Attached is PP with instructions and all phases for corrections 

Phase Five Research

Phase V- Research Paper

• Throughout the semester we have been working at completing papers and different
phases remember that you started out with Phase One, then you begin working on
Phase Two, then Phase Three, Phase Four and now for Phase Five of your research
paper, this is where it all comes together.

• Before assembling your final project, please review your previous issues to ensure
that prior errors are corrected, or any feedback is addressed.

• Very Important Class – please make sure that your paper is completed in Microsoft
Word, do not use pdf or any other format, it cannot be accepted for grading.

Important Items for Review

• Aesthetics – How does my paper look?
• Am I submitting scholarly work?
• Is it formatted properly?
• Is the paper free of grammatical errors?
• Did I follow APA 7th edition guidelines?
• Content – is my paper organized?
• Do the prior sections flow properly?
• Are the titles present? Did I use proper heading levels?
• Did I check for plagiarism? Did I keep my similarity index < 20%?

Phase V – Research Paper

• The final submission is the combination of the other four phases into one paper.
• You will combine Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV to make Phase V.
• You are responsible for editing and formatting your paper so that your paper will

flow for the reader.
• This paper will need to be corrected with all the feedback provided from previous

• Include conclusion and learning experiences from the essentials and from the class.
• Do not forget to document limitations and implications for future


Review of Phase One

• The purpose of this project is for the student to complete all the different steps
necessary to implement a nursing research project.

• This project will be subdivided into 4 different papers that will be submitted
throughout the entire semester.

• The final paper will be the combination of the four areas.
• Always remember to review the grading rubric on your syllabus before completing

any assignment.
• Your grading rubric can be located within your Blackboard Submission tab

for the assignment

Review of Phase One

• Phase 1 is the planning stage of a research project; students are to prepare a 4-5-page paper identifying a specific topic that you
would like to investigate and relates to transitional nursing. You will provide a brief introduction to the situation by utilizing
published nursing research articles to support your statement. This paper will also include

• 1- Introduction to the Problem
• 2- Clearly Identify the Problem
• 3- Significance of the proble

The final submission combines the other four phases into one paper.You will combine Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV to make Phase V.You edit and format your paper so your paper will flow for the reader. This paper will need to be corrected with all the feedback provided from previous papers. Include conclusion and learning experiences from the essentials and from the class.

Do not forget to document limitations and implications for future research/practice.

Cites all data obtained from other sources.

APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography

Cites most data obtained from other sources.

APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography.

Cites some data obtained from other sources.

Citation style is inconsistent or incorrect.

Does not cite sources.

Please refer to the sample APA paper provided to ensure you are compliant.

Pay attention to APA formatting, spelling, and grammar. Your similarity index/plagiarism score must be below 10%. Higher scores may impact your grade.


To Explore the Nurses’ Roles in Discouraging Palliative Patients from


Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Dr. Nora Hernandez Pupo PhD, RN, TNCC


To Explore the Nurses’ Roles in Discouraging Palliative Patients from Euthanasia

Introduction to the Problem

The issue of dying with dignity and the right to die has been debated for decades. The

debate revolves around whether a person should be allowed to choose to die when they can

continue living at a diminished capacity or aid of life support. The debate is centered on the ethical

position of the medical intervention. One of the questions is whether the right to die is universal

and only applicable in palliative care. On an ethical basis, health professionals should adhere to

patient autonomy which questions euthanasia as a care intervention. Nurses in assisted death face

conflicting requirements from autonomy, maleficence, and non-maleficence. However, the concept

of freedom of expression exists where the dying patient has a right to make decisions regarding

their health.

Nurses play a vital role in caring for patients during their end of life compared to other

health care professionals (Dierckx de Castle, 2006). Technological advancement in healthcare has

facilitated quality of life and prolonged life. However, technological advancement has also led to

controversial debates on euthanasia (Berghs et al., 2005). According to Asai et al. (2019), the

attitudes towards the legality and the ethics of euthanasia has drastically changed in the last few

decades. This has led to the legalization of euthanasia in some countries, but the circumstances of

assisted suicide vary from one city to another.

The issue of cancer is a global issue, and it has increased the need for palliative care

services. Nurses provide care geared towards patient satisfaction. In palliative care, the nurses

work towards meeting cancer patients’ needs during the end of life care (Henson et al., 2016).

During the end of life, the patients and the family face challenges and must make choices that

benefit the patient. Wright et al. (2016) explain that choices during the end of life may have a

Nora Hernandez-Pupo
with the aid of ..
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
visit APA- not in APA format


quality of life dimension where the nurse guides the patient and the carer to adapt to painful

realities and confront difficult situations.

Problem Statement

The practice of eutha





Phase 3: Implementation

The third phase will elaborate the complete implementation plan that how the decided

methodology will be implemented to complete the research study. The topic of study includes nurses’

attitudes towards palliative patient care, and the use of euthanasia will be focused on and aligned with

the methodology. The details about the data collection, data analysis, data interpretation will be the

discussion. The budget planning and the timeline of the study will also be discussed.


Choosing Participants

The methodology starts with the sampling, and the implementation phase starts from here to

the data analysis. The researcher has studied the different theoretical approaches of sampling relevant

studies, so the participation selection shows the researcher’s knowledge of the subject. The sampling

process should be chosen carefully because failure to choose inappropriate sampling will result in

unexpected results (Asai, 2019).

Different sampling approaches and techniques can be used in the research study, and the

researcher needs to choose one that fits the subject of the study. It may look simple and easy, but the

whole process is highly complex, and the researcher has to study a lot to know what participants will

be suitable for the research. The appropriate decision-making approach needs to be used in this


Before the selection, the exclusion criteria need to be defined, and it is to take the nurses in

the study. The subject is relevant to the nurses, so only they will be part of the study, and it also has

to be seen that only the nurses involved in palliative care will be taken. They will have the experience

of dealing with patients with severe illness and voluntary or involuntary use of euthanasia. Moreover,

the nurses should know the difficulties and challenges of dealing with such patients.

There will be 60 participants in the study, 50 participants will be faculty nurses, and ten will

be in-charge nurses. The nurses will be aged above 25 years of age, and it will be seen that the

Nora Hernandez-Pupo
why 25 years of age or older? where is your research to say this is the magic number? what about nurses who graduated like me when I was in my early 20’s?
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
are they teachers? do you mean staff nurses?
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
please see comment written prior- it applies to this paragraph- this has to be cleaned up.
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
so- I am a little confused: what is the criteria for your participants? what is the inclusion/exclusion criteria


To Explore the Nurses’ Roles in Discouraging Palliative Patients from Euthanasia

Jose Cardentey Hernandez

Nora Hernandez-Pupo
not APA


Phase 4 – To Explore the Nurses’ Roles in Discouraging Palliative Patients from Euthanasia

The hypothetical results of the research project are as follows

Demographics Characteristics

The researcher expects the response rate to be more than 50%, which means there will be

more than 30, and the maximum number of participants will be 60. A response rate of 60% is

expected because possible issues might affect the perfect response rate. For example, the

researcher might face logistics issues at the hospitals, the busy schedule of nurses, and it might be

possible that some nurses will be unwilling to be part of the research. Sometimes, there is an

excessive workload on the nurses due to which they cannot give to any other activity like the


As far as the demographics are concerned, the researcher expects 80 percent of participants

to be female and the rest to be male. The expectations of females to be greater than the male is

because of their association with the profession. The female is more associated with nursing, and

males are less as compared to them. The demographics are expected not to affect the research

outcomes because the female nurses know more about euthanasia use. The researcher expects to

find the nurses who have a duty in the departments where euthanasia is excessively used. The

ethical practices require the obtain the consent from the nurses before including them in research.

If the participants are agreed to be the part of research, the timings and their feasibility should be

asked following the professional ethics (Priyadarshini, 2021).

Euthanasia use is one of the controversial topics, and it has been seen that the nurses have

different beliefs about them. Euthanasia use is excessive in some departments like the labor rooms

Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
them or the practice?
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
grammar/sentence structure again- did you go to the writing lab?
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
where did you find this fact- there has to be a citation for statements like this one.
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
the tense should have been as if you obtained the results..
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
grammar/sentence structure
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
it would be best if you write a paragraph as introduction and restate your study purpose

Running head: RESEARCH PAPER 1

Research Paper Phase 2


There is an increase in the debate over the issue of dying with dignity and the right to die.

The issue has been revolving around whether a person should be given a chance to choose to die

when they are still in a position to continue living a reduced ability or aiding the life support. Most

of the debates are focused on the ethical position on some of the medical interventions that are

undertaken. The focus of this research paper is to explore the role played by the nurses in

discouraging palliative patients from euthanasia.

Nurses are playing an important role in providing healthcare to the patient during the end of

their life than any other healthcare professionals. Nurses are not directly involved in the

performance of euthanasia but are directly taking part in the process that starts when the patients

request euthanasia and ends with the provision of support to the patient’s family members and

healthcare providers after the act. In this case, it is always crucial for the nurses to be aware of the

role they play during the euthanasia procedure (Wilson et al., 2021). Nurses are required to be

open-minded and to be non-judgment towards accepting euthanasia requests as their professional

attitude can discourage the patients from euthanasia.

The role of the nurses in discouraging palliative patients from euthanasia begins with the

pre-euthanasia which begins with the assessment. In this stage, nurses are required to carefully

listen to the patients to help in the successful assessment of the reasons for requesting euthanasia

and the factors that are linked to such decisions. According to Wilson et al., (2021), the improper

requests that are originating from the relievable suffering have to be withdrawn and alternative

methods have to be provided to the patient to prevent undignified deaths. According to Martin

(2021), all patients need to be assessed for awareness about their medical diagnosis, their

conditions, and the prognosis, and other available alternatives like palliative care to make sure that

Nora Hernandez-Pupo
typically this is not a ROLE of the nurse here- nor is assistive suicide common on the US- as its not legal in many states- how are you going to do this here?
Nora Hernandez-Pupo
Wilson’s study was a cross-sectional correlational study of 377 Australian registered nurses who completed an online survey. Generalised linear modelling assessed the effects of independent variables against intended responses to requests for legal assisted dying. They have a system there- here in the US there