NUR4545 Parent Teaching Newborn Care Assignment RUBRIC


1 Point

0.5 Point

0 Point





Teaching Goals

What are the priorities?

Appropriate teaching goals listed for chosen topic. Plan specifies priority of goals. Teaching goals are relevant for new parents.

Teaching goals for topic not clear. Priority of goals not specified or incorrect. May or may not be relevant to new parents.

Teaching goals not listed or not relevant for new parents.

Goals not prioritized.

Content Outline

What will you teach?

Content outline in bullet points. Information presented in logical order.

Some of outline content does not follow logical pattern.

No logical order to content outline.


How will you teach the content?

What modalities will you use?

Methodology chosen is appropriate for content information to be taught.

Methodology appropriate for content information but utilized incorrectly.

Methodology not identified or inappropriate for content information.


Why have you chosen modalities?

Reason for chosen teaching modality(ies) explained.

Teaching modality identified but no rationale provided

Teaching modality not identified on plan.

Evaluation of learning.

How will you determine if teaching/learning goals were met?

Defines how the student will identify that the teaching/ learning goals were met.

Measurement of teaching/learning goals defined but not feasible

No plan of measurement to determine the teaching/ learning goals were met.


Speaker communicates with enthusiasm. Presentation is well organized and easy to follow. Language is clear and precise; good choice of descriptive words

Speaker presents teaching content with lesser degree of engagement, organization, and clarity.

Speech does not convey interest in topi

A brochure on car seat safety

Name of student:

Submitted to:

Submission date:


Understanding Car safety seat

Myths and Facts about safety belts

 Myth: Older kids can take the front seats

 Fact: Kids below 13 years should seat at the back.

 Myth: Seat belts alone protect kids

 Fact: Children shorter than 4foot 9 inches need

booster seats

 Myth: A one year old can ride in a forward-facing car


 Fact: Children should e rear-facing until age of 2

 Myth: Expensive car seats are safer than others

 Fact: all approved car seats are equally safe


It is dangerous to leave kids in or around cars, and lock
the vehicle when it is not in use:

Read and follow manufacture’s instructions about the seat

Let the manufacturer retain a copy of your car seat details;
incase it ‘s batch gets recalled

Which Car Safety Seat to use

It’s extremely important to put your child in

his/her car seat, no matter how short the

drive is.

Some of the questions a parent can ask are:

 How do you know the seat is installed


 How do you protect the newborn’s sensi-

tive head ?

 What are the types of car seats availa-


Types of car seats for infant:

1. Infant car seat > Babies outgrow in-

fant seats by about 18 months.

2. Convertible car seat > can be used for

longer in the rear-facing position .

3. All-in-one (3-in-1) car seat > Can be

transformed from a rear-facing car seat to a

forward-facing car seat.

4. Convertible car seat > best for kids

above 3 years of age

Car Seat safety

 Keeping a child safe when riding in a
vehicle is one of the key roles of every

 Thousands of children are killed or in-
jured in car crashes annually.

 Effective use of car safety seats help
keep children safe.

There are many different seats available in
market today, many parents find this quite

The type of seat your child needs depends

 Age

 Size

 Developmental needs of the child

Expectant parents should be advised by a

certified passenger safety technician

(CPST) before delivery to ensure a safe

ride home from hospital.

Graeme, H., Senserick, T., & Twisk, D. (2021). Develop-
ing a Scaffolded, Structured Approach to Road Safety
Education in Schools. Journal of Road Safety, 32(2), 41
