Choose one of the following subtopics:

  • Pharmacogenomics and chronic illnesses
  • Genomics in patient assessment
  • Genetically competent care for those with chronic illnesses


There are several chronic health problems with genetic/genomic components that plague the population. These health problems are very difficult and challenging diseases to manage. Evidenced-based nursing practice must include genetic and genomic information when planning patient care. Nurses, through their knowledge and support, play an important role in positive patient outcomes when managing the challenges of these genetically linked diseases.

For this Discussion, you will consider applications of various topics to genetics and genomics. Review the Resources focusing on the application of genetics and genomics to nursing

Choose one of the following subtopics:

· Pharmacogenomics and chronic illnesses

· Genomics in patient assessment

· Genetically competent care for those with chronic illnesses

Locate at least one scholarly journal article that discusses your subtopic.


Required Readings

· Coleman, B., Calzone, K. A., Jenkins, J., Paniagua, C., Rivera, R., Hong, O. S., Spruill, I., & Bonham, V. (2014). 

Multi-ethnic minority nurses’ knowledge and practice of genetics and genomicsLinks to an external site.

Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46(4), 235-244.


· Gaskin, D. J., Thorpe, R. J., McGinty, E. E., Bower, K., Rohde, C., Young, J. H., LaVeist, T. A., & Dubay, L. (2014). 

Disparities in diabetes: The nexus of race, poverty, and placeLinks to an external site.
. American 
Journal of Public Health, 104(1), 2147–2155. 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301420


· Mehrian-Shai, R., & Reichardt, J. V. (2015). 

Genomics is changing personal healthcare and medicine: The dawn of IPH (individualized preventive healthcare)Links to an external site.

Human Genomics, 9, 29.


· Plavskin, A. (2016). 

Zain Marie Kamara

Subtopic: Genetically competent care for those with chronic illnesses 

Utilizing genetic information to guide medical decisions is known as genetically competent care. For those with chronic illnesses, this can include genetic testing to identify the specific genetic mutations that are causing their condition and use that information to develop targeted treatments. It can also involve genetic counseling to help patients and their families understand their risk of acquiring specific disorders, and to make educated decisions regarding testing and treatment. Additionally, genetically competent care can allow healthcare providers to identify potential drug interactions or adverse responses that may be particular to a patient’s genetic makeup. 

In the Medical surgical units, this is an important topic due to the wide variety of patient conditions we are exposed to and have to treat on a daily basis. Understanding the patient’s genetics will help limit polypharmacy, decrease adverse medication interactions, and help manage the patient’s other comorbidities while treating the primary illness. The first step in this approach will be to assess the number of providers and if this type of field is growing in demand. To learn more about how to accomplish this, I found an article that tries to inform public policy development and present possible solutions for improving access to genetic services (Maiese, et al., 2019). The study was conducted using a 16-question electronic survey that was distributed to members of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Member Directory, regional collaborative partners, listservs from national partners, and social media. The researchers were able to obtain 924 responses from these genetic professionals and providers. In conclusion, researchers found that although the number of patients interested in this type of practice is increasing, the number of geneticists has not (Maiese et al., 2019).      

Nursing practice plays a significant role in delivering genetically competent care for individuals with chronic illnesses. Nurses are responsible for assessing patients’ genetic risk factors, obtaining informed consent for genetic testing, interpreting test results, and teaching patients about their genetic information (Kilkku, & Halkoaho, 2022). Nurses must also advocate for patients by ensuring that their genetic information is kept confidential, offering emotional support, and addressing any worries or misconceptions that patients may have regarding genetics and genomics. 

Ethical problems connected to genetics and genomics in nursing practice include difficulties related to privacy, informed consent, and access to care. Patients’ genetic information must be kept private and only disclosed to those who need to know. They must also seek informed consent from patients before performing genetic tes

Octavia Henry

Pharmacogenomics and chronic disorders were most interesting while considering the topics for this week. I looked up the phrase in several literature sources because I was unfamiliar with it. I discovered that pharmacogenomics is the study of a patient’s response to medication depending on their genes by combining genetics and pharmacology (
What Oncology Nurses Need to Know About Pharmacogenomics, n.d.). Having a more individualized, targeted therapy for patients may help lower total expenses, which makes this a crucial idea given the rising cost of healthcare. Mehrian-Shai & Reichardt discovered a significant increase in cost as we approach the end of life, suggesting that a personal preventive approach may be helpful toward a more sustainable future.

In the field of cardiology, there are several chronic illnesses that we help manage daily, so I looked specifically for articles related to them. I was able to find a fascinating article that comprises pharmacogenomics and hypertension. This study aimed to review current hypertensive drugs, their effectiveness, and what’s to come (Oliveira-Paula et al., 2019). The most commonly utilized medications used to treat hypertension are diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, and calcium channel blockers, and these groups were the ones selected. Although we already identified that certain medications are maybe less effective in specific races, this study looked specifically into genetic polymorphisms and blood pressure responses for each group of drugs identified earlier. Overall, the study identified several inconsistencies in the findings but supported the idea that the review comprises valuable genetic information for future research in pharmacogenomics and hypertension (Oliveira-Paula et al., 2019).

I believe this topic is essential in my practice because nurses are also knowledgeable in pharmacology and understand what meds can be suggested because they might work better for the patient. Part of being a good advocate as a nurse for your patient is, at times, offering different options because working as a team and bouncing off ideas may help the patient achieve better results, especially when managing a chronic disease, and so many options might have been used already.

The first thing that comes to mind about the ethical implications of genetic testing has to do with access. Like many healthcare things, new therapies/ procedures such as genetic testing are expensive. Although there are currently online options, those results are sent straight to the client without any provider to review the results. This provides a high risk for misinterpretation of results, privacy, and security concerns (Beery & Smith, 2011). And, if in our days so many patients base their requests based on Google searches, one can imagine what not controlled results of genetic testing can lead to.
