Please see attached. 

Assessment# 2

Develop a 2-4-page scholarly paper in which you describe a quality or safety issue, or a
chosen diagnosis, and then identify and analyze credible evidence that could be used as the
basis for applying EBP to the issue.
Number of references: Cite 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support
your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more than five years old.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style.


For this assessment, you may choose from the following options as the context for the quality or
safety issue or chosen diagnosis for researching and completing this assessment:

● The specific diagnosis you identified in your previous assessment.
● The simulation Vila Health: Determining the Credibility of Evidence.
● A personal practice experience in which a sentinel event occurred.


The purpose of this analysis is to better understand what constitutes credibility of journal articles
as well as websites. The role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse in incorporating
evidence-based research continues to growth in clinical practice. As quality improvement (QI)
measures to reduce safety risks continue to be emphasized, the need for evidence-based
models and evidence-based templates is growing. This type of systematic approach to
incorporating evidence-based findings allows nurses to make clinical and operational decisions
based upon the best available evidence. When the most up-to-date evidence-based findings are
utilized, patient-centered care improves outcomes and enhances the patient experience.

For this assessment:

● Explain the criteria that should be used when determining the credibility of journal
articles as well as websites.

● Support your explanations with references to the literature or research articles that
describe criteria that should be used to determine credibility.

○ Your identification and determination of credibility should be done within the
context of your chosen scenario for this assessment. For example, if you choose
to use the provided Vila Health scenario, your initial identification of resources
should be of resources that will best help address the presented issue. However,
if you are locating resources to help provide evidence-based care for the
diagnosis you identified in the first assessment, you may want to begin your
literature and evidence search from the databases that identified. Any of the
three scenario options are acceptable. So, pick the one that most interests you.

Be sure to address the following in this assessment, which correspond to the grading criteria in
the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so that you will know what is needed
for a distinguished score.

● Describe a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis,

Assessment #3

Create a 3-5-page submission in which you develop a PICO(T) question for a specific care
issue and evaluate the evidence you locate, which could help to answer the question.

Number of references: Cite a minimum of four sources of scholarly or professional evidence
that support your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.


PICO(T) is an acronym that helps researchers and practitioners define aspects of a potential
study or investigation.

It stands for:

● P – Patient/population/problem.
● I – Intervention.
● C – Comparison (of potential interventions, typically).
● O – Outcome(s).
● T – Time frame (if time frame is relevant).

The end goal of applying PICO(T) is to develop a question that can help guide the search for
evidence (Boswell & Cannon, 2015). From this perspective, a PICO(T) question can be a
valuable starting point for nurses who are starting to apply an evidence-based model or EBPs.
By taking the time to precisely define the areas in which the nurse will be looking for evidence,
searches become more efficient and effective. Essentially, by precisely defining the types of
evidence within specific areas, the nurse will be more likely to discover relevant and useful
evidence during their search.


For this assessment, select an issue of interest an apply the PICO(T) process to define the
question and research it.

Your initial goal is to define the population, intervention, comparison, and outcome. In some
cases, a time frame is relevant and you should include that as well, when writing a question you
can research related to your issue of interest. After you define your question, research it, and
organize your initial findings, select the two sources of evidence that seem the most relevant to
your question and analyze them in more depth. Specifically, interpret each source’s specific
findings and best practices related to your issues, as well explain how the evidence would help
you plan and make decisions related to your question.

In your submission, make sure you address the following grading criteria:

● Define a practice issue to be explored via a PICO(T) approach.
● Identify sources of evidence that could be potentially effective in answering a PICO(T)

● Explain the findings from articles or other sources of evidence.
● Explain the relevance of the findings from chosen sources of evidence to making

decision related to a PICO(T) question.
● Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar

and spelling using the current APA style.

Assessment #4

Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

● Length of video: 5–10 minutes.
● References: Cite at least three professional or scholarly sources of evidence to support

the assertions you make in your video. Include additional properly cited references as
necessary to support your statements.

● APA reference page: Submit a correctly formatted APA reference page that shows all
the sources you used to create and deliver your video. Be sure to format the reference
page according to current APA style

Create a 5-10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter, in which you will propose an
evidence-based plan to improve the outcomes for the Vila Health patient and examine how
remote collaboration provided benefits or challenges to designing and delivering the care.

● Propose an evidence-based care plan that you believe will improve the safety and
outcomes of the patient in the Vila Health Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based
Care media scenario.

● Discuss the ways in which an EBP model and relevant evidence helped you to develop
and make decision about the plan you proposed

● Wrap up your video by identifying the benefits of the remote collaboration in the
scenario, as well as discuss strategies you found in the literature or best practices that
could help mitigate or overcome one or more of the collaboration challenges you
observed in the scenario.

Be sure you mention any articles, authors, and other relevant sources of evidence that helped
inform your video. Important: You are required to submit an APA-formatted reference list of the
sources you cited specifically in your video or used to inform your presentation.

Make sure that your video addresses the following grading criteria:

● Propose an evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for a patient
based on the Vila Health Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Care media scenario.

● Explain the ways in which an EBP model was used to help develop the care plan.
● Reflect on which evidence was most relevant and useful when making decisions

regarding the care plan.

● Identify benefits and strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary
collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team.

● Communicate in a professional manner that is easily audible and uses proper grammar,
including a reference list formatted in current APA style.


Reflect on which evidence was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding the
care plan.

Your result:Proficient

Reflects on which evidence was most relevant and useful when making decisions
regarding the care plan. Faculty Comments:

I could see how you used evidence but this needs to be specific and relevant to Caitlynn.
Make sure you have the following kinds of sources- sources on CF, EBP models, rural
health and telehealth. Work on discussing each source- why it was relevant, credible, and
how it informed your care plan.

Competency 2

Apply an evidence-based practice model to address a
practice issue. Criterion

Explain the ways in which an evidence-based practice
model was used to help develop the care plan identifying
what interventions would be necessary. This requires a
particular evidence-based model, such as the Johns
Hopkins, Iowa, Stetler, or other.
Your result: Basic–Lists the ways in which an evidence-based practice model was used
to help develop the care plan. Faculty Comments:

The way you explain the IOWA model is well done, but this was not applicable to Caitlynn
and her situation and her family in the community. You will need to apply it to Caitlynn
and her family.

To achieve a higher score here you could have noted ideas on how to evaluate the
positive benefits to patient outcomes. What would we expect to see if this is working? Be
specific- no hospitalization, normal weight, med compliance etc…..

Competency 3

Plan care based on the best available evidence.


Propose an evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for the Vila
Health patient.

Your result: Non-Performance–Does not describe an evidence-based care plan. Faculty

Work on processing an evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for
Caitlynn.. To strengthen your level of performance here, clearly note specific nursing
diagnoses and interventions and goals specific to each diagnosis. Some dx may include:
Impaired Gas Exchange/Airway Clearance, Altered Nutrition (Less Than), Knowledge
Deficit, Caregiver Role Strain, and Risk for Infection. Additionally, to improve your level
of performance, you could have noted areas in which further information or data could
have been useful in developing the plan.

Competency 4

Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies
to lead practice changes based on evidence.


Identify benefits and strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to
plan care within the context of a remote team.

Your result: Basic-Identifies benefits or strategies to mitigate the challenges, but not
both, of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team.
Faculty Comments:

Good sta

Activity of the assessment

Dr. Copeland and Nurse Anderson discuss Caitlynn, who came into the ER last night and has
now been admitted to the pediatric unit.
Dr. Copeland starts the conversation.

Dr. Copeland: Nurse, can you give me an update on Caitlynn? I know she’s two years old and
she’s been admitted for pneumonia. Does she have any history of breathing problems?

Virginia Anderson: Yes, this is her second admission for pneumonia in the last six months. She
had a meconium ileus at birth.

Dr. Copeland: All right. Is she presenting with any other symptoms?

Virginia Anderson: She has decreased breath sounds at the right bases and rhonchi scattered
in the upper lobes. Respirations are 32 and shallow with a temp of 101.

Dr. Copeland: What have we done for her so far?

Virginia Anderson: The respiratory therapist administered nebulized aerosol and chest
physiotherapy. After the aerosol she had thick secretions.

Dr. Copeland: I see her weight is 20.7 pounds, and there’s been some decreased
subcutaneous tissue observed in her extremities?

Virginia Anderson: Correct. I noticed this too, so she might have some malabsorption of

Dr. Copeland: Have we done a sweat chloride test yet?

Virginia Anderson: Yes, and the results were 65 milliequivalents per liter. Also, the mother
reports that when she kisses her, she tastes salty.

Dr. Copeland: All right. Well, I think it’s fair to say we might be dealing with cystic fibrosis here.
Let’s get her started on an IV with piperacillin, and keep an eye on her temperature.

Dr. Copeland, Virginia Anderson, and Rebecca Helgo have a short consult. Dr. Copeland starts
the conversation.

Dr. Copeland: Let’s talk about Caitlynn Bergan. Her mother, uh, [checks notes] Janice, has
been informed of her diagnosis. I didn’t realize this when she first came in, but she doesn’t live
in Valley City; she’s in McHenry.

Rebecca Helgo: That’s a tough drive during winter. They’re over an hour away, aren’t they?

Dr. Copeland: That’s right. It was a toss-up between coming here or going to Jamestown, but I
guess the father — Doug — thought Valley City was the better choice. Anyway, I’ve put her on
Pancrease enzymes and we’ll be recommending a high-protein, extra-calorie diet along with the
fat-soluble vitamins — A, D, E, and K. I’ll update her pediatrician on her condition, and order
dornase alfa. Let’s see how she does with the breathing treatments. How are those going?

Rebecca Helgo: Quite well, actually. She’s too young to get her to do the huff breaths, but
we’re keeping the secretions thin and manageable with the aerosol treatments. I am concerned
about her day-to-day treatment, though. She’ll be back here with pneumonia if the parents can’t
stay on top of that. She’s at risk for impaired gas exchange and respiratory distre