Instructions and previous journals attached . 


Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of purpose, including the following:

Practicum Activities Reflection: Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in your practicum during Weeks 5, 6, & 7.

Application of Leadership: Describe your preceptor’s leadership style. How does this affect the people they lead. Do staff members express feelings of support and helpfulness? Are there examples of dictating rather than leading? Does the leader say or do things designed to “build up” staff or have you seen missed opportunities?

Practicum Project Preparation: Describe your communication plan for your stakeholders. Who will be notified of what and at what time? What education is needed and for whom?

Leadership Video Reflection: Reflect on at least two things you learned from the “Servant Leadership – Issue of Rule” video

Please use the “Leadership Journal Template” to complete this assignment.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite..


Practicum Activities Reflection

8.75 points

expand Application of Leadership assessment

Application of Leadership

7 points

expand Practicum Project Preparation assessment

Practicum Project Preparation

7 points

expand Leadership Video Reflection assessment

Leadership Video Reflection

7 points

expand Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) assessment

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

1.75 points

expand Format/Documentation assessment


3.5 points

Leadership Journal Template


Weeks Covering:


Clinical/Practicum Site:

Hours Worked (past 2 weeks):___

Total Hours: ____/150 total of all hours worked up to this point

Practicum Activities Reflection:

Discuss some of your activities with your preceptor/mentor, what projects you are working on, and what observations about leadership you have made during the past two weeks. This does not need to be a step by step diary. Instead, this is a place to reflect on how your observations and activities have compared to what you have learned in your courses thus far.

Application of Leadership:

Each Leadership Journal assignment will include specific questions for you to answer.

Practicum Project Preparation:

Each Leadership Journal assignment will include specific questions for you to answer.

Leadership Video Reflection:

Each Leadership Journal assignment will include specific questions for you to answer.


(Please make sure all references are in APA format.)

© 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Leadership Journal Template


Weeks Covering: 16 weeks

Preceptor/Mentor: Sylvia Coleman

Clinical/Practicum Site: SFMC

Hours Worked (past two weeks):_36__

Total Hours: __36__/150 total of all hours worked up to this point

Practicum Activities Reflection:

I selected the wound care department as the focus of my practicum because there is a significant communication problem to be resolved. It has been discovered that the department scored poorly with patients in regard to communication. My first activity was to observe the scorecards collected from patients during the last three months at their discharge or from outpatient services. Communication is an essential tool between doctors, nurses, and patients so I had to find the reason for poor communication and the solutions needed to resolve them. It was also discovered that the communication scores dropped after the hospital went through a change of ownership.

The scorecards revealed that the patients were not satisfied with the care, and they complained that the doctors and nurses do not come to ask about their well-being and do not discuss their issues with them. My second activity was communicating with the directors, nurses, and the other hospital staff to know how they communicate with the patients. The patients do not need wound care treatment only, but they require the proper care overall. If the proper care is not given to the patients, the patient flow will decrease in the coming months. The patient satisfaction level is directly related to the number of patients and the department’s reputation. The surveys will continue to be collected throughout the practicum because I want to know the effect of ownership change and staff behavior toward the patients. The ownership change might also affect the staff behavior with the patients. The last three months were proved to be critical for the patients because it was found that there were soar comments about the hospital administration.

I observed that leadership styles are essential in the improvement of communication. Communication with the patients is essential because it brings value to the treatment, and the patient’s satisfaction will be enhanced. I will continue the survey of the patients to know the other impacts. I expect that these activities will help me improve the communication process, and the patients will feel better.

Application of Leadership:

Professional responsibility and power, authenticity, integrity, and emotional intelligence are key factors of multiple leadership styles. During the observation and involvement of the preceptor activities, I felt that these factors were neglected. There was no element of emotional intelligence and authenticity in the leadership styles. During conversation with my precepto


Practicum Journal: Authority- Week 5

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Practicum Journal: Authority- Week 5

Leadership Journal Template


Weeks Covering: 16 weeks

Preceptor/Mentor: Sylvia Coleman

Clinical/Practicum Site: SFMC

Hours Worked (past two weeks):_40__

Total Hours: __76__/150 total of all hours worked up to this point

Practicum Activities Reflection

The problem of poor communication in the wound management department has majorly affected the patient perceptions about the services provided. Thus, during these weeks, it was important to identify all the stakeholders in this department in order to determine the major causes of the communication problems. The stakeholders are the patients, the hospital administration, and the healthcare professionals working in this department. The problems seen in this department can thus be attributed the hospital administration and the healthcare professionals because the patients complain of the lack of communication, lack of patient oriented services, and lack of proper follow-up.

The scorecards depicted that the patients have been having more complaints about the services in the last three months. This is a time where a change in management has happened due to new ownership. Thus, the management has a critical role to ensure that the patients get the right services. The healthcare professionals work in an environment that is influenced by the leadership they are receiving. Without proper interactions between the administration and the healthcare professionals, it is difficult to establish a culture of proper communication for efficient patient care (Haroon & Malik, 2018).

Application of Leadership

The process of bringing change in any situation requires that the leadership follows the right processes. One of the most important aspects is to understand the process of change (Harrison et al., 2021). By going through the scorecards the problem of poor communication was a problem that will affect both the patients and the hospital. The patients will develop a negative attitude and no longer require to access these services in the same facility. In the end, the hospital will experience reduction in its income. Thus, it is important for any leader to understand the process of change and know that there is no initiative that is the same as the other. All change processes are as a result of particular conditions and the end result is better results.

The process of change is carried out over time and thus, establishes a new culture in the organization. To bring the right aspects of change in the wound management department, it is important that the right preparations are made (Augustsson et al., 2019). Thus, there is a need to have a change