Journal Choice

The purpose of this assignment is for you to choose a journal that is relevant to your project topic as well as to understand the requirements of the journal for your final manuscript. For example, if your chosen journal requires AMA format you may want to change your reference pages from APA to AMA format.  In one page state why you chose the journal, the intended audience of the journal, and summary of the journal requirements. See attached rubric. In addition, please submit a copy of the journal’s  author guidelines or provide a link to the author guidelines, and submit a sample article form the journal you chose

PROJECT TOPIC: Amongst nurses providing home health visits instead of suicide screening quarterly, as compared to weekly screening using ask suicide toolkit affect detection and treatment  of depression 





Use the following links to guide you into which journal to choose:

The following documents will help guide you in the process as well:

Getting Published-Five Things You Need to Know.docx (SEE ATTACHED).

Considerations for DNP Manuscript Publication Authorship and Co-authorship.docx (SEE ATTACHED).

Northern Kentucky University

Doctor of Nursing Practice Program

DNP 896 Rubric Program Journal Choice Assignment


Possible Points

Points Earned

Introduce the journal ( name) and briefly describe the audience of the journal– one paragraph  


Includes the name of the journal and summarizes the intended audience of the journal.

9-10 points

Description of the journal audience lacks detail or name of the journal is missing

1- 8 points

Missing the name of the journal and the summary information about the audience.

0 points

Summarize the author guidelines –include topics such as:

· journal format,

· page limit,

· required sections for the article,

· length of abstract,

· key words,

· other pertinent information.

· This should be no more than 2 paragraphs. 

· Include a copy or link to the guidelines.

· Also include a sample article of a similar type as your own project. 


Summarizes and includes all of the required elements; Uploads or shares link to journal author guidelines; Uploads article from the chosen journal similar to own project.

15 points

Summary lacks detail; missing either the link to the guidelines or the sample article or the sample article is not appropriate.

1- 14 points

The summary, author guidelines, and sample article is missing.

0 points



Reviewed and revised February March 2021

Considerations for Authorship for Nursing DNP Students at NKU:

This discussion is based on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) December 2019 Guidelines.

All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship. The discussion of authorship should occur during the manuscript process. Consider the following

· Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content for (a) part of the content or (b) the whole of the content

· Authors should meet
ALL four of the following criteria:

· 1. Substantial contributions to (a) conception or design; or (b) acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data; AND

· 2. Participate in (a) drafting the manuscript; or (b) critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content; AND

· 3. Provide final approval of the version to be published; AND

· 4. Willing to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

· Participation solely in the acquisition of funding or the collection of data does not justify authorship.

· General supervision of the research group is not sufficient for authorship.

· Those who do not meet all four criteria should not be listed as authors but should be acknowledged. Appropriate credit for the contributions of other individuals to the work described in the publication should be made as an acknowledgment (with their permission).

Here is an example of a the Burkardt Consulting Center phrasing for an acknowledgement:

“Statistical analysis and interpretations were completed with the assistance of the Northern Kentucky University Burkardt Consulting Center (Highland Heights, KY).” 

· Any part of an article critical to its main conclusions must be the responsibility of at least one author. If that author is a student, then the faculty mentor shares the responsibility.

· The lead author(s): The lead author(s) is that person(s) who assumes overall responsibility for the publication including: publication preparation, data review and editing, authorship assignment, certification of author participation and responsibility, and submission/communication of the publication. The lead author(s) must have contributed substantially to the overall effort, and will typically have conceived of the project outline, assembled the study team and, where relevant, supervised the conduct of the study. The lead author(s) is responsible for the integrity and originality of the publication as a whole. This responsibility includes: ensuring that reasonable


Disseminating your scholarship through publication is something very few people ever achieve, so it is quite an honor when it occurs. However, to be successful in a very competitive publishing environment, there are many factors which must be considered well in advance of the paper’s submission. The chart below outlines some of these considerations. A work sheet is also provided at the end of the table to help guide your journal selection.

Please let me know how I can support you on your exciting journey to publication!

All the best,

Amanda Curtsinger, DNP



1) Who is the audience? What is the subject matter and which groups are most likely to be interested in your topic?

2) What journal is most appropriate for your topic?

a) Identify journals that are likely to be interested in your topic.

i) You might start by reviewing your own reference page to identify the journals and authors you cited.

ii) The journal(s) you cited most might be a good place to start, if your topic would not be too duplicative for the editor to be significantly interested.

b) What is the purpose of the journal you selected?

i) Determine the mission/vision/purpose of the journal. Does it fit with your topic?

ii) If so, you will need to modify your paper appropriately to ensure it has wording that
clearly demonstrates the fit is obvious to the editor, and to the reader.

Important note: Lack of fit with the journal is the most common reason papers are rejected.

c) What is the frequency of publication?

i) Monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, annually?

ii) Be aware that the less frequent the publication, the longer the wait to have your paper published (it is not uncommon to wait up to a year for an accepted paper to be published in less journals that are published less frequently). This is a big consideration if your topic is time sensitive.

d) Does the journal require evidence that IRB approval was obtained prior to your study/project?

i) The higher the journal’s Impact Factor (IF), the more likely that evidence of IRB approval will be required at the time the manuscript is submitted

ii) See #3 below for discussion of IF.

3) What is the journal’s Impact Factor (IF)?

i) IF refers to the frequency of citations in a specific journal over a set period of time. Higher level (better) journals have higher IFs because the quality of their published articles effectively influence practice and are therefore cited more o