• Pull your assignments from modules 1, 2, and 4 together into a logically organized assignment describing the population of interest, concern(s) identified, desired outcomes, PICOT question, literature review and strategy to collect data.
  • is to be submitted this week so that you can prepare a power point presentation to share with your colleagues next week.
  •  should be formatted per current APA and 10-15 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page. Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.


Determinants of Health

Rodriguez, Cindy

St. Thomas University


Corzo-Sanchez, Elisa

March 22, 2023

Determinants of Health

Health determinants can be categorized by physical determinants, such as access to clean water and sanitation; environmental factors, such as education and economic development; social determinants, such as poverty and inequality; and cultural determinants, such as an individual’s sense of security and autonomy (Park et al ., 2019). It is important to understand the intricacies of each determinant in order to accurately assess and quantify the general well-being of a particular population.

In this paper, I will analyze the determinants of health and the potential national outcomes that could improve the health of a particular population. The population studied in this paper will be the adults in the United States. First, I will define the determinants of health in adults in the US, followed by an analysis of the relevancy of these determinants and the implications of their presence upon the health of the population. This analysis will be used to derive the potential outcomes that should be included in a program designed to improve the health of the adults in the United States.

To begin, the physical determinants of health in the adult population in the US must be defined. Physical determinants are those factors which can be observed and can affect the health of an individual directly or indirectly, such as access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene, availability of nutritious food, and access to healthcare. In the US, adults have access to clean water from public sources, as well as through their own private wells and other water providers. Affordable and available sanitation systems, including sewage disposal and wastewater treatment, are also readily available to American adults. Access to nutritious food is typically available through commercial vending machines, grocery stores, convenience stores, and even farmers markets (Gomes et al ., 2022). Access to healthcare is also widely available, with a variety of private and public health insurance options as well as initiatives that focus on preventive care, such as the Affordable Care Act.

The environmental determinants of health in adults in the US can also be defined. Environmental determinants of health refer to the interactions and influences of human activities, resource availability, and biophysical resources that can have an impact on an individual’s health. These determinants include access to economic resources, education, housing, and transportation. In the US, there is a wide range of economic resources available to adults, from employment inco


Exercise 1.3

Rodriguez, Cindy

St. Thomas University


Corzo-Sanchez, Elisa

March 15, 2023

Exercise 1.3

Improvements in health outcomes or decreases in healthcare expenditures are common motivations for community-based health treatments, which aim to affect large groups in communities or the entire population. Institutions and community groups can implement measures such as new policies, educational initiatives, and other forms of intervention. This paper aims to identify three population-based and health-related initiatives, evaluate their efficacy in influencing outcomes and lowering health-related expenditures, and then examine the parameters employed in these interventions and any accompanying policy shifts.

Smoking Cessation Programs

Programs to help smokers kick the habit are a popular form of population-based intervention with the dual goals of lowering smoking rates and enhancing health outcomes. Everyone who smokes at our facility, including staff members and patients, can participate in smoking cessation programs. Counseling, therapy with nicotine replacement, and behavioral support are frequently included in these programs (CDC, 2022). These programs are designed to assist individuals in giving up smoking and lowering their chance of acquiring smoking-related diseases, such as lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

It is well-documented that smoking cessation programs successfully alter outcomes and cut the expenses of providing healthcare to their participants. Quitting smoking, as reported by the CDC, can cut the chance of developing lung cancer by as much as 90%, the risk of developing heart disease by as much as 50%, and the risk of developing a stroke by as much as 30% (CDC, 2022). In addition, it has been demonstrated that smoking cessation programs can save healthcare expenses by lowering the prevalence of smoking-related diseases and the costs associated with treating those disorders.

For this intervention, the target population consists of all people who smoke, regardless of age or other demographic factors. Counseling, therapy with nicotine replacement, and behavioral support are the components that make up this method. Some policy shifts have occurred as a result of smoking cessation initiatives (CDC, 2022). These shifts have included higher tariffs on tobacco products, smoke-free workplace laws, and public education campaigns regarding the risks connected with smoking.

Vaccination Campaigns

Vaccination campaigns are another type of population-based intervention for better health outcomes. Vaccination campaigns against infectious


Module 4 Assignment

Rodriguez, Cindy

St. Thomas University


Corzo-Sanchez, Elisa

April 9, 2023

Module 4 Assignment

PICOT Question

The PICOT question drawn from assignments in modules one and two is “How effective are smoking cessation programs(I) in reducing cases of cancer and diabetes(O) in smokers (P) as compared to continuing the habit during medication (C) when applied for six months(T).”

Treatment for patients suffering from heart conditions and cancer, especially lung cancer, proves non-effective when a smoker is still in the habit (Stone & Paul, 2022). It applies to other types of cancer as well. Also, smoking patients under treatment for heart conditions have a rough recovery time. Additionally, their recovery procedure also takes longer than expected. In cases where they have undergone surgery, chances of long-term survival become low. This is because tobacco slows down the effectiveness of the drugs they are on.

Article Review for Smoking Cessation Programs

The first article was a study on how effective smoking cessation is for patients in cancer clinic centers. The article explains that cancer patients have a high tobacco exposure rate. According to the report, cancer patients are more likely to experience hardships while trying to quit smoking than the general population. Therefore, smoking cessation programs are an essential part of cancer therapy (Stone & Paul, 2022). The smoking cessation programs that would best serve this purpose include tobacco quitting campaigns and imposing heavy taxation on tobacco products.

Additionally, the federal government can set up policies governing tobacco use in collaboration with the world health organization. These cessation programs should emphasize the need to quit, provide warnings about the dangers of using tobacco and raise smoking bans (Stone & Paul 2022). The use of smoking cessation programs would help reduce the number of people smoking tobacco, positively enhance their health concerning cancer, have fewer diagnoses of cancer cases, and lower the demand for tobacco products. Contrary to this, when compared to quoting the habit without utilizing these programs, the demand and supply for tobacco products will still be the same, with high chances of bouncing back to the habit due to ready availability and decline in the recovery process.

The second article emphasizes smoking among healthcare facilities’ leading causes of high mortality rates. It causes premature deaths, especially in patients who are suffering from diabetes as a result of tobacco abuse (Zamzuri et al., 2021). The article also highlights that the deaths caused by this habit are preventable. To ensure the p