

When General Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization suggested making 2020 the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, he described nurses as the “bridge to healthcare,” linking families, communities, and complex healthcare systems. In the mid-1800s, Florence Nightingale constructed such a bridge as she cared for British soldiers during the Crimean War. She inquired about environments that contributed to patient betterment, collected data to encourage innovation, spurred education, and kept the patient in the center all that nurses do for patients. Today, the role of nurses in improving patient quality and safety is ongoing.

For this Assignment, find a current article published within the last five years on 
how a nurse-led improvement or research project has enhanced patient safety and quality in a health care setting.

Nurse-led projects may be related to infections and complications; patient-centered care and engagement; teamwork, communication, and care transitions; health information technology; health care value; safety and quality measures; systems engineering; and healthcare worker performance; and etcetera. Health care setting examples include acute care hospitals; rehabilitation centers; schools; correctional institutions; nursing homes; specialized outpatient services.

Assignment: 2–3-page paper

· Begin by describing the nurse-led improvement or research project found in the article. Include a short description of the purpose, method, and outcomes.

· Evaluate how this project has the potential to improve quality and safety for patients.

· What are at least two insights you gained from this project that enhance your personal professional goals?

· Reference your selected articles in APA format.






This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequired Content Begin by describing the nurse-led improvement or research project found in the article. Include a short description of the purpose, method, and outcomes.

39 to >34.0 pts


Student provided a fully developed description of the nurse-led improvement or research project found in the article including the purpose, method, and outcomes.

34 to >30.0 pts


Student provided a developed description of the nurse-led improvement or research project found in the article including the purpose, method, and outcomes.

30 to >26.0 pts


Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine | Volume 44 | Issue 2 | March 2022152

Original Article

were significantly lower in the experimental
group than the control group with P = 0.001.

Conclusion: The current study concluded
that adjuvant to routine treatment FFNI will
improve the functional ability of the client
along with routine psychiatric treatment for
Key Message: Nurses play a vital role
in connecting patients families and
therapeutic team in planning treatment.
Indian setting nursing led clinics and
intervention are novel one. FFNI is one of its
kind of intervention for the improvement of
functional level of bipolar clients.

Keywords: Bipolar, Functional improvement,
Family-focused, BPAD, Family-focused
nursing intervention

Bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) is
a common serious mental disor-
der affecting approximately 1% to

2% of the total adult population in the
world.1 It begins in early adulthood in
all societies at about the same rate,

HOW TO CITe THIS aRTICle: Kavitha RR, Kamalam S and Rajkumar RP. Effectiveness of Family-Focused Nurse-led Intervention on
Functional Improvement of Patients with Bipolar Disorder at a Tertiary Hospital in South India: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Indian J Psychol Med. 2022;44(2):152–159.


DOI: 10.1177/02537176211060557

Submitted: 5 Jan. 2020
Accepted: 28 Oct. 2021
Published Online: 3 Feb. 2022

Address for correspondence: Rajendran Rangasamy Kavitha, Dept. of Psychiatric
Nursing, College of Nursing, Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education
and Research (JIPMER) , Puducherry 605006, India. E-mail: [email protected]

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution- NonCommercial 4.0 License (
which permits non-Commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission
provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://

Copyright © The Author(s) 2022

1Dept. of Psychiatric Nursing, College of Nursing, Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India.2Dept.
of Community Health Nursing, A G Padmavathi College of Nursing, Puducherry, India.3Dept. of Psychiatry, Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical
Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India.

levels, were assessed using Longitudinal
Interval Follow-up Evaluation-Range of
Impaired Functioning Tool and Functional
Assessment Short Test. The control group
(74) receive

JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration

Issue: Volume 45(9), September 2015, p 435-442
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
Publication Type: [Articles]
DOI: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000229
ISSN: 0002-0443
Accession: 00005110-201509000-00007


Linking Unit Collaboration and Nursing Leadership to Nurse Outcomes and
Quality of Care

Ma, Chenjuan PhD; Shang, Jingjing PhD, RN; Bott, Marjorie J. PhD, RN

Author Information

Author Affiliations: Assistant Professor (Dr Ma), College of Nursing, New York
University; Associate Professor (DrBott), School of Nursing, University of
Kansas, Kansas City; and Assistant Professor (Dr Shang), School of Nursing,
Columbia University, New York.

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Correspondence: Dr Ma, College of Nursing, New York University, 433 First Ave,
Office 506, New York, NY 10010 ([email protected]).




Review of the Literature


Data and Sample



Nursing Leadership

Nurse Outcomes

Nurse-Reported Quality of Care


Statistical Analysis





OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to identify the effects of unit
collaboration and nursing leadership on nurse outcomes and quality of care.

BACKGROUND: Along with the current healthcare reform, collaboration of care
providers and nursing leadership has been underscored; however, empirical
evidence of the impact on outcomes and quality of care has been limited.

METHODS: Data from 29742 nurses in 1228 units of 200 acute care hospitals in 41
states were analyzed using multilevel linear regressions. Collaboration
(nurse-nurse collaboration and nurse-physician collaboration) and nursing
leadership were measured at the unit level. Outcomes included nurse job
satisfaction, intent to leave, and nurse-reported quality of care.

RESULTS: Nurses reported lower intent to leave, higher job satisfaction, and
better quality of care in units with better collaboration and stronger nursing

CONCLUSION: Creating a care environment of strong collaboration among care
providers and nursing leadership can help hospitals maintain a competitive
nursing workforce supporting high quality of care.


Improving the nurse work environments has been recommended as a system-level
intervention to improve quality of care and patient safety.1-3 It also is a key
factor for retaining a competent nursing workforce.4 The nurse work environment
is multifaceted and consists of

Discussion Post Writing Guide: Weeks 4-6

1. Read the discussion instructions carefully, highlighting the keywords.

• Purpose: What question or required reading are you being asked to respond to?

• Particulars: What is the word limit? When is the due date and time?

• Response type: Are you being asked to reflect on personal experience, determine a

solution to a problem, compare two ideas, or make an argument?

• Expectations: How will your discussion post be assessed? Consult the Discussion Rubric

and the Academic Writing Expectations Level 2000/3000 or Weeks 4-6.

2. Prepare.

• Access instructor feedback on your previous assignments. Don’t know how? See the

Check Grades Tutorial in the Walden eGuide. Based on that feedback, how do you want

to improve in this next post?

• Read the week’s learning resources with a critical eye.

• Jot down your initial reactions, ideas, and responses to the discussion question.

• From those notes, determine a couple strong ideas that show your unique perspective.

These ideas will focus your post.

• Sketch a rough outline to make your post logical and clear.

• When needed, research your topic in the Walden Library. See Week 3 for tips on


3. Construct a draft in Microsoft Word.

• Include a purpose / thesis statement at the start of your post to bring all ideas together and

convey your overall perspective.

o For instance: The three most important characteristics of an effective nurse leader

are compassion, nursing knowledge, and communication skills. From the thesis

statement, the reader knows that the post will be about these three characteristics

and why they are so important.

• Develop the points of your outline into paragraphs. Each paragraph should include a main

idea, evidence, analysis, and a lead-out. Altogether, these components are referred to as

the MEAL Plan.

• Integrate information from the learning resources or other library research you have done.

• Practice citing those sources in APA style.

• Type in sentence case and in a formal academic tone, avoiding slang or casual phrasing.

• Save the draft in Microsoft Word.

4. Review and revise. Ask yourself:

• Have I adequately addressed the discussion question and length requirements?

• Does my discussion post demonstrate that I have thought critically about the learning

resources and/or my experiences?

• Have I proposed a unique perspective that will lead to fruitful discussion?

• Have I met the Academic Writing Expectations?

 Clear sentences

 Fully developed paragraphs that follow the ME

Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses.

12 Orthopaedic Nursing • January/February 2017 • Volume 36 • Number 1 Copyright © 2017 The Author(s).

here are transformative changes occurring in
healthcare for which nurses, because of their
role, their education, and the respect they have
earned, are well positioned to contribute to and

lead. To be a major player in shaping these changes,
nurses must understand the factors driving the change,
the mandates for practice change, and the competencies
(knowledge, skills, and attitudes) that will be needed for
personal and systemwide success. This article discusses
the driving factors leading to healthcare transformation
and the role of the registered nurse (RN) in leading and
being a fully contributing member of the interprofes-
sional team as we shift from episodic, provider-based,
fee-for-service care to team-based, patient-centered care
across the continuum that provides seamless, affordable,

Factors driving healthcare transformation include fragmen-
tation, access problems, unsustainable costs, suboptimal
outcomes, and disparities. Cost and quality concerns along
with changing social and disease-type demographics cre-
ated the greatest urgency for the need for change. Caring
for and paying for medical treatments for patients suffering
from chronic health conditions are a signifi cant concern.
The Affordable Care Act includes programs now led by
the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services aiming to
improve quality and control cost. Greater coordination of
care—across providers and across settings—will improve
quality care, improve outcomes, and reduce spending, es-
pecially attributed to unnecessary hospitalization, unneces-
sary emergency department utilization, repeated diagnostic
testing, repeated medical histories, multiple prescriptions,
and adverse drug interactions. As a nation, we have taken
incremental steps toward achieving better quality and lower
costs for decades. Nurses are positioned to contribute to
and lead the transformative changes that are occurring
in healthcare by being a fully contributing member of the
interprofessional team as we shift from episodic, provider-
based, fee-for-service care to team-based, patient-centered
care across the continuum that provides seamless, afford-
able, and quality care. These shifts require a new or an
enhanced set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes around
wellness and population care with a renewed focus on
patient-centered care, care coordination, data analytics, and
quality improvement.

Healthcare Transformation and Changing
Roles for Nursing

Susan W. Salmond ▼ Mercedes Echevarria

Susan W. Salmond, EdD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, Professor & Executive Vice
Dean, Rutgers Universit