Please use this previous assignments for final product 


9-1 Project: Humanitarian Aid Trip

Name of Grad Student

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP 501: Global Health and Diversity

Name of Professor/Instructor

Month, Day, Year

9-1 Project: Humanitarian Aid Trip

Begin your introduction paragraph here. Do not use the heading “Introduction”. This is where you introduce the topic, explain why the topic is important, and what will be addressed in the short paper (Please delete this statement prior to submitting assignment).


Purpose and Value


Resource Availability

Access to Care and Quality of Health Services

Cultural Context

Other Determinants






Social Justice

Strengthen Communities and Reduce Health Disparities

Effectiveness and Sustainability


Always end a scholarly assignment with a conclusion paragraph that summarizes the key points from the previous supporting paragraphs without introducing any new information (Please delete this statement prior to submitting assignment).


Encourage to incorporate more than ten scholarly, current, sources that support statements (Please delete this statement prior to submitting assignment).


IHP 501 Project Guidelines and Rubric: 9-1 Project: Humanitarian Aid Trip Research Paper
Guidelines & Instructions

In an increasingly interconnected age, it is now more possible—and pressing—than ever to engage with
global health issues. Healthcare professionals play critical roles in making the world a healthier and
more equitable place. In this project, you have the opportunity to share your own perspectives on global
health and diversity by researching and proposing a humanitarian aid trip.

Imagine that you volunteer for an interdisciplinary health team whose mission is to improve global
health outcomes. The SNHU Humanitarian Aid Foundation has offered your team a grant of $100,000 for
a humanitarian aid trip pending their approval.

Your task is to propose a humanitarian aid trip (approximately 2 weeks in length) addressing a particular
health challenge for a targeted population.

First, select an option from the list below that you are most interested in researching. If you choose
options 2, 3, or 4, you should focus your research on a specific country within the region mentioned:

• Option 1 is traveling to Zambia to address the health challenge of malaria within that country.
Your attention was drawn to this health issue after reading the scholarly article “Modeling
Malaria Reduction.” Option 1 identifies a single country (Zambia). You will focus on the
country of Zambia for the rest of the assignments leading to the Final Project due in Module

• Option 2 is traveling to West Africa to address the health challenge of Ebola. Your attention was
drawn to this health issue after reading this Ebola outbreak report from the World Health
Organization. Option 2 for West Africa, there are 16 countries that make up the continent of
West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte D’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-
Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo. Select one country
in West Africa to focus on for the rest of the assignments leading to the Final Project due in
Module Nine.

• Option 3 is traveling to a location in East Asia or the Pacific to address the health challenge
of malnutrition among women, infants, children, and adolescents. Your attention was drawn to
this health issue after reading the scholarly paper “Trip Trouble.” Option 3 for East Asia or the
Pacific, there are 26 countries that make up the continent of East Asia/Pacific: Cambodia, China,
Cook Islands, Fiji, Indonesia, Kiribati, DPR Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Marshall Islands,
Micronesia, Mongolia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon
Islands, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Vietnam” (p. 1). Select one
country in East Asia or Pacific to focus on for the for the rest of the assignments leading to the
Final Pro

IHP 501 Module One Project Preparation Worksheet-Liberia

Precious Teasley

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity


Professor Carolina Baldwin

February 2, 2023

“IHP 501 Module One Project Preparation Worksheet; Liberia”


According to the World Health Organization’s assessment of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in 2014, Liberia was one of the nations most affected by the EVD outbreak that started in 2013. The first instances were recorded in March 2014, and the pandemic quickly expanded nationwide, resulting in widespread transmission and several fatalities. While the country was officially proclaimed Ebola-free on May 9, 2015, it saw two further minor outbreaks in 2015 and 2016 (WHO, 2014).

Population The whole population in Liberia is at risk for Ebola. However, the high-risk groups include healthcare professionals. Those individuals who often contact infected people, and weaker demographics like children and women, are more susceptible (WHO, 2014).

Geographic Region:

Size: [There are 111,369 square kilometers of land in Liberia (Sommer et al.,2017)

Location: [Liberia is situated on West Africa’s coast. The Atlantic Ocean, Cote d’IvoireGuinea, and Sierra Leone are its neighbors to the west, north, southwest, and east. Liberia is divided into fifteen counties, which are political subdivisions (Sommer et al.,2017).

Climate: Southern Liberia has an equatorial climate with consistent precipitation throughout the year, whereas northern Liberia is tropical and heavily impacted by the West African Monsoon (Preethi et al.,2015).

B. Socioeconomic Profile:

Capital City: Liberia’s capital is Monrovia

Major Districts or Territories: Liberia is divided into 15 first-level administrative divisions. These include Bomi, Lofa, Bong, Grand Gedeh, Gbarpolu, Grand Kru, Margibi, Maryland, Sinoe Montserrado, Nimba, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, and River Gee.]

Income Standard: Liberia, with a population of 5.2 million, is a fragile, low-income nation. In 2021, annual per capita income was at $680 U.S, or roughly a third of what it had been during the civil conflicts in 1989-2003. According to the UNDP’s Human Development Index for 2022, Liberia is ranked 175th out of 189 nations. (Arthur et al.,2022).

Common Occupations: Climate-wise, Liberia is ideal for farming

Humanitarian Aid Trip: Major Stakeholders

Precious Teasley

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity


Professor Carolina Baldwine

February 16, 2023

Humanitarian Aid Trip

Some stakeholders and groups have the potential to help me fulfil my humanitarian aid trip. The first stakeholder is the state and federal government. Government agencies play a critical role in implementing humanitarian aid trips through their budget planning, where funds are allocated to facilitate the trips. The second stakeholders are the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) (Lewis et al., 2020). NGOs have the potential to implement humanitarian aid trips because of their ability to generate funds required for the facilitation of the trips. Lastly are the logistic companies. Logistic companies earn more profits from their daily activities, thus giving them the potential to assist me in implementing the project as part of their social corporate responsibility.

There are various decision-makers among these stakeholders who will potentially impact the trip. Key potential decision-makers include government officials and policymakers. These individuals oversee the health care system’s activities and develop policies on how to manage and run the system. Legislators are also key decision-makers within the government (Burton et al., 2019). Legislators make laws regarding humanitarian aid trips and propose a budget to serve all the activities. They also determine areas where funds are to be allocated for efficiency.

Key participants in my humanitarian aid trips include the beneficiaries (Carroll et al., 2018). These individuals benefit from humanitarian aid trips and are key participants in the trips as they are used in determining where the emphasis is required. Further, those who participate in financing the trip, such as the logistic NGO, are key participants as they ensure the trip has been successfully facilitated. These stakeholders can serve as my potential partners. NGO organizations would finance my aid trip to areas that need assistance. Secondly are logistics companies. Logistic companies are business entities that have the potential to partner with me and facilitate my trip to areas experiencing challenges. The government will come in handy by supplementing my budget.


Burton, J. W., Stein, M. K., & Jensen, T. B. (2019). A systematic review of algorithm aversion in augmented decision making.
Journal o

Great going! Now that you have selected the stakeholders for your humanitarian aid trip, it is time for you to do a deeper investigation into the specific health challenge attached to the scenario of your choice. Health challenges may and will vary across developing and developed countries. This week you gained insight surrounding the prevalence, incidence, and impacts of global nutrition and mental health challenges. For this assignment, you will engage in a similar investigation of your selected scenario.


Building on your prior project preparation assignments, you will go a step further to analyze the specific health challenge for your humanitarian aid trip by crafting a short paper.

Note that you should cite at least three scholarly sources from your investigation. The evidence should not be older than five years. To access the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing—Graduate, go to the Start Here section of the course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Health Challenge Analysis: Analyze the nature of your selected health challenge.

Clinical Presentation: Briefly describe the etiology and symptomology of the health challenge. How does the disease present and what are the symptoms?

Prevalence: Analyze the prevalence and impact of the health challenge in the location. Supply quantitative evidence from credible sources to illustrate your claims.

Which populations (for example, according to age, gender, race, education level, socioeconomic status) are most at risk?

Briefly describe the morbidity and mortality related to this challenge.

What are the prevalent trends over time related to your health challenge?

Inequities: Assess the unequal impacts of the health challenge for different groups.

Socioeconomic Groups: To what extent are different socioeconomic levels unequally impacted by the health challenge?

Race/Ethnicity: To what extent are different races/ethnicities unequally impacted by the health challenge?

Gender: To what extent are different genders unequally impacted by the health challenge?

Other: To what extent are other population groups unequally impacted by the health challenge?

Other Determinants of Health: In your first project preparation assignment, you analyzed the social determinants of health. In this activity, you will now consider other determinants of health to gain a fuller picture of the health challenge.

Environmental: Describe the environmental determinants of health for this challenge.

Biological: Describe the biological determinants of health for this challenge.

Policy Evaluation: Identify any current policies that exist related to the health challenge.

Ethnographic Analysis

Precious Teasley

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity


Professor Carolina Baldwine

February 23, 2023

Ethnographic Analysis

Ethnicity: Analyze the impact of ethnicity on population identification. What impact does ethnicity have on cultural notions of identity?

Ethnicity is a complex and multifaceted concept that can influence how individuals view themselves and their identities. It is commonly described as a shared cultural heritage and identity based on shared ancestry, language, religion, and traditions. Ethnicity can significantly shape an individual’s identity and impact their beliefs, behaviors, and experiences.

For many individuals, ethnicity is a fundamental aspect of their identity and can be a source of pride and belonging. Ethnic identity can influence how individuals view themselves and their place in society and relate to others from similar or different ethnic backgrounds (Stets& Fares, 2019). When members of various ethnic groups have opposing goals or worldviews, ethnicity can become a divisive factor.

Cultural conceptions of identity can vary widely across different ethnic groups and may be influenced by various factors, including history, geography, language, religion, and political systems. For example, some cultures may put a lot of value on individual success and achievement, while others may put a lot of value on how close people are to their families and communities. In some cultures, a person’s ethnic identity may be closely tied to their religious beliefs, while in others, ethnicity may be primarily based on shared ancestry and cultural traditions.

Ethnic identity can also be influenced by broader social and cultural factors, such as discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping. For example, individuals from ethnic minorities may experience discrimination based on ethnicity, which can impact how they view themselves and their place in society. On the other hand, individuals from majority ethnic groups may take their ethnic identity for granted and not consider its influence on their worldview and experiences.

Assess the risks associated with the health concern for the patients and their loved ones.

The stakes of a health issue for patients and their loved ones can be incredibly high and may vary depending on the specific health condition and its severity (Wynn, 2020). Health difficulties can generally impact a patient’s physical, mental, and social health and other aspects of their life. Some potential stakes of a health issue for patients and their loved ones may include Physical health: Health issues can have significant impacts on a patient’s physical health, including pain, discomfort, limited mobility

Health Challenge Intervention

Precious Teasley

Southern New Hampshire University

IHP-501-Q2461 Global Health and Diversity


Professor Carolina Baldwine

March 15, 2023

Health Challenge Intervention

The team involved in this research will travel to Western Liberia to conduct studies on Ebola disease. As the selected members traveled, health challenges prone to this region were identified, including malaria, acute respiratory infection, and tuberculosis. Consequently, two conventional and complementary interventions are proposed to protect the team from health challenges.

Part 1: Conventional Intervention

Conventional medicines are mostly used in Western cultures. The conventional intervention that will be adopted to reduce risks to healthcare issues discussed previously is insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs). ITNs have proven effective in dealing with malaria disease. These nets have pyrethroid insecticides that the World Health Organization has approved for mosquito nets. The insecticide has proved to be safe for human beings, and thus, it is recommended for this use.

The aim of using these nets will be to protect the population from malaria, a prevalent disease in the research area. Malaria is a common disease caused by female anopheles mosquitoes. The pyrethroid spread on the notes kills mosquitos and thus reduces the risk of contracting malaria. One of the reasons for using ITNs is that they are safe for human beings, as WHO has recognized pyrethroid as harmless (Pryce et al., 2022). Studies have also revealed that ITNs have significantly lowered malaria prevalence in every part of the world. According to Killeen, using ITNs contributed to most of the 1.3 billion reduced cases of malaria reported between 2005 and 2015 (Killeen, 2020). Further, data show that the use of indoor residual spraying can entirely lead to the elimination of malaria (Killeen, 2020. Consequently, this intervention has proven effective based on existing studies and thus will be applied during the trip. The population will be required to undertake indoor spraying of ITNs to reduce malaria risks further.

Implementing this intervention will require one nurse specialist from the team I will travel with and another from the research area. The intervention will not require a thorough interdisciplinary team because it is easy to implement. The two specialists will be needed to offer more guidance on the intervention in case issues arise. We shall contact the hospitals in the research area to supply us with ITNs. The cost of implementing this intervention during the research period is estimated to be 5000 dollars. However, the costs may vary due to sh