Phase 1 and  2 attached



Introduction to the problem

Transitional nursing is Care provided to patients as they transit from one place to another. Transition can be within the hospital setting, between care settings, within health states, and between providers (Warchol et al., 2019). One of the transitions is discharge from the hospital to home care. Patients are discharged from the hospital before they are completely cured but must be well off to be able to recover at home. The patients are sent home with treatment packages and sometimes may require frequent clinical visits by the nursing for care. The care plan during the transition from hospital to home care includes the treatment goals, the health status of the patient, treatment preferences and family as well as patient education. Coordination is crucial in this care. In some cases, these discharge packages are not well elaborated. Miscommunication and discontinued care may result in adverse effects on the patient. For example, the patient may experience delayed care, unnecessary clinical visits, and stress to the patient or family, and poor health outcomes.

Problem statement

The transition of the hospital to home care is done to enable the client to recover at home. Healthcare professionals discharge clients with strict instructions for the client to continue with care and recover fast. Due to poor communication and nursing care at home, many patients face readmission. Readmission is defined as the return to hospitalization within 30 days of discharge from the same condition. Readmission is among the costliest cases in the hospital setting to manage. Hospitals incur huge costs in managing readmission. The federal government is also affected. The US spends $17.4 billion on readmission costs. Hospitals readmit 20% of patients enrolled in Medicare within 30 days upon discharge and 34% of the clients within 90 days of discharge. Unwanted and unnecessary health care costs amount to $765 billion yearly with preventable admission accounting for $17 billion for Medicare (Warchol et al., 2020). Causes of readmission are varied. Poor resolution of the original problem of the patient is a major cause of readmission. The healthcare provided by professionals just relieves the pain and not the actual problem. In such a case it is likely to reoccur. Discharge of patients too early may be a cause of readmission. The patient is discharged before being stable enough to recover from home. In other cases, inadequate care after discharge may make the condition worse. The nurse has a critical role to play in the provision of care at such transition (Rezapour-Nasrabad, 2018).

Significance of the study

The significance of this study is to inform nurses of the gaps within the hospital-home tr



Phase 2- Design

Phase 2- Design

Brief literature review

For too many patients, the healthcare door is one that they consider to be a revolving one. Approximately 20% regarding the Medicare patients usually leave the healthcare centers only for them to be readmitted within a months time. The failure to come up with the standard discharge processes, efficient preparation of patients and the family caregivers for discharge, effective education of patients in regard to medications and communicate appropriately with the identified post discharge providers is all associated with causing readmissions (Chen et al., 2021).

Through effective coordination as well as communication, planning and education, nurses as well as the nurse case administrators can play a key role in the reduction of readmissions. Beginning at the admission phase, there is the possibility of the mitigation of readmission risks at the various points in the cases of pre discharge as well as post discharge periods via effective determination of the readiness for discharge by the patients as well as the compilation of an extensive as well as accurate form of discharge summary, coordination of care with numerous settings as well as providers and much more.

Nursing Interventions during the Process of Discharge

Most of the studies usually connect readmissions with the lack of effective and fast follow up by the identified primary care type of providers as well as other kinds of healthcare experts. Patients ought to possess an effective follow up appointment that is scheduled within 48 hours to am average of7 days after they have been discharged. There are numerous strategies in this case which can be used which are the development of scheduling kinds of agreements with the local clinics like the system affiliated ambulatory care kinds of clinics. There is also the creation of processes for the assignment of patients to an identified PCP if they lack one. It is also vital to facilitate effective education of patients as well as the home caregivers on the significance associated with timely as well as effective follow up (Lee et al., 2021).

Post discharge nursing related interventions

The identified period immediately after any kind of patient discharge is one that is considered to be a vulnerable time for the patients one whereby rapid alterations can take place. Having a follow up with the identified patients as well as the home types of caregivers soon after the identified discharge can minimize confusion as well as effectively reinforce the follow up kind of plans. The most common topics to be discussed in the first post discharge phone call entails the medications as well as pending services and more (Wong et al., 2021).

Discharge to a setting

Phase 3-Implementation (Due by WEEK 9)

Phase 3 of the research project is the implementation

phase. The implementation phase will be written

state as we will not be implementing the actual

project. This phase focuses on providing steps by

steps instructions on how the program will be

implemented, a table describing the time frame of

the project, if any budget needs to be considering,

and any resources or statistically tools required. The

length of this paper should be around 5-6 pages.

10 points

Very Good

8 points


6 Points


4 points

Integration of



The paper


that the author

understands and

has applied

concepts learned

in the course.

Concepts are

integrated into

the writer’s own


The writer



remarks that

show analysis

and synthesis of


The paper


that the author,


understands and

has applied

concepts learned

in the course.



however, are not

supported in the

body of the


The paper


that the author,

to a certain


understands and

has applied

concepts learned

in the course

The paper does

not demonstrate

that the author

has understood,

and applied

concepts learned

in the course.

Topic Focus


The topic is


narrowly enough

for the scope of

this assignment.

A thesis



direction for the

paper, either by

a statement of a

position or


The topic is

focused but

lacks direction.

The paper is

about a specific

topic, but the

writer has not

established a


The topic is too

broad for the

scope of this


The topic is not

clearly defined

Depth of


12.5 %


discussion and

elaboration in all

sections of the



discussion and

elaboration in

most sections of

the paper.

The writer has

· Score

6.48 / 10

· Integration of Knowledge

25% of total result



The paper demonstrates that the author understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas.


Very Good

The paper demonstrates that the author, mostly, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Some conclusions, however, are not supported in the body of the paper.



The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course.



The paper does not demonstrate that the author has understood, and applied concepts learned in the course.


Criterion Feedback

Please read the detailed feedback within this paper- several areas of concern that need to be corrected prior to final submission

· Topic Focus

25% of total result



Topic Focus 12.5% The topic is focused narrowly enough for the scope of this assignment. A thesis statement provides direction for the paper, either by a statement of a position or hypothesis


Very Good

The topic is focused but lacks direction. The paper is about a specific topic, but the writer has not established a position.



The topic is too broad for the scope of this assignment.



The topic is not clearly defined.


Criterion Feedback

Topic needs to be more focused and developed – not clearly articulated within the paper

See feedback

· Depth of Discussion

13% of total result



In-depth discussion and elaboration in all sections of the paper.


Very Good

In-depth discussion and elaboration in most sections of the paper.



The writer has omitted content. Quotations from others outweigh the writer’s own ideas excessively.



Cursory discussion in all the sections of the paper or brief discussion in only a few sections


Criterion Feedback

Multiple areas of development needed- missing key information on the discussion

See feedback

Sample size, inclusion, exclusion criteria, flow charts or graphs, a p

10/27/21, 10:23 AM Originality Report… 1/5



SafeAssign Originality Report
Nursing Research and Evidence Based-DL-MSN1 Nora Hernandez-P… • Phase 3 UPLOAD Due Saturday at 2359

%47Total Score: High riskAlina Rivero Parets
Submission UUID: 70a1e1c0-4d3b-de6d-6300-f81fc9016590

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Submitted on

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Word Count: 1,568


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Phase 3

Alina Rivero Parets

Florida National University

Nursing Research and Evidence Based

Dr. Nora Hernandez-Pupo

October 27, 2021

Phase 3: Implementation

The section will discuss the steps of implementation and how the project will be completed. The steps include data sampling, participant selection, data gathering,
and analysis. The thesis of study will be focused throughout the research project, and issues in the transition from hospital to home and re-admissions will be kept in
mind. The details of the implementation process are as follows. Steps

Choosing Participants The sampling process is an important step in the implementation because it demonstrates the researcher’s knowledge of how much he has a
grasp on his knowledge and how he will continue the further research. The success of research depends on the sampling process because it is seen that inappropri-
ate sampling gives inappropriate outcomes. The researcher needs to be careful in this process, and it helps him make sound decisions regarding the researcher. The
sampling technique will help the researcher to make a careful decision despite stratified sampling. The sampling techniques and methods depend on the subjects un-
der investigation because the researcher knows what subjects are aligned with the research or what are not (Chen, 2021). The first step will focus on the participants
who have been through the re-admissions in the hospitals. The nurses will also be involved in the research, and the data will be collected from those who have suf-
fered from severe issues and got re-admission. The patients who never faced the issues of re-admission or who do not have such concepts will not be considered for
the stud