and should be from 10-15 words in length.

(see best practices for title development below)

Capstone Project

Submitted to Grantham University

Graduate Faculty of the School of XXXXXXXXXXXXX

in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Nursing

(Area of Specialization)



Lenexa, Kansas

Month Year



Rev 4/28/2017

Rev 4/28/2017


The Title is indicative of the contents of the project and should be from 10-15 words in length.

1. A title succinctly and accurately describes the project in no more than 12 words.
Every word should be precise; every word should count. This title, for example, is wordy and too long:
The Effectiveness of Training Teachers in Nonviolent Communication in Reducing High School Violence. This revised title is shorter and more concise:
Reducing High School Violence: The Effects of Training Teachers in Nonviolent Communication. Watch phrases such as “A Study of. . . ” or “Examining the. . .” They use up words without adding content.

2. Use a title that concisely describes the topic addressed in the project and included the variables or theoretical issues under investigation as well as the relationship between them. Note the variables of
violence and
training in nonviolent communication mentioned in the above example.

3. Summarize the main idea simply, and, if possible, “with style” (Publication Manual of the APA, 2010, p. 23).

4. Develop a title that makes sense standing alone without explanation. Note the absence of abbreviations or unusual wording in the above example.

5. Keep in mind that the title is often used as a statement of content for abstracting and reference purposes in various databases. Note how effectively the phrase
reducing high school violence in the example above captures the topic.

6. Additional helpful resources for developing your final title include:

(a) page 23 of The 6th Edition of the
APA Publication Manual (2010)
