Please reply to the following discussion with one reference. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite resources in your responses to other classmates. 

DM discussion attached

Which essential questions will you ask this pediatric patient or his/her caregiver during this well-child check? Why are these questions important? What lab tests or diagnostic studies will you order and why?

            Benjamin is a 3-year-old male that came in for a well-child check-up with his mother. The essential questions and data that need to be acquired during this visit are the patient’s weight and height, calculating BMI, and plotting the measurements on growth charts. Important questions begin with inquiring about the child feeding/eating pattern and how often, what they are eating (Burns et al., 2017). Toilet training is another aspect that needs to be assessed. The preschooler may be potty trained or using the potty during the day. It is common for kids this age to have an occasional accident during the day and still need a diaper at night (Burns et al., 2017). The next important question is about the sleeping pattern; preschoolers should sleep about 10-13 hours a night and may still nap during the day. The application of developmental assessment tool ASQ at 30 months and MCHAT for autism are both essential to assess growth and developmental delays (Burns et al., 2017). 

           For this case study, Benjamin is a picky eater making him at risk for anemia; thus, simple Fingerstick hemoglobin is recommended as a screening test for anemia. The complete blood count is a better option but costlier and more inconvenient. Benjamin is positive with rashes in both antecubital fossae of the possible elbow Eczema. A radioallergosorbent test (RAST) is a blood test used to determine to which allergens a person is sensitized (Yang et al., 2018). Lead poisoning screening test is essential in children living in a lead-contaminated environment, especially patient ages between 6 months and 36 months due to mouthing behavior that happen throughout this developmental period. 


What diagnoses would you give the patient in this case? Include the findings that support the diagnoses.

            The first diagnosis is Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA), possibly due to inadequate nutritional intake. The patient’s Capillary hemoglobin is 9.5g/dl. IDA is the most common nutritional disturbance in pediatrics and the number one cause of anemia in the pediatric population (Davis et al., 2018). As part of the prevention approach, parents should provide a diet high in Iron such as cereals, green vegetables, meat, and chicken, but it is a bit challenging for a picky eater like Benjamin. Iron deficiency and anemia are associated with impaired neurocognitive development and immune function in young children (Davis et al., 2018). The condition significantly increases the risk of developmental delays and behavioral disturbances in the pediatric population (Davis et al., 2018). The second diagnosis is Atopic Dermatitis, an inflammation of the skin described by dry, pruritic skin with a chronic worsening prog