Hello writer please see instructions attached for a peer respond – Diversity in ADV HLTH Practice

Instructions to writer: this is a peer respond, please respond to Gabriella and Olga with a minimum of 150 words to each peer and at least 1 academic resource to
each peer.

Must meet the following:

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. 

All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

I need this in
APA Style. Thank you!

This’s Gabriella Discussion Post ↓

The Purnell model for cultural competency is considered a model to improve comprehension on cultural competence for individuals within the healthcare community. The Model’s efficiency has been well-rooted in the globally, informing and bringing awareness, to the client’s culture using assessments, health-care planning, interventions, and evaluations (Purnell, 2013). Members of the healthcare field are acquainted to people from distinct backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, and values daily. The population is growing nationwide and is becoming more assorted. Therefore, nurses and other medical professionals need to become more familiar with cultural diversity or it might have a negative impact on the population. Purnell’s model aims at preventing this from happening by making nurses more culturally knowledgeable and catering to their needs regardless of a patient’s culture and background.

            Purnell’s model of cultural competence is an ethnographic model that provides a cultural understanding of people in the process of health protection, development, and coping with diseases (Yalçın Gürsoy, & Tanrıverd, 2020). Purnell’s model is characterized as a model with a focus on four essential concepts which includes person, community, global society, and family. The most outer part of the diagram or model consists of the global society which emphasizes the obligation for healthcare workers to view the world and society as allied and not separate items. The model discusses how globalization and communication skills are effective in the influence of society and the method that individuals depict others based on their cultural background. Nonetheless, the model applies the community as a means of getting healthcare members involved and have the want to explore it as a way of comprehending one’s ethics and viewpoints. The way a certain community is seen, impacts decision making and goals to understand them can provide better care. In communities, family is also very important, as a patient may want a member to be included in any decision-making process. Additionally, professionals within the healthcare community must comprehend that a patient’s cultural tendencies, values and beliefs may revolve around familial connections. Finally, one of the most importan