health proposal attached




Health program proposal

Alina Rivero Paret

Florida National University 

March 05, 2022

Obesity has increasingly become a global health Barking concern in the modern era. Health organizations worldwide are concerned about the increasing number of overweight and obese adults in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has facts that worldwide obesity rates have tripled since 1975, with more than 1.9 billion adults being overweight in 2016, of which 650 million of these were obese (“Obesity and overweight,” 2021). In the United States, the prevalence of obesity increased to 42.4% in 2017-2018 from 30.5% in 1999-2000. Obesity-related diseases include stroke, heart attack, type 2 diabetes, among other conditions (CDC, 2021). the above data shows that obesity is a significant health concern in the community, and there is an increasing need to sensitize the community on its effects.

With the rising number of obese people in the population, the need to create a health promotion program that helps sensitize the community on the effects of obesity and how to prevent the health threat increases every day. With a health promotion program for obesity in place, the prevalence of obesity in vulnerable communities would lower, and people would establish healthier ways of living to avoid obesity. This program will address the rising number of obesity-related ailments and deaths in the affected communities. For this program to be successful, much in-depth and personal research needs to be done before health practitioners get to work on the ground.

When well carried out, the research will give the practitioners accurate information on the obesity situation in a selected community or area. Without this research, the health officials would be working on guesswork which could prove futile since not all areas have the same obesity prevalence data. After analysis, the strategy created will depend on the data collected. In high obesity-prevalence areas, the groundwork will be on reducing the number of obese occupants through processes such as counseling, guidance, and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The groundwork in low-prevalence areas would mainly be on maintaining these low numbers while also advocating for a healthier lifestyle and preventing obesity.

Several populations are more at risk of getting obese than others. These groups include; children, low-income individuals, individuals above 65 years old, and rural populations. Most of these groups are vulnerable to getting obesity over several pre-disposed factors. These factors may be cultural, behavioral, socio-demographic, or biological (Stevens et al., 2017, p. xx). Some risk factors for obesity can be changed while others cannot. With those risk factors that cannot be changed, getting obes



Health Promotion Program

Alina Rivero Paret

Florida National University 

April 09, 2022

Obesity is defined as a disorder that involves excess fat that leads to an increase in the risk of health issues. This condition results from the consumption of more calories than those which are burned through exercise activities or normal daily activities. A person is confirmed to be having obesity when the body mass index is 30 or more. Obesity is a common, severe, and costly public health issue. Over 40 percent of the United States adults (42.5 percent) of age 20 years and above are obese. Additionally, 21.1 percent of adolescents of age 12-19, 20.3 percent of children of ages 6-11, and 13.4 percent of children aged 2-5 years have been confirmed to be obese. Even though this condition is effectively managed through a healthy lifestyle, little attention is put to the role played by this intervention. Physical exercise and healthy eating have been confirmed to be playing an important role in the reduction of obesity risks (Connecticut State, Department of Public Health, 2022). Therefore, this paper is focused on discussing a proposed health promotion program using the evidence-based intervention i.e. nutrition, physical activity, and obesity program.

Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (NPAO) health promotion program

The obesity epidemic does not have a single or simple solution and it is considered to be a complex issue that requires a multifaceted strategy. The policymakers; the state as well as the local organizations; the business, the school, and the community leaders; the childcare and healthcare professionals; and individuals are expected to work together to help in the creation of an environment that supports healthy lifestyles.

The NPAO program is focused on the provision of quality education and supporting the implementation of public health policies, systems, and environmental change (PSE) approaches. The focus is to promote healthy eating and active living for individuals of all ages (Pearce et al., 2019). Healthy eating and physical activeness have been confirmed to be important in the maintenance of healthy body weight and the prevention of the risk of developing chronic illnesses.

Changing eating habits is important for the loss and maintenance of weight. To ensure there is a loss of weight, individuals need to eat fewer calories and utilize more calories than what has been taken. Even though this can be a challenging procedure, sticking to the plan can be important in the reduction of the weight and maintenance of a healthy weight. Based on the NPAO health promotion program, following a healthy eating plan is influenced by various factors such as age, weight, metabolism, fo

Running head: ASSIGNMENT 2


Assignment 2 SMART Goal Planning Form


Florida National University

Alina Rivero

Health Promotion and Role Development in Advanced Nursing Practice

Professor: Alexander Garcia Salas

February 16, 2022

Smart Goal Planning Form

When children are knowledgeable about the adverse effects of unhealthy nutrition on their health and the risk of complications brought by their diabetes conditions, there will be reduction of the risks and other associated complications to ensure that healthy body weight and a low BMI are attained by consumption of healthy diets within three months.

For this evaluation prepare a power point presentation about your health promotion initiative. The length would equal the sections of your paper. For example, if your paper contains 8 sections, your presentation will be 8 slides plus the introduction and references, totaling 10 slides.

1. Describe the health problem. Using data and statistics support your claim that the issue you selected is a problem. What specifically will you address in your proposed health promotion program? Be sure your proposed outcome is realistic and measureable. (1-2 slides).


2. Describe the vulnerable population and setting. What are the risk factors that make this a vulnerable population? Use evidence to support the risk factors you have identified. (1-2 slides).


3. Present your health promotion/disease prevention theoretical framework or conceptual model that would best serve as the framework guiding the proposal. Provide rationale for your selection which includes discussion of the concepts of the selected model. (1 slide).


4. Present your health promotion program using an evidence-based intervention. Include a thorough discussion of the specifics of this intervention which include resources necessary, those involved, and feasibility for a nurse in an advanced role. Be certain to include a timeline. (1-2 slides)


5. Describe your intended outcomes. Describe the outcomes in detail concurrent with the SMART goal approach. (1-2 slides).

6. Present your plan for evaluation for each outcome. (1-2 slides). 

7. Thoroughly describe possible barriers/challenges to implementing the proposed project as well as strategies to address these barriers/challenges. (1-2 slides).


Follow the rule of 7 of professional presentations: Use no more than 7 lines of text per slide, with around 7 words per line. Explanations would be added to the notes sections or as a separate paper.